Thursday, October 22, 2015

The "president's" 21st Christian holocaust.

Tom's Journal.

Hi Friends,
    The subject of this post is something that I know I can do, and so I WILL DO IT !   I also know that many of my gifted friends can help me.   In this case,  I don't think that 'praying'  is enough, although I will now start to concentrate my prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ.   Ah,  we are all having some sort of dilemma in our lives now,  but most of us do not suffer physical torture, rape, murder and loss of all freedoms and liberties,  yet.   It's just crazy how a few choice people have so much power as to permit all the massive suffering in the world...  that Christians are being snuffed out every day, and we must come to grips that it will happen here in America, too, soon enough, so the Bible says ! !  
      Well,  personally, even though am disabled,  I am not leaving everything up to "Chance" and just "Wishes."   I still have the power of the pen, and my lips still work OK.  
THANK ALL THE KIND FOLKS WHO READ  MY HUMBLE BLOG POSTS ON A REGULAR BASIS.... and now I ask you too, to  acquire more spirit, truth and strength,  to write your leaders and just spread the word,  PLEASE !

I have had a very hectic week, especially with all my doctor appointments, with more to come tomorrow, and my power scooter LIFT is kaput/ disabled so I cannot get around very well, and my COPD is such that I fight to get my wind/ breath when ever walk more than a few steps, and few people care anyway, as I hardly ever get a hot meal here anymore from a rebellious spouse who admits that she is into "Women's Liberation !"   So just how does a Christian [albeit, an imperfect, sinner man] deal with that ?   Any advice, friends and readers?   I know what my pastor would say....  'just work on your own flaws and pray more... Tom.'   OK,  I can and will do just that, too.   I would like to visit my daughter in CO if I had the money for travel, etc., and I really want to see and visit with all my grand kids !    But there is not much money left after I pay all the bills.   
       At least the sun is shinning here where I live today.

Warm Regards,

The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic persp

NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 
Thursday, October 22, 2015
The "president's" 21st Century Christian holocaust

This week, The Daily Jot has been pointing out policies of the current US "president" that have resulted in persecution, rape, mutilation, beheadings, crucifixions, displacement, human trafficking and a host of other humanitarian crimes perpetrated by Islam against Christians. It is difficult for many to suspend their disbelief long enough to understand that these policies are purposeful and appear to be aimed at the extermination of Christians in Muslim-dominated countries throughout the Middle East and Africa. To these families who have been murdered or have had to watch their children or parents tortured and murdered, the persecution is real. It is true tribulation. Every Christian has a duty to stand against it. 

Enough of giving the benefit of the doubt. There is no doubt. The doubt is erased with each Christian life being snuffed out by these bloodthirsty beasts. What did Jesus say in Matthew 25:40, "Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me"? These Muslims torturing and killing our brethren are doing this to us as well. We just don't see it or feel it. But we need to be made aware and uncomfortable because it is the new holocaust. That our "president's" policies have empowered and enabled these atrocities not only makes him culpable, but any who have the ability to do something to stop it, responsible. We all must unite together and make this a national discussion. 

Think about this: On November 29, 2011, Pamela Geller wrote about US policy that allowed the UN to pick what refugees come to the US from the war-torn Middle East. Of course, the UN was and is choosing Muslims to resettle here by the hundreds of thousands. The State Department and Customs have repeatedly said that they have very little way to determine whether there are terrorists among them. Common sense answers that question. But get this: Geller wrote in 2011, "...we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom..." Now a report by Aid to the Church in Need documents that US policies are contributing to the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Middle East and Africa.

History is going to judge us. Moreover, the Lord is going to judge us. Are we the generation that allows the collapse of the only political body on earth that despite its flaws stands for religious freedom and freedom of speech, and protects those who have no ability to protect themselves? Are we the generation that will say from the comfort of inside the four walls of our self-improvement churches, "I'll pray for them," instead of taking action? Are we the generation that will be identified with those of the 20th Century and turn a blind eye to the holocaust of the 21st Century? Our brothers and sisters are being tortured and killed in the name of Christ and our "president" and Congress are allowing it. What say we? What can you do? Everything you can--get on your pastor about it, talk about it to everyone, make it an issue. Lives are in the balance.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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