Monday, May 18, 2015

"How to Trick Your Body... into feeling Better."

Tom's Journal.

I just could not sleep for being so uncomfortable so early this morning, and so I am spending a few minutes on my  PC [Personal Computer].   I think that I have some challenges adjusting to the seasons U.P. here, and also get itchy welts and bumps.   I will check into that soon, too.  
        Warning:   I just got an email from a friend about the "Occupation, Jade Helm, down in Texas"  -- and it doesn't sound good.   I keep thinking about my History studies and Germany when the highly cultured, intelligent German nation somehow 'ALLOWED' Socialism into their society, in the 1930's.   People ponder:  "How could that even happen ??"   Well,  the same thing is happening right here in the good old USA, today !     Hey!  I guess that all it takes is the average person getting too wrapped up in this everyday rat race, just trying to scratch out a "living" -- to sort of fall asleep at the switch, and then it is too late!   But the Bible is so accurate with all of this stuff coming to pass 'IN THESE LAST DAYS... AND "END TIMES."   And, somehow I was blessed enough and favored to be born at this crucial time in History to experience this event --- and even MORE blessed to have been Saved, and understand just what the KJV Bible explains ! !  PTL.     It's my [OUR] right and duty to help disseminate, spread, share this Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the H.S. is so powerful that it almost forces the "Born-Again", Christian, Believer, to share this, and 'work/ prepare' ways to size people up to see if they might be receptive to the truth of the bible, and then just speak to them !!  
       The old idea is:   When/ If someone discovered a cure for cancer or Diabetes,  would they not want to SHARE that great News with others and not worry so much about profiting $$$$$ from it ??  But the scriptures say,  'You received free -- so GIVE FREE !'   In fact, if we did charge to share the Gospel,  we would get into serious trouble with the Lord.  Read:   John 3: 16.   But...  to take things one step farther,  if we are to die for our Faith, so be it.   God does not want cowards:  Revelation 21: 8. 

I hope y0u good people can learn a few things from my short blog post this morning, as I climb back into bed now @ 0325.   We are getting our fair share of rain U.P. here, but nothing compared to other places, points West and South.   I need the sun to dry up and repair my messed up facial skin and get my Vitamin D... and out beautiful Lilac trees are blooming now !  They smell so good but don't last all that long.   Too bad we couldn't 'bottle it' up and drag it out latter in the Winter time.

I just also figured out lately, that instead of worrying too much about our dire, sour state of national and international affairs --- and how things MUST GET WORSE,  let us all encourage one another and be active in the Gospel sharing work, NOW, before the Rapture comes !   One day we will ALL be standing in front of God's great and lofty throne --- and have to account for all the time we wasted just laying around, being unproductive and LAZY!     Friends and Readers:  At least get some piece of the action NOW/ TODAY, BEFORE THE RAPTURE, or before we get injured / killed, or die !   Make hay while the sun shines, and push yourselves!    You don't have to be a Blogger like me, but just read the 4 Gospel accounts of Jesus' life, plus the book of Romans, and that will begin to prepare you, along with nighty prayer.   Ask God for wisdom, strength, understanding and knowledge, and then just open your mouth.   It's kind of like a Soldier -- and War.   You want to gain/ get a piece of the action before it's all over !   But we real Christians train for "Spiritual Warfare" every time we crack open that grand Book, the KJV Bible.   See:  
    Please  pray for me and my wife, Terri, too.

Warm Regards,
Tommy Schuckman

How to Trick Your Body into Feeling Better

There are quite a few irritating and annoying sensations your body experiences during the day, the kind that most of us would love to know how to get rid of. How does one deal with an itchy throat? How do you make a burn go away? And generally, how can you get rid of various pains? This list will teach you how to treat all of these issues with relative ease.
Health Tricks
1. Itchy Throat? Scratch Your Ear
An itchy throat is a nuisance, and one that is difficult to get rid of unless you know this trick. When the inside of your throat feels itchy, it’s virtually impossible to scratch, and in many cases, a loud cough is not socially acceptable. Luckily, the throat and ears are part of the same system, and according to Dr. Schaffer, head otolaryngologist in Advocare, NJ, when you stimulate the nerves in the ear, you create a reflexive reaction in the throat, causing it to contract, relieving the itch.
2. The Right Ear Processes Speech More Effectively
Researchers from UCLA Medical School found that the right ear can process the faster rhythm of speech better than the left one. The left ear, on the other hand, is much more efficient at processing music. If you want to hear someone speaking in a crowd, try turning your right ear towards them. If you’re attempting to listen to a song or melody, use your left ear.
3. Mind Over Bladder
According to Dr. Larry Lipshultz, head of urology in the Baylor College of Medicine, if a man feels the need to urinate but doesn’t have the opportunity – he can think about sex. By keeping your mind on sexual thoughts, you distract your body from the need to urinate, since the two cannot co-exist. It is important to remember that holding your bodily functions for too long is unhealthy and even dangerous, so be sure to relieve yourself as soon as possible.
4. Coughing is a Painkiller
Pain is the body’s way of warning us about damage to the body, but sometimes this warning is more of a distraction than helpful. Surprisingly, it’s very easy to overcome – researchers from Germany discovered that when patients were asked to cough while being injected, they felt no pain. The reason is that once you cough, your body increases the pressure in your chest and spine. This pressure blocks pain signals from moving up the spine, effectively working as a painkiller.
5. Use Your Tongue to Ease Congestion
You can find plenty of decongestants at your local pharmacy, but there’s an easy, natural way to do that, which requires nothing special from you. What you need to do is alternate between using your tongue to push up against the roof of your mouth and applying pressure between your eyebrows using your finger. This action “shakes” the nasal bone, releasing the congestion within 20 seconds.
Health Tricks
6. Sleep on Your Left Side to Prevent Acid Reflux
Dr. Anthony Strippoli, a gastroenterologist from Florida, says that several studies have shown that by sleeping on your side you reduce the likeliness of suffering from heartburn. The esophagus and stomach are connected at a particular angle. If you lie on your right side, your stomach is positioned higher than your esophagus, making it easy for stomach acids to travel between them and causing heartburn. If you lie down on your left side, however, the stomach now rests below the esophagus, which will prevent stomach acids from escaping.
7. Rub Ice on Your Hand to Relieve a Toothache
A Canadian study discovered an interesting phenomenon: When you rub ice on the back of your hand, on the area that connects the thumb and the forefinger, you can reduce the intensity of toothaches by up to 50%. The nerves in that part of the hand stimulate a part of the brain that blocks pain signals coming from the face and hands.
8. Make Burn Blisters Vanish
We’re taught to put ice on burns to reduce their intensity, but the truth is that lukewarm temperatures work better. If you’ve gotten burned, clean the affected area and apply light pressure to the spot with the pads of your fingers, and run it under lukewarm water. While ice will numb the pain, returning the area to the normal temperature will prevent swelling and blistering.
9. Stop “The Spins” When You’re Drunk/Hungover
We keep our balance thanks to the Cupula – which is located in our ear, suspended in a liquid and with the same density as blood. When you drink too much alcohol, it dilutes the blood in the cupula, making it lighter than the liquid it is in, which in turn makes it float. This unnatural behavior confuses the brain and causes a loss of balance. To stop this from happening, you need to provide the brain with a “second opinion” – place both hands on a stable, horizontal surface. This will give your brain another source of stability to rely on, thanks to the sensitive nerves in your hands.
10. Prevent “Stitches” When You Run
Most people have experienced the feeling of “stitches” while running – a sharp, intense pain in your side, which makes it hard to breath. This often occurs because we exhale when our right foot hits the ground, which puts pressure on the liver. The pressure on the liver causes it to “pull” on the diaphragm, making it very difficult to breath. To prevent this from happening, make sure you exhale when your left foot hits the ground.
Health Tricks

May also interest you:

11. Safely Stop a Nosebleed
If you get a nosebleed, most people would tell you to tilt your head back and apply pressure to your nose. While this method seems logical, it actually is quite dangerous, especially for children. When we tilt our head back, the blood flows down and may enter the respiratory system, which can cause suffocation and even death. A less-known, but far safer method, is to apply pressure with your thumb and forefinger on both sides of your nose, where the bone ends. Alternatively, you can place a piece of cotton wool on the inside of your upper lip, right in the center of the gums.
12. Slow Your Pulse Through Breathing
Whenever you get over-excited, and you feel like your heart is about to burst out of your chest, you can slow it down with a simple breathing technique. The nerve in charge of your heart rate is the Vagus Nerve, which can be controlled by rhythmic breathing. All you need to do is place the tips of your thumbs on your lips, and breathe through them (to slow down your breathing).
13. Quickly Stop a “Brain Freeze.”
If you enjoy a frozen treat from time to time, you’ve probably experienced the irritating pain of “brain freeze”. When first you eat something frozen, you shock the nerves in your mouth, which confuses your brain into thinking it’s freezing. To compensate, your body heats up instantly, causing the intense pain. To relieve this sensation, push your tongue against the roof of your mouth, making sure to cover as much space as possible. The more pressure you apply, the faster the pain will dissipate.
14. Improve Your Eyesight
In many cases, nearsightedness is the result of strain on the eye muscles, which is a result of the discrepancy between our natural field of vision and the demands of modern life. In other words, staring at screens too closely can lead to the eye muscles stiffening, making it harder to see objects that are further away.
Since we can’t directly control our eye muscles, we can relax them by using a roundabout technique. By relaxing other muscle groups in your body, you can trigger a relaxation of the eye muscles. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and hold it in for a few seconds. When you exhale, loosen the muscles in your body. Another way to do this is by flexing and releasing your arm muscles or even your buttocks.
15. Last Longer Under Water
When we dive, it’s not the lack of oxygen that makes us desperate for air. Instead, it’s the accumulation of CO2 in our blood. To extend the time it takes the CO2 to accumulate in your blood, you need to practice controlled hyperventilation. This is done by inhaling and exhaling quickly multiple times, before taking that last, big breath. The rush of oxygen to the blood reduces the levels of CO2 and tricks the brain into thinking that the blood is oxygenated enough, and there’s no need to panic.
Health Tricks
16. Quickly Stop “Pins & Needles.”
If you’re suffering from the achy feeling of pins and needles in one of your limbs, you can make that feeling go away in a simple manner. If the feeling is in your arms, tilt your head from side to side several times and the tingling sensation will dissipate within 60 seconds. That is because the tingling sensation often occurs due to tension in the nerve endings located in the neck. By relaxing the neck muscles, you ease the strain on those nerve endings. If your legs “fall asleep”, on the other hand - get up and walk.
17. Improve Your Short-Term Memory
Professor Candi Heimgartner of the biology department at the University of Idaho explains that memory processes that occur during sleep are the most effective, so anything you learn before bedtime will be registered better in the long term. This means that if you have a test or a presentation tomorrow, study the main points before you go to sleep


May the 18th, 2015
1445Hrs; M.S.T. (Arizona)
Lyle J. Rapacki,Ph.D.
Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist
Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment
Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst
U.S. Border Intelligence Group
ASIS International
Association Former Intelligence Officers
Association of Threat Assessment Specialists – Arizona ATAP
International Association Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts

ICE Director to Congress: We Follow Obama’s Policies, Not Law

Published on: April 17, 2015
If your employer gave you a directive to do something that was against the law, particularly federal law, would you do it? If you are the director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and your name is Sarah Saldana, you would follow your employer’s directive and commit a crime. In a testimony before a House Budget Committee subcommittee, Rep. David Young (R-Iowa) voiced concern about reports that ICE officials were not sure whether to follow the law and enforce it as it is written, or follow a unilateral directive issued by the White House via Barack Hussein Obama that basically relaxes “deportation efforts against what they call low-priority illegal immigrants.” These days, that is code for “everyone who crosses the border” – especially when in groups of 20 or more.
Young stated in the hearing with Saldana, “If I had policies that were contrary to the law, I would understand if they didn’t want to follow them. I would expect them to follow the law first.”
In response to this, Saldana replied, “And that’s where you and I probably have a fundamental disagreement.”

The back and forth began when Young asked Saldana to respond to Obama’s comment in February, when he said ICE officials needed to follow the White House orders to relax enforcement against immigrants it has deemed to be a low priority for deportation. “If someone’s working for ICE, and there’s a policy and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it,” Obama said then.
Those “consequences” have been widely interpreted to mean ICE officials could be fired for not following Obama’s new instructions on immigration.
Saldana then had the nerve to compare Obama’s directive to ignore/violate the immigration law to a normal directive any company or congressman might give an employee or staff person.
Saldana stated, “I imagine you have staff that you expect to comply with your directives and your policies. I imagine the typical employer in the United States has employees who they expect to follow their directives, their policies.”
When Young asked Saldana if “she sees Obama’s comments as a threat to ICE officials,” Saldana laughed and said, “A threat? I’m here of my own volition and will. I’m just trying to help the United States of America and our country on issues that are so divisive.”
Young, in a radio interview with Simon Conway in Iowa later in the day, said he was “floored by Saldana’s statement,” and “couldn’t believe her answer.”
If this had been any other administration and the first time any head of an agency/department had overlooked the law in favor of the whims of the “emperor” Obama, many would be “floored” and in disbelief. However, this is status quo for the Obama administration and Obama so it is just business as usual to follow directives, no matter the law.
In average America, if your employer/supervisor told you to do something contrary to law and you did it, especially federal law, you would be committing a crime and held accountable – no defense of “following directives or policy” would be allowed. Their stance would be that you are obligated to follow the law first. In other words, you would not be allowed the “Obama defense” as afforded to Saldana, Lerner, or any other of Obama’s lackeys.
This is not talking about a directive or policy such as “no fraternization” or “no smoking, drinking or drug use while on the job.” Those are directives or policies issued by employers. This is about telling officials to violate the law on a “say so” by the president. The president is afforded by the Constitution the power to issue executive orders; but, only to ensure the “the laws be faithfully executed.” No president has the authority to issue an executive order to instruct agencies and their personnel to violate constitutional law nor to usurp authority to become the legislative branch. Basically, it’s Obama’s “policy” to not follow the law and make the law on his own so he is instructing others to follow in his lawlessness.
I wonder how the IRS would react if everyone decided not to pay income tax or the unconstitutional Obamacare “penalty tax” because the law was not liked by the people or their employer told them not to file their annual return? You can bet they would disagree with pulling a “John Boehner” and Saldana’s argument that employer directives should be followed despite the law. The IRS would take every possession from you and throw you under the jail for such action; unless, again, you are Al Sharpton, a member of Congress, or anyone in a federal government position.
What is of particular interest is her comment “I’m just trying to help the United States of America and our country on issues that are so divisive.”
The United States of America and our country? Excuse me, but the United States of America is our country. Her statement makes it sound like she is negotiating some agreement between two countries – the United States of America and the country in which she aligns herself. Being this concerns illegal alien invasion across our southern border, surely she isn’t suggesting that she’s helping Mexico, as well as the United States, at the direction of Obama. At this point, one could believe that would be true; after all, it is Obama and his whimsical orders she’s following.
Based on the attitude of Saldana, one can practically assume that the law is basically no more, at least where the government is concerned with following Obama’s orders seem to trump the law. Congress is basically a “front.” No longer is it a checks and balances branch against the executive and judicial. The law is now what Obama says it is, according to him, and Saldana echoes that sentiment. If truth be told, Congress follows it as well or they would follow the remedy of impeachment as prescribed in the Constitution.
This country has morphed, “transformed fundamentally,” into the law of man. When one man in a country has the authority, by hook or by crook, to suspend law, rewrite law, make law, order agency heads about like a “military commander” and ignore the law, it means that country is a dictatorship or monarchy. When laws apply only to the common average occupant of that country and not to those in official positions or those favored by the government, it means that country is an oligarchy. The United States, once a proud constitutional republic based on the protection of individual rights and equality under the law, is now, unofficially, a dictatorial oligarchy, a country now ruled by the law of men, unequal in its enforcement and subject to change at a whim.


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