Monday, October 5, 2020

Punish the Perps who sent us the Virus.

Tom's Journal. Dear Friends and Readers, Someone sent me this short piece that came from the UK, where they are trying to take legal action against the 'China-virus' jerks who sent it our way and poisoned the entire WORLD. No one gets away with anything, and in time the scales will be balanced --- by Man or SOME ONE much higher and powerful. I don't think I am a revengeful person, but it's been my experience growing up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and other places, that the mean bully in the school yard will never stop doing harm unless someone puts him in his place! The KJV Bible tells us that there have always been bullies and jealous people on Earth even in the original "Garden of Eden." One hateful brother killed his own brother after the human family got kicked out of the Garden. We all need to live by a set of fair, just, rules and laws, or else we would have anarchy. Nowdays the Dems-Socialist create Anarchy in our big cities all the time because they THINK they want a "One World Gov't of Elites" ruling over the rest of us.... duh. Those dummies... that has already been tried many times and always fails after hurting so many people. Warm Regards, Tom Schuckman Is there anyone willing to transcribe (a Sacred Labor) this complete, well researched Scientific Factual Presentation by this Courageous.. Lawyer.. It could be the Foundation of a Corona White Paper and its Fruits! And can be used to quote Facts and Legal opinions of the Corona Fraud Scandal..The truth needs to get out to the People!! The more people on the same page the better.. This will pull the Masks from those criminals who have used the Corona Scandal to further their One World Agenda.. AmericAwake ... WorldAwake.. James Thank-you Thanks be to Charlotte... A Very Courageous Lawyer... Exposing the Lie and The Liar.. Speaking the Truth into the Lie. Gives the Facts.. Pray for his safety. This gets to the Foundation/History as to the reasons for the Corona Fraud Scandal.. And Hopefully we can get the Guilty ones into Court.. AmericAwake WorldAwake JT Dr. Reiner Fuellmich 36.8K subscribers Crimes against Humanity Image removed by sender. Crimes against Humanity THIS MUST BE FORWARDED OVER AND OVER AGAIN ALL OVER THE WORLD. WE CAN ALL CONTINUE TO BE APPALLED, SHOCKED AND TO BE FORWARDING INFO REGARDING THE GREATEST CRIME THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN, OVER. THAT IS GOOD, BUT IT IS NOT ACTION. WE CAN GET ON BOARD THESE INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS BAND WAGON TO BRING THIS CRIME TO A HALT. WHAT MUST BE DONE IF WE WANT TO HAVE A FUTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN IS: INVOLVE OURSELVES IN BRINGING DOWN THESE EVIL PEOPLE WHO ARE ON A ROLL WHILE WE WATCH AGHAST, THINKING THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO. Kim Fletter sent through the following very important information a couple of days ago. We should All be contacting credible lawyers in our states to follow up on what is being done in Michigan. Sat, Oct 3 at 11:25 AM Do you know any attorneys who have not been indoctrinated by the liberal colleges who know our Constitution & are willing to stand up? Please pass this far & wide in hopes of waking people up. Kim Michigan State Supreme Court Strikes Down Emergency Powers Law Image removed by sender. Michigan State Supreme Court Strikes Down Emergency Powers Law Kyle Olson The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday struck down a 1945 law that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has been using to kee... GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt Former Senior Policy Advisor U.S. Department of Education

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