Friday, September 18, 2020

"Those who don't know their History--- are condemned to repeat it."

Tom's Journal. Hi Friends, It's so very true about the title on this blog post... that "Those who don't know their History --- are condemned to repeat it." It is wise for one to learn from other people's mistakes, and then maybe you won't have to suffer the same way in the future. Even the Army is always testing many things, but many think that mixing the women with the men is/ was the wrong thing to do. Remember the old saying: 'Our is not to ponder why ---Ours is but to do or die.' Soldiers are trained and disciplined to TAKE ALL LAWFUL ORDERS. They are not like the BLM ilk and Antifa, who only know how to terrorize, tear down, loot, murder and start fires. I bet most of them never did an honest days/ work. Actually, I would bet that, 'a hard days work and a glass of water would KILL them! Ha! This is why the KJV Bible [or the NASB] ARE SO VALUABLE, and full of wise instructions for every part of human life. Just name a subject and I will show you where to find it in the Bible. But... I KNOW how to study. Best to sit in a quiet room or outside under a shade tree, with no radio or cell phone, and just READ! You will also want to have paper or a note book and pen, also yellow highliters for places that you want to remember, study and memorize. When you dig a little deeper in the book of Genesis and Noah, some folks figure at that time there might have been about a million people on Earth --- but only 8 was saved in the world wide flood. We believe it will be about the same way when the Lord returns with the Rapture. I have been in the great, wonderful country of Germany, where those folks are proud, super skilled workers, investors, top medical people and beautiful ladies, in 1968 and I loved it there, and tried to learn the language. In the past they made some big mistakes and after WW-2 they knew that they could never return to Nazi Socialism again. They are doing OK right now, except that there seems to be few real, biblical Christians there anymore. I am afraid that the Germans are into Materialism big time, these days, and that hurts me to that hurts me to think that not many will be with Christ when that special day comes. I love t he German people, Norway, Sweden, and many other races and countries. The fine people of Norway used to be huge fans of my humble blog -- but I must have said something that offended them, because now they are not reading me so much. Sorry for my sins and ignorance. Hal Lindsey is a very smart, well educated Christian gentleman. I love to read his short and long articles! Warm Regards, Thomas G Schuckman Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70, and Soldier of Christ. Fri, Sep 18, 2020 10:54 am Hal Lindsey ( To:you Details September 18th, 2020 This week on Hal Lindsey Presents, we continue our series on "The Coming of the Last World Superpower." On this program, we look at the other great superpowers of prophetic history. Daniel 8 tells the story of four great world superpowers. The first one, Babylon, existed at the time of the prophecy. The others would follow in succession - the Medo-Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, and the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire would come in two phases. The Jews had newly arrived in Babylonian captivity at the time of Daniel's first prophecy regarding these empires. Babylon controlled much of the world and its capital city was considered impregnable. After Daniel had been a captive almost 70 years, Belshazzar became king. The new king knew the Medes and Persians were bearing down on Babylon, but he had great confidence in his military and especially in his nation's defense technology. Babylon's walls were 100 meters high, and at the top they were wide enough for 5 chariots to ride abreast. The Euphrates River ran through the city. To protect it from a water assault, they had great bronze gates that lowered down into the river. They thought it was unassailable. Belshazzar held an event to celebrate the invincibility of Babylon. It was not a buttoned-up state dinner, but a drunken orgy. As the revelry reached a high point, a giant hand appeared in the room. The terrified crowd watched as it began to write on the wall - "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." But no one knew how to interpret the strange words. At the queen's urging, the king called on the man who had served the great King Nebuchadnezzar in decades past - Daniel - to interpret the writing. Maybe you remember the amazing interpretation from Daniel 5:26-28. "God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it... you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient... your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians." Later that night, the impregnable city fell to the Medo-Persian Empire. Over 200 years before Alexander the Great was born, Daniel prophesied that the Greeks would take over the Medo-Persian Empire. And it happened. You've heard of Alexander the Great, but there is more to his life than most people realize. On this program, I will tell you about his extraordinary encounter with the God of Israel. I hope you can join me for this week's Hal Lindsey Presents. Look for it on Daystar, Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time. Or, you can watch it online anytime at or If you missed any episodes, you can catch up by visiting God Bless, Hal Lindsey mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147 email: web: Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

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