Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Homeland Security Warning.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/

Foreword in Polish:

Kurczę, szczęśliwych ludzi w Polsce:
Ja właśnie się zastanawiam, jak zimno jest w Polsce i w Niemczech. Bo gdzie ja mieszkam, w górnym, Michigan, USA, śnieg i silny wiatr lumene pobyt ! Sorry, faceci, ja po prostu nie lubię zimy jak i w miarę dorastania dzieci. I ludzie starsi boją się upadku na lód i złamania nogi lub głowę. Ale musimy jak najlepiej go i miejsce naszej miłości i zaufania do Boga Ojca--Yahweh. Mam również i wpajać jej bliski związek z mojego Pana i Zbawiciela, Jezusa Chrystusa. Ponieważ możemy tylko dostać się do nieba przez okup krwi ofiary na krzyżu, że Jezus poniósł dla nas wszystkich !
Jesteśmy tylko na ziemię na krótki okres czasu... jak 70--90 lat, a następnie przechodzimy do innego świata, niebo lub piekło. Zapisz swoje srebro i złoto w tajnym ukryte miejsce i nikomu nie jeden ! Zaopatrują się w towary w puszkach i mrożoną żywność i czystej, wody pitnej i leków, itp.
Jestem również Ostrzarka do noży i mam skromną kolekcję noże ostre, jak: ColdSteel.com --- i Buck noże. Jeśli więc islamskich terrorystów postanawia przecina szprewą -- wszyscy chcemy mieć coś w naszych rękach oprócz banana czy marchewki ! Wlej wódkę na bok, a zaoszczędzą Państwo na dobrej jakości, nóż do cięcia z góry autentycznej wyspie Kiska !
Z serdecznymi pozdrowieniami,
Thomas G. Schuckman
Email: tschuckman@aol.com
Mateusza 6: 21 "Albowiem gdzie jest skarb wasz, tam będzie i serce wasze".

Hello  Friends:
    It was a very cold, WINDY day U.P. here in Northern Michigan.....Brrrrrrrr !   And we have got to wonder just how many layers of warm clothes we need to wear -- even in our heated houses to keep [normally] warm.    But as for now, I am just renting an OLD house, that we tried to 'Winterize,' but the wind still comes right thru the walls and windows....  Ha!   If things go right, we expect to buy an house come Spring... if the good Lord wills it.   I think that would make house number 5 for me to buy in my life time.   It's been my experience that the LOCATION is KEY !!   I know how to repair things --- if my worn out body and joints co-operate, and I lose more weight.   Or I could hire some friend or expert worker, too.   I miss working with wood, also welding.  
        However,  I am 'lucky'  [Blessed to be alive] to have escaped death so many times, and amputations !   I must have been super crazy when I was younger, taking too many chances at work and play.   Now days, I just count my blessings with my large print KJV Bible on an Oak easel   that I built a few years back.    I intend to carve a few signs and scriptures, soon.   I finally found some more of my tools that were 'hiding' in the garage, and else where.     I sold my good welding tools to my young landlord -- too cheap.   But I figured that my back and legs hurted / pained me so badly  that I would never use them again.
       Now that I am remarried to a fine, kind, helpful, caring wife,  Loretta Jean,  I am more hopeful that I can lose more weight,  as she knows how to cook the more healthy veggies, and I eat more fresh fruits and salads.    I believe that Loretta is a blessing from God--Yahweh !!   I gives thanks and study my Bible, daily !  
        I just wanted to share a new, favorite, scripture with you, today.....    Mathew 6: 21,    "For where your treasure is,  there will your heart be also."     And this is the same great chapter that the "Lord's Prayer,"  is found.   But some pastor will say that Matthew 6: 9, should be called,  'The Sinner's Prayer.'    But it's really a 'Model Prayer,' taught to us for example of the 'main priorities' that the Lord wants us to understand and remember.    Because just before that prayer was given,  Jesus cleared the air by stating that real, true, CHRISTIANS Should NOT use 'vain repetitions' like the heathen ! !     Just click on the Link below that I dug up for you to get the clear, simple, sense and understanding of,  Matthew 6: 7   ---- before you kneel down with your 'love beads'  [rosaries].   The heathen /pagan people do their thing,   but that is NOT WHAT GOD WANTS !!

  1. Matthew 6:7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling ...

  2. biblehub.com/matthew/6-7.htm
  3. New International Version And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
  4. MATTHEW 6:7 KJV "But when ye pray, use not vain ...

    Matthew 6:7 KJV: But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

It's OK and correct to save some money, invest, put up food and canned goods aside for convenience and emergencies -- but just be BALANCED and 'Trust in the Lord.'    Use your heads when you see and hear warnings from Gov't people,  but also use common sense, and know that Satan the devil is the ruler of ALL HUMAN GOVERNMENTS in the world !   He is the master liar and also the manslayer and trickster.   Beware.    The Bible is our/ my TM [Technical Manual] issued by Father God - Yahweh.   And He is powerful enough to sneeze on Satan and crush him forever.   That day will come too !  But for now,  we will see all sorts of strange and horrible things, including more terrorist, Islamic attacks, hitting "soft targets" even in America, mostly because Obama-oink let them into our once great country,  even bussing then at night into our cities and giving them all sorts of free stuff that WE AMERICANS PAID FOR with our taxes !  
Sorry to say that most Democrats have moved into supporting Obama's B.S. and the 'One World Gov't, Mindset.'  

       And since we don't have enough LEO's and Soldiers to keep the peace here,  we need to be ready to protect ourselves.   We don't want to 'look for trouble,' but just be alert and PREPARED.    I don't want to get myself into trouble,  but because all my real friends know my 'back ground' as a Soldier and Protector....   just take it from there, friends.   I own a sword and a bow and arrows --- but now days  I am out matched by Muslim explosives and machine pistols, etc., even heavy duty trucks and Vans that might want to run us over.   
    Since most of the Congress and Senate lost their manhood and will not lift a finger to protect us,  guess what we, personally need to do now ?    Get prepared, also get closer to Jesus Christ and KNOW the Bible !    Just place a good copy of the KJV Bible, or the NASB, in full view where you normally sit down, as a reminder.   Unless you are ashamed of the Bible or what other people THINK of you......     I have a Bible in every room and one in my Ram truck 4 by 4, Dodge.   And remember that the Book is 'bullet proof.'    Think:   'Body Armor.'   

"For where your treasure is,  there will be your heart also."   ---  Matthew 6: 21.

Warm Regards,

Tommy Schuckman
Email:   tschuckman@aol.com 

Homeland Security warns “surge” of terrorism is coming

December 2, 2017

Homeland Security warns “surge” of terrorism is comingChameleonsEye / Shutterstock.com
President Donald Trump is right to praise his administration’s victories against ISIS. In Syria and Iraq, the terror group has been broken and pushed into small pockets in the deserts of both nations.
However, with the loss of territory, ISIS and other terror groups have returned to the “do-it-yourself” terror tactics that could soon have a direct impact on daily life in the United States and Europe. Now, Homeland Security is warning that a surge of terrorism is expected to hit the United States in the near future. 

The Department of Homeland Security has issued this statement:
“We are seeing a surge in terrorist activity because the fundamentals of terrorist activity have changed,” said Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke.

New Threat, Old Tactics

ISIS initially stormed through Syria and Iraq in order to create a new “caliphate” for all Sunni Muslims. Thanks to military offensives by the Syrian Arab Army, the Russian military, Iran, the Syrian Democratic Force, and an American-led coalition, ISIS’ empire has been reduced to rubble and ash.
This does not mean that ISIS is no longer a threat to the West, though.
As can be seen with the Halloween terror attack in New York City, ISIS is still capable of recruiting jihadis online, who, in turn, use trucks, IEDs, and guns to kill innocent civilians.

Homeland Security warns “surge” of terrorism is coming

December 2, 2017

Homeland Security warns “surge” of terrorism is comingChameleonsEye / Shutterstock.com
President Donald Trump is right to praise his administration’s victories against ISIS. In Syria and Iraq, the terror group has been broken and pushed into small pockets in the deserts of both nations.
However, with the loss of territory, ISIS and other terror groups have returned to the “do-it-yourself” terror tactics that could soon have a direct impact on daily life in the United States and Europe. Now, Homeland Security is warning that a surge of terrorism is expected to hit the United States in the near future. 

The Department of Homeland Security has issued this statement:
“We are seeing a surge in terrorist activity because the fundamentals of terrorist activity have changed,” said Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke.

New Threat, Old Tactics

ISIS initially stormed through Syria and Iraq in order to create a new “caliphate” for all Sunni Muslims. Thanks to military offensives by the Syrian Arab Army, the Russian military, Iran, the Syrian Democratic Force, and an American-led coalition, ISIS’ empire has been reduced to rubble and ash.

This does not mean that ISIS is no longer a threat to the West, though.
As can be seen with the Halloween terror attack in New York City, ISIS is still capable of recruiting jihadis online, who, in turn, use trucks, IEDs, and guns to kill innocent civilians.

This more asymmetrical plan of attack has led to a 68% increase in terror arrests in the last year in the United Kingdom alone.

What Can Be Done?

The DHS and FBI Director Christopher Wray both believe that the federal government can do more in order to stop ISIS 2.0.
Wray has come out in favor of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows the federal government to monitor and collection communication data based on foreign sources.
Unless renewed, Section 702 will expire before the end of 2017.
Even though Wray believes that renewing this legislation would help the fight against Islamist terrorism, he does admit that the decentralized nature of ISIS makes tracking their recruits much harder.
Some conservatives in the United States have proffered their own solution: cutting down on all Islamic immigration to the United States.
Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City attacker, was a winner of the “Diversity Lottery,” a program that rewards immigrants from unrepresented countries.  Saipov’s native Uzbekistan has one of the largest jihadi terror problems in all of Central Asia.
Some conservatives argue that ending programs such as the “Diversity Lottery” would put the U.S. at reduced risk of Islamic terrorism.
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One solution is universal. Citizens should be more vigilant and more prepared. If recent mass shootings and terror attacks have taught us anything, it’s that government help is often too long in coming to make much difference.
It’s up to everyday Americans to prepare themselves. With no soft targets, prospective jihadists may find their mission more difficult than expected.
This more asymmetrical plan of attack has led to a 68% increase in terror arrests in the last year in the United Kingdom alone.

What Can Be Done?

The DHS and FBI Director Christopher Wray both believe that the federal government can do more in order to stop ISIS 2.0.
Wray has come out in favor of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows the federal government to monitor and collection communication data based on foreign sources.
Unless renewed, Section 702 will expire before the end of 2017.
Even though Wray believes that renewing this legislation would help the fight against Islamist terrorism, he does admit that the decentralized nature of ISIS makes tracking their recruits much harder.
Some conservatives in the United States have proffered their own solution: cutting down on all Islamic immigration to the United States.
Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City attacker, was a winner of the “Diversity Lottery,” a program that rewards immigrants from unrepresented countries.  Saipov’s native Uzbekistan has one of the largest jihadi terror problems in all of Central Asia.
Some conservatives argue that ending programs such as the “Diversity Lottery” would put the U.S. at reduced risk of Islamic terrorism.
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One solution is universal. Citizens should be more vigilant and more prepared. If recent mass shootings and terror attacks have taught us anything, it’s that government help is often too long in coming to make much difference.
It’s up to everyday Americans to prepare themselves. With no soft targets, prospective jihadists may find their mission more difficult than expected.

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