Saturday, August 23, 2014

How did it Happen? Septic Shock.

Tom's Journal.

THIS IS WHAT I HAD FROM MY NASTY INFECTION FROM MY MOTORCYCLE MISHAP IN MAY 2014 !!  The trouble is:   People like me never figure that it could happen to them !!   If it were not for my smart, beautiful wife, Terri's quick responses that fateful morning, I would have been dead in the next 24 hours !   We always learn the true nature of things retrospectively....  and that early morning at the  hospital, I could not remember my name, rank, or RA [Regular Army dog tag number] number, etc., nor the month and year !   That was very scary for me.   The ICU was a nightmare, with a witch running it, an RN, who needed a shower with soap, and a course in proper manners, etc.    But the very next day, I pulled thru, and got back about 99% of my brains back, and had some very kind, smart nurses taking care of me.
       I sold that goofy old 650 Kaw., on off the road motorcycle 3 days latter after the accident, and got most of my money back.  It was poor judgment on my part to pick out the wrong kind of bike, thinking I was still age 21... lol.  

Beware:  Septic Shock,  It's a killer !  Praise the Lord,  Jesus Christ.

Septic Shock

Written by Shannon Johnson
Medically Reviewed by George Krucik, MD
Part 1 of 6: Overview

Septic Shock

Septic shock is what happens as a complication of an infection where toxins can initiate a full-body inflammatory response. It often occurs in people who are elderly or have a weakened immune system.
It is thought that the inflammation resulting from sepsis causes tiny blood clots to form, which can block oxygen and nutrients from reaching vital organs. As a result, the organs fail, causing a profound septic shock. This may cause a drop in blood pressure and may result in death. In fact, septic shock is the most common cause of death in intensive care units in the United States (Fitch, et al., 2002).
Doctors have identified three stages of sepsis:
  • sepsis, when an infection reaches the bloodstream and causes inflammation throughout the body
  • severe sepsis, which occurs when infection disrupts blood flow to the brain or kidneys, leading to organ failure. Blood clots cause gangrene (tissue death) in the arms, legs, fingers, and toes.
  • septic shock, when blood pressure drops significantly. This can lead to respiratory, heart, or organ failure and death.
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Part 2 of 6: Symptoms

What Are the Symptoms of Septic Shock?

If you recently had surgery, have been released home, and experience any of the symptoms below, immediate medical treatment may be necessary. The earlier that treatment with antibiotics and intravenous (IV) fluids can be administered, the greater a person’s chance for surviving septic shock.
Symptoms of septic shock require that only one of the following signs be present:
  • patches of discolored skin
  • noticeably lower amounts of urination
  • confusion
  • problems breathing
  • abnormal heart functions, such as palpitations or rapid heart rate
  • chills due to fall in body temperature
  • extreme weakness or lightheadedness
Part 3 of 6: Causes and Risk Factors

What Causes Septic Shock?

Sepsis can be caused by any type of infection: bacterial, fungal, or viral. Bacterial infections often develop while a person is still in the hospital. Sepsis commonly originates from:
  • abdominal or digestive system infections
  • lung infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, or lower respiratory tract infections, which are responsible for around 25 percent of cases (NHS)
  • urinary tract infection
  • reproductive system infection
Certain factors such as age or prior illness can put you at greater risk for developing septic shock. This condition is especially prevalent in newborns, older people, pregnant women, and those with suppressed immune systems because of HIV or cancer treatments. In addition, the following factors will also make it more likely that a person develop septic shock:
  • major surgery or long-term hospitalization (increased risk of bacteria)
  • diabetes
  • injection drug use
  • ICU patients that are already very sick
  • exposure to invasive devices such as intravenous catheters or breathing tubes, which can introduce bacteria into the body
Part 4 of 6: Diagnosis

Which Tests Are Used to Diagnose Septic Shock?

If you have symptoms of sepsis, the next step is to conduct tests to determine how far along the infection is. Diagnosis is often made with a blood test. This type of test can determine if any of the following factors are present:
  • bacteria in the blood
  • problems with clotting due to low platelet count
  • excess waste products in the blood
  • abnormal liver or kidney function
  • decreased amount of oxygen
  • electrolyte imbalance
Depending on your symptoms and the results of the blood test, there are other tests that a doctor may want to perform to determine the source of your infection, including:
  • urine test
  • wound secretion test (if you have an open area that looks infected)
  • mucus secretion test (to see what type of germ is behind the infection)
  • brain and spinal fluid test
In cases where the source of the infection is not clear from the tests above, a doctor might want to get an internal view of your body using one of the following:
  • X-rays, which allow a doctor to get a good view of the lungs
  • computed tomography (CT) scans, which give the doctor a view of possible infections in the appendix, pancreas, or bowel areas
  • ultrasound, which allows a doctor to view infections in the gallbladder or ovaries
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which gives doctors a view of any soft tissue infections, such as spinal abscesses
Part 5 of 6: Treatment

How Is Septic Shock Treated?

The earlier sepsis is diagnosed and treated, the more likely you are to survive. Once sepsis is diagnosed, you will most likely be admitted to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for treatment. Doctors use a number of medications to treat septic shock, including:
  • intravenous antibiotics to fight infection
  • vaso pressure medications – drugs that constrict blood vessels and help increase blood pressure
  • insulin for blood sugar stability
  • corticosteroids to help with inflammation
Large amounts of IV fluids will be administered to prevent dehydration and help increase blood pressure. A respirator for breathing may also be necessary. Surgery may be performed to remove a source of infection, such as draining a pus-filled abscess or removing infected tissue.
Part 6 of 6: Long-Term Outlook

Long-Term Outlook for Septic Shock

Septic shock is a severe condition, and more than 50 percent of cases will result in death (NHS). Your chances of surviving septic shock will depend on the source of the infection, how many organs have been affected, and how soon you received treatment after your

Hi Guys,
I wonder just how many of the people that read this humble web site come here to read "MY WORDS" -- than leave the page without reading the rest of the text that I first found important enough to cut and paste....  because I thought originally that it was set and framed in a 'better way than I could frame it.'   Hummmm.   Anyway,  that is why I think happens to my own wife, as she see much of my material to be "DRY" and too heavy for her to wade thru...  lol.     Let's face it, friends,  MOST OF THE WORLD feels that same way !   Sorry.    Even folks that attend church tend to sleep half way thru it.  They lack discipline, and then wonder how and why they get caught flat footed when a dire emergency knocks on the door, or their community.
     The VA doc has got me taking another oral antibiotic again, as they found some bacteria on my skin that they are afraid might migrate back into the leg wound....   dang !  The nasty Med is called:  CEPHALEXIN  500 mg., and I do believe that it has also given me the runs!!   I hate the runs!   You are afraid to pass gas, if you know what I mean...  duh.    My VAMC "Wound Specialist," Steve G, has become a friend of mine, and he is so helpful, kind and professional, besides smart as a whip, and well respected among his peers, IMHO.   He believes that I am making progress,  but ever so slowly in my opinion.   There is so much contagious DISEASE out in the world these days !!    And I am NOT trying to play, "Chicken Little... and the sky is falling, friends !   But we humans are in line with several "Killer" situations, each by themselves with enough power and might to wipe most of us out!  
        That is why I am NOT ashamed to cling to my gun and my KJV bible,  for comfort and joy !!   And my last post:   "SWEETER THAN HONEY" changed most of my personal opinion about "Preppers", etc., not totally dumping those ideas,  but putting them in their proper prospective.   Because God has our backs, is in full control, I believe that He wants us to depend on Him more so than to place all the emphasis on OURSELVES.  Just my opinion.

And I just received in the mail:   THE BIBLE'S HEALING CODE REVEALED.  --  by Brian Chambers.  Great Info !


How Did It Happen?

Q.  I know I am saved, but I don’t know how it happened. I am hoping you can help me understand.  Paul tells us we were included in Christ when we heard the word of truth the Gospel of our salvation, and having believed, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit, the guarantee of our inheritance. I believe and have accepted this.  However, in 1 Cor. 2:14 Paul also said “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” and in 1 Cor. 12:3   “… and no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except in the Holy Spirit.”  Do we first need to seek the truth about Jesus? Does the Holy Spirit then come to us, work on us, and enable us to truly believe in Jesus? Is it only when we finally accept the whole truth that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit?

A.  Ephesians 1:13-14 gives us the order.  First, we heard the Gospel and believed it.  Then the Lord sent the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance.  Paul confirmed this in 1 Cor. 2:12 when he said we’ve been given the Spirit of God to help us understand the things that God has freely given us.  In other words He gave us eternal life and then sent His Spirit to help us understand what he had given us.
When you were first saved you didn’t understand everything that meant, but you were still saved.  Now that you are saved the Holy Spirit is helping you understand all that you’ve been given and as you do you experience a deeper level of belief.
In 1 Cor. 2:14 Paul was describing the difficulty of discussing religion with an unbeliever.  Without the Holy Spirit he can’t understand it and thinks it’s foolishness.  In 1 Cor. 12:3 he said that only a believer can truthfully say, “Jesus is Lord” because only a believer wants Jesus to be Lord.

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