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United States
Foreword in Finnish:
Hei ystävät ja lukijat Suomesta,
olen kuullut kirjan ja lukemisen alaa koskevasta kääntämisen kattavasta lisää uutisia suuri maa. Ja historia-luokka, opimme mitä urhoollinen, rohkea, sotilaat olivat neuvostoliittolaisen Venäjän armeija hyökkäsi, monia vuosia sitten. Ja U.P., jossa minä asun, kaukana pohjoisessa Michigan, USA. Olemme suhtauduttiin ehdottoman tekopyhästi moniin aiheisiin, Suomen ovat koulutettuja, kova työntekijöitä.
Kunnioitamme kaikki maahanmuuttajien vaurastumiseen, töitä ja huolten huomioon amerikkalaisten kieltä ja kulttuuria... ja suomalaiset on kunnioitettava yhteiskunnassamme.
Kovaa, Anti-American, islamilainen söpöt jo kapuloita rattaisiin ylpeä maa... ansiosta meidän " viinirypäleistä' Obama nämä kahdeksan viime vuoden aikana, mutta hyvä puhemies, Legal, Donald Trump pyrkii parhaansa peruutus ja siivota etuusjärjestelmää. Monissa maissa yrittäjäluonteen häviämiseen ja myös he kärsivät sen jälkeen Rapture Jeesuksen Kristuksen, lähitulevaisuudessa, mutta monet ihmiset voidaan saada Saved (Tallennettu) välähtää ennen kuin tämä toteutuu, jos ne olla nöyriä ja taivuta polvi naamaan Herramme ja Vapahtajamme, Jeesuksen Kristuksen !! Ota myönteisiin toimiin nyt ! Lue ja tarkastele KJV Raamatun, ja unohdetaan rakkauden ja kuuliaisuuden esivallalle Herran Jeesuksen opetuslapsia. Oletko valmis RAPTURE ??
Oma sähköpostiosoite: tschuckman@aol.com
lämmin terveisin,
Thomas G Schuckman
---- vammaisten Vietnam veteraani: 68-70. Armeija, Helikopteri, 'door gunnerit," --- Huey
"Jeesus on herra." "Rauta terävöittää rautaa." --- Sananlaskut 27: 17.
Foreword in German:
Hallo Freunde,
nach dem Lesen der angrenzenden Evening News, on-line, heute Abend, über Nordkorea eine ICBM, Wasserstoff-EMP Rakete, etc., die meisten von uns Amerikaner können den Rest der mathematischen Gleichung zusammen und die Herausforderung zu lösen. Es ist eine ganz neue Ball spielen!! Es braucht nur einen Nuke mit einem EMP Gerät wirklich Durcheinander bis Amerika, oder jedes andere Land, jetzt! Spiel vorbei! Und das können wir nur danken unseren feigen politischen Führer aus, kaufte die Nordkoreaner mit Geld, Bestechungen in den letzten Jahrzehnten beide politische Parteien! Sie sollten aus Korruption und Verrat eingesperrt, zumindest, IMHO. [Meiner Meinung nach]. Unsere gute, Präsident Donald Trump ist jetzt etwas in Umfang, was seine Möglichkeiten ..... sind begrenzt, und ich glaube, dass die meisten intelligenten Menschen auf der Welt auch wissen was passieren könnte.
Vater Gott kennt die Zukunft, und nichts ist jemals gesagt über die USA------- Nordamerika, in der KJV Bibel über uns. Wir sind jetzt in Gottes Hand.
Meine Email: tschuckman@aol.com
Herzliche Grüße,
Thomas G Schuckman
Hello Dear Friends,
OK, now.... we have a whole different 'ball game,' now ! ! When a rogue, Socialist hermit, nation, has their hands on an EMP-- Hydrogen bomb, it's "Game Over !" And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the fatal conclusion that we Americans are under a 'hair trigger' radical, nervous, Communist finger, maniac. I am betting that the upper class military, professional war masters also understand what must now take place, if they know and understand President Donald Trump, at all. America doesn't have a snowball's chance in July, as to what we must do next.... sorry to be so graphic.
And the big trouble is: the KJV Bible concurs, IMHO.... sorry, again. You must understand that our Christian Bible never once mentions the USA, or America, in ANY WAY, not even ounce, ever. And that also cuts the number of serious "Preppers" down substantially. Think: How many Americans have a Solar, protected, EMP- proof, generator, and good, clear, potable drinking water and livestock ?? The 'average' American cannot even write out a good check for $700., let alone the $1500., or $2500., for a good sized Solar Generator ! That also includes ME !
And to think that both the Clintons and Obama's helped to placate, bribe, the North Korean's all these year, along with the "RHINO's" to allow our military aircraft and armored tanks, etc., to be "Red- X'd" into disrepair and the junk heap for the past few decades.... what a dang shame! Many heads SHOULD now roll, starting with the enemies of the State/ Nation. And why in the heck is Hillary Clinton still free to walk and troll the streets of freedom ?
In Army Aviation the Crew Chief has the power to "Red- X" a helicopter if it is not 'air worthy.' It's not like a Jeep, or a 'Deuce and a Half,' where you can just pull over the side of a road when it doesn't runs right. People, and Air Crews die, when a 'Chopper has a serious malfunction in flight. I would know.
But all this technical speak is about worthless now, when we could get Nuked at any time now! I guess that I will just hunker down now, and pray like man standing before the Judge, tomorrow. Those of us who are on electronic devices and special life saving Medications are S.O.L., now. I am so glad that I made it to church this morning, at 0800 hours.
And talk about the poor, messed up people in Texas, being saved to live another day, who have lost most everything they owned, God only knows what dire circumstances might befall the rest of we Americans on the morrow. Pray. A case of Spam just won't get it anymore. A smart man, and family will now put ALL THEIR TRUST AND FAITH IN Father God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. Please bless me, Lord Jesus.
My Email: tschuckman@aol.com
Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman
'Upper Michigan,' USA.
"Iron sharpens Iron." ---Proverbs 27: 17.
North Korea just demonstrated a breakthrough hydrogen bomb and EMP "super weapon" | |
The risk of a global thermonuclear war just skyrocketed by about 50%. Last night, North Korea exploded what they claim is a hydrogen bomb -- a thermonuclear warhead that can also be deployed as an EMP super weapon. This means North Korea can now bring down the United States of America with a single, high-altitude detonation that would kill 90 percent of the population (in the aftermath of an EMP attack). Things have now reached a tipping point. Massive military strikes on North Korea are now inevitable. Click here for my full analysis and news video. |
Eating almonds found to accelerate the body’s mechanism for eliminating high cholesterol By Rhonda Johansson | Read the full story |
College students "triggered" into a state of total hysteria over the spotting of a banana peel (seriously) By Tracey Watson | Read the full story |
Sponsor: 4 Foods That Unlock Your Body's Energy Production |
AUTONOMOUS PLANES now weaponized as pesticide delivery platforms to inundate farmland with toxic chemicals By Tracey Watson | Read the full story |
"Marketing claims" attack on Gweneth Paltrow’s GOOP is a distraction from the truly dishonest medical cons: Prescription medications By Vicki Batts | Read the full story |
Sponsor: The average person encounters 100 chemicals before breakfast... check out our revolutionary solution. PollyPure.com |
Dark chocolate, olive oil combination found to protect the cardiovascular system By Russel Davis | Read the full story |
Sponsor: 1 Simple trick to reverse your Diabetes, naturally (while getting off drugs ASAP) |
It's now more important than ever to have a backup emergency food supply With the constant threat of homegrown terror attacks, the North Korea threat, and experts concerned about imminent earthquakes in California, it makes sense to have a backup emergency food supply. Numanna Organic Family Packs and Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food contain uniquely clean, lab-verified, storable organic food -- without the toxins, preservatives, chemicals, and poisons found in mainstream survival food. Arm yourself with the best today. Learn More » |
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