Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dearborn, Michigan...... Sorry folks.

Tom's Journal.

Hi Folks,  Well,  here we  go again,  back into the 2014 Winter DEEP FREEZE !!   I have heard some nice, retired, and working old people tell me  that THIS WINTER has been the coldest, snowiest, that they've ever experienced, and I have to believe them, out of respect to their sane, age.   Even my Dodge Ram, 4 by 4 is slip sliding away when I hit a patch of black ice, hidden under the snow.   I am so blessed to have a strong, pretty,  wife, who LIKES TO WORK !!!  Wow!  And, IF possible, I intend on taking her on a nice, long trip down South to get a sun tan, and eat plenty of brain food --FISH, crab, lobster, shrimp, or what ever she wants!  PTL !   IF, the Lord Wills it.   I just want to "show her" with deeds, not talk, that I care for her, and respect all her great works, skills, accomplishments, and kindness...  IF we can afford it.   I can actually start right now in Feb. by being kinder and more loving, through word and deed.   The local pastor just left me a work sheet called:   The Husband's Role in Marriage.   And I've already read and answered some of the questions.   Evidently, many Christian husbands need to review and work on these challenges, and I am up t o that task.   And there are no more dogs in the house now....  except ME !  Terri M. Schuckman, my fine wife,  still has a bunch of birds, many fish, and 9 cats in the basement to take care of, feed, and yell, meow, chirp,  for her time!!   I prefer more peace and quiet in my simple life -- having had so much other excitement in my past.

But...    Just think about living with hundreds and thousands of illegal immigrants surrounding  you, speaking a foreign language and pushing their Islamic religion, etc ? ? ?   The short below piece of INFO shares that frightening scenario with you!
      I honestly didn't have all that much hatred against the Viet Cong and NVA soldiers over in Vietnam: 68-70, because I knew  that the Communist leaders over there brain washed the people who served in their armed forces, and it seemed like a BIG AMERICA was invading their farms, rice paddies, hills and valleys, or so I thought as a 19 year old, fresh off the farm plow, young man.   We all did what we had to -- to survive, and sort things out later, if and when we survived.   I have  told many folks back at home, that my 2 years in Vietnam was a 'walk in the park' compared  to the next 40 some years back home, trying to make sense of that jig saw puzzle.   But now, at least I know why God permitted me to live and survive !!  I don't mind sharing my personal story with mature, open minded, serious people, especially Combat Veterans.  My email:   And sometimes I even give out my personal phone number, to the right kind of people that need some extra help.  
       Some folks can and will handle my story and pictures, but others just cannot.  It takes, HUMILITY !  Please, NEVER think that God has abandoned you, dumped you, thrown you to the lions or dogs, or that you are "too sinful, and going to hell, for a fact!"  Because that just isn't true !!   Frankly, even though I TRIED to walk straight, I stumbled and fell many times, even after I KNEW,  after I learned the Truth, and was SAVED !!!   Not bragging --- just telling you all that even though or time is short on Earth, there is still time left to enter God's Army, and know for sure that  you can and will GO TO HEAVEN !!   There is a  simple [too simple] truth I, and others can give you, why this fact is so!   Don't give up, and hold on to  your hat, but maybe you can learn a powerful secret, a hidden key, from me,  Tommy Schuckman, on 02-06-14.   I will be age 65, in 14 days, but never thought I would live THIS long ! 

Right now, friends and readers, Father God is still using His good angels to collect the last humans to be 'saved' from damnation and hell....  to be 'taken UP to a special, hiding place, away from when the horrible pain, anger, killing and destruction starts, down here on earth, called at Matthew 24, the "Great Tribulation."   It will begin shortly after the 'Rapture' comes to hide us, and protect us, and we will NOT have to suffer death!!  Wow, Again !    If you never get to see me in person, you can see, plainly, in the KJV Bible,  JUST READ THE 2  BOOKS of John, and Romans, to get a complete view of the, "Gospel of Jesus Christ" --- and then move on to read, and digest the rest  of the Bible, and also find a good, healthy, Bible preaching church in  your area...  if you can, as they are scarce these days....   sorry.  People like me are still around to teach, share, and lead you to the truth and salvation of Jesus Christ, and then  you can continue to grow in the Lord.  I always recommend checking out:  The DEFINED KJV Bible.   see:   -- for an in expensive, great brand  of the Bible that will help you move fore ward.   You can also read, ON-LINE:  The Sword.,  etc., and different other Christian Blogs that will help you. 

I am so happy to say that my new diet is WORKING, slow by sure.   Thanks for all of your prayers !!
    My wife had to buy a SECOND PC - Key board, that fixed our, because when I pushed they keys -- no letters where printing on my emails, etc.  I think that I am right [correct] MOST of the time, even though Terri is very smart, well educated, and wise.  I am a bit older.   She  had a chance to take her two daughters out for supper, right over the border, in Wisconsin tonight, and I finally got to see the new baby  girl, Eleanor,    She has brought so much happiness into the family, and what a peaceful, good looking baby !!

My two daughters,  Sarah and Barbara >>>>>


Dearborn, Michigan......   Sorry, Folks.

This is from a fellow who lives and works in Dearborn!
Can't work in the school system front offices if you don't speak arabic now
and need to know many dialects as some Arabs can't understand others arabic language
Everybody goes back to the homeland for months and expects to get passed on to the next grade
it's crazy as I am at ground zero on this
kids (assuming girls, can't tell for sure) roaming the hallways in full blown burkas
kids attending classes that can't speak or understand English
all school monies are being moved from the English end of town (irish, polish, italian etc etc kids) to the east end  (95% arabic) in the attempt to prop up the poorly performing schools .
6th graders are reading at a 3rd grade level , forget math and sciences
but everybody gets free breakfasts and lunches. after being dropped off in Land Rovers, and the car of choice here  Mercedes or Escalade. it is very common to have 3 families live in 1 house
all garages are being converted into living spaces complete with stoves (against all codes ) and the city council can't find the nerve to enforce the safety regulations
cars end up parked all over the streets affecting snow plowing, garbage pick up, ambulance runs
I'll send you some pics as I take them
If this doesn't scare you, you haven't been watching what has happened to our country in recent years.
I  bet you can't guess what this is!
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Well,  it's part of the instructions for how to apply for food  stamps in the great state of Michigan in Arabic !!
Read  on:
I  actually called the Michigan Dept  of Human Services
to  check this out and it is true.
Have  we gone completely nuts!!
Muslim  men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into  the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow  plural marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up  as extended family on welfare and other free Government  programs!
Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the  United States .
When President   Obama took office the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians , ( All Muslim ), immigrated here from Palestine . Why? We don't pay  for other persons to immigrate here, and I'm sure that some of those Muslims  moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established  there.
So  now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to  “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”! CHECK IT OUT  YOURSELF - Here is the number               1-888-678-8914         1-888-678-8914 .
Every  time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional  number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to  learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why  are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for  themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?
Press  3 for Arabic.
This  is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely , for, as far as  I know, no public announcement or opportunity to vote on this was offered to  the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely  using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or  approval.
The  following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance   page,
(as  in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the  assistance-letters options for ... (get this) ... English, Spanish, and ARABIC!!!
When  did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our  governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing  3 for ARABIC?"
Check  it out for yourself.
(When  you get to this web site, just click on the FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS button -  those forms in Arabic are listed as ending in AR!!)
Please  inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is  outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the  tent!
 Thank you Obama.  You promised change and you've  certainly kept your word  !!

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