Tuesday, September 22, 2020

We are in the "King of the South" Group.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/ tschuckman@aol.com Hello Friends and Gentle Readers, It seems to me that if you relax, calm down, shut of that nerve racking TV, for a few minutes [or hours] and crack open the Bible. Finding the O.T. book of Ezekiel, Chapter 38, and just read the whole chapter [to get a good foundation]. There we find out that the 'King of the South' and appears to be a group of nations including the USA that have somehow signed a treaty of peace with the 'other group,' the King of the North. Well, what was recently in the News? President Trump of the USA some how got Israel and some of her former enemies to put away their swords and get along/ also do commerce. People never thought they would see THIS ! But that is what is happening now in these crazy times on the planet. When there seems to be no LIGHT at the end of the tunnel and the economy and Stock Market isn't doing well, among all the fears and tears --- We Christians can gather around the Word of God and rest a little easier. Warm Regards, Thomas G Schuckman

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