Hi Friends,
Have you ever thought that you were intelligent enough and well schooled, but someone else that you like to hang around with just 'says things better ??' Well, that's how I feel about Jan Markell, and her weekly update: "Understanding the Times." She really lays it out there, nice and simple !
I am feeling a bit better today and things have calmed down.... and I am so happy right now with peace of mind. I think all my friends and readers like me better when I am not so 'stressed out' and in a 'defense mode.' Little Mercies and Grace from the Father in Heaven are so welcome in our every day madness. When I am in a better, well adjusted mood [PTL], I tend to help other people as much as I can, in different ways. I am sorry if I keep repeating myself or using some "Mantra" --- like "study your KJV Bible every day, and reach out and touch someone with the Gospel and Salvation." But for me, it's like an anchor and heavy duty rope that is tied to a secure mooring or dock, with armed Soldiers guarding things in all corners.
I'll tell you all something strange that goes on in a war... Amid all the fighting in the field every day with strike missions written every early morning in the "Flight Platoons" barracks, the Sargent and the planners write with a 'grease pencil' on a large mission board, all the different flights and missions for that day, with names and ships [helicopters]. So we looked at that hurriedly as we sometimes squeezed in some nasty Army breakfast and then walked or road to the Flight Line to prepare for take off, getting guns and ammo ready and inserting everything into/ on your scheduled ship [a term we used to mean a Helicopter] A ship is a "Vessel" that CARRIES something or someone. But every night or late after noon when we all came home [alive] we either took a shower [if it worked] or went to the EM Club for a few beers, to chill out and unwind, or have a small steak grilled outside the Bar, for one dollar. Remember we didn't earn all that much money in those days of: 68-70. As Sp/ 4, I drew something like $409/ month, take home ... so rank meant more money ! But when I got out of the Army in 1970, $20 could buy 4 bags of groceries and feed us for a week ! Smile. My point is: When we all got back to our base / or post in Vietnam, we could rest assured that we had relative PEACE and Safety !! Of course the VC could fire rockets and mortars at us anytime they wanted, or felt safe, but perhaps you all get the idea. Well, that was OUR war, so people said, but a Soldier only follows Orders that big wheels in Congress order. Some things never change.
Another huge point that I want to make today is: 'That God "ALLOWS" things to happen, and for a reason !' God doesn't get any pleasure in seeing his people get killed, maimed, hurt, hunted and tortured. The fake in the WH COULD do so much to help, save, alleviate the wholesale slaughter of Christians and other victims in the Middle East ! ! Not to worry, he and all his ilk will surely be accountable to God in the long run. And yes, it takes real guts to be a Christian now days ! But it's worth the effort if you understand what the Biblical Heaven is. Not 70 virgins ! Just think of all the holes in that 'belief,' what kind of Paradise do those 70 virgins get... duh? Are women to be treated like cattle and only for a man's pleasure? God gives the females love, respect, kindness and the husband is supposed to love and cherish them. Just read the book of Ephesians.
Warm Regards,
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