Tuesday, January 9, 2018

11 Uses for Olive Oil.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/

  1. Bible Verses About Humility: 20 Scriptures on Being Humble

  2. www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/bible-verses-about...
  3. Humility is something that is gained and practiced as we grow in wisdom and grace. Take a look at these 20 Scriptures about being humble.
  4. What Does the Bible Say About Humility?

    Bible verses about Humility. OpenBible.info Geocoding Topical Bible Realtime Labs Blog. ... Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, ...
  5. Bible verses about the subject Humility: Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
  6. 25 Important Bible Verses About Humility

    Bible verses about humility You cannot get through your Christian walk of faith without being humble. Without humbleness you will not be able to do God's will.

Email:  tschuckman@aol.com

Foreword in Ukrainian: 

Здравствуйте, Дрібного народу України,
я можу лише побажати, що Америка більше людей з України сюди, з гарним робочих місць, забезпечення житлом та матеріальне задоволення. Від всього я прочитав перед, вони талановитий, найталановитіші, розумні люди. Я також впевнений, що існує безліч витончених християн там проживають, який також вивчати Біблію KJV ! Вони роблять найкращі сусідів.
У давні часи в Ізраїлі, так і за рубежем, молодий син вивчили торгівлі свого батька, а потім працював себе у світі, окрім набирає милою дівчиною і будівництво власного будинку і т.д. батько на землі і, звичайно навчити мене багато корисного на фермі, сільського господарства, тваринництво, культур, плюс полювання, риболовля, столярне тощо, я пішов до коледжу вчитися, зварювання, друк читання, математики тощо, а потім розпочати власну зварювання бізнес у Kenosha, Вісконсині, величезний, Озера Мічиган, на місто Мілуокі стороною. Я забрав мою дружину і 3 дітей до озера пляж і їх купували все морозива, багато разів! Наші діти допомогла вийти в домашніх умовах, але ми також брали кемпінги, багато веселих теж.
Тема сьогодні на мою скромну блог, є багато використовує оливкової олії. Насолоджуйтесь, і бути безпечною.
Теплий побажаннями,
Томас G. Schuckman
Email: tschuckman@aol.com
"Ісус моїм Господом і Спасителем, єдиним способом отримати до неба.

Hello  Dear Friends:
     At least our 'neck of the woods' is warming up a bit, and it's sunny outside...   Yes !   My wife and I are practicing a more strict kind of budget, now.   We are paying down the big bills that 'eat our lunch' with their  HIGH Interest $$$.   In fact,  I believe that CC's --Credit Cards 'are a legal way to rip off the "Working class !"    I think it's best to only own 2-3,  CC's  and pay them off, ASAP.   I have been stung before and only speak from experience and past hardship,  friends.  
        And now we have the BitCoin  --phenomena,  that I am just starting to learn about  ---  but the 'Jury is still out' on if they might be good for me or just another old rattlesnake moving in the grass.    And just like the laws of gravity:   'What goes up --- must come down.'   If I may teach some of the 'Laws of Finance' that I learned back in the 1990's.... at PFS Investments, etc.,   we all need to save and invest for retirement [but also have an "emergency fund"  -- or a pile of secret cash, especially after the super unscrupulous Congress and bad Presidents  raided our Social Security,  a few times in the past....    We should NOT count on our Social Security being there for us after we retire,  as "Baby Boomers."   And what a dirty rotten shame !     Socialism is even worse !   And I KNOW for sure that I have enough going for me --- to invest the flat, whole sum of my SS money if they gave it all to me now !   But most people don't...  sorry.   This is just a fair warning that may very well  BITE US ALL in the butt,  sooner, rather than later,  friends.   It would/ will surely hurt me a lot, too.    I would invest in silver, gold, platinum, copper, etc., NOW,  if I had the recourses, and less debt.    Too bad that most of us get educated latter in life,  and not earlier in life....     And studying the KJV Bible will certainly help educate us in the Financial world, too.   It's more than just a "GOOD BOOK."   Please check out a great, company that I deal with:   MMX  --MoneyMetalsExchange.com    ---from buying gold, silver, platinum and copper bullion....   before the price goes up any day now....

I do realize that people in the USA and the world can barely afford to live, breathe, and eat, pay the bills, rent -- or house payments --- from paycheck to paycheck.   But like my father taught me,  a man could work hard, plus some O.T.  [over time $$$] to save up a 'nest egg of money' and then sock it into a wise, sound, enterprise, or family business,  to get ahead, and start investing for a brighter future.   Personally,  when I was young and foolish,  and ignorant of the Bible teachings,  I lost most everything a few times and had to 'rebuild myself' twice,  mostly because I used poor judgment in picking the wrong women to hook up with --- but they never got ahead from stealing and taking my/  our  money and material goods.    Father God sees all, and only HE can and should "repay."    See:  Romans 12: 19,   please...  follow the Link   >>>>

  1. Romans 12:19 KJV - Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves ...

  2. www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+12:19&version=KJV
  3. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
  4. Where is 'Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord' in the Bible?

    Romans 12:19 (King James Version) Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I.

Why should we get into trouble because we cannot control our emotions or get tossed into jail for being vengeful ??   Give your burdens and anxiety to the Lord.    Allow the Holy Spirit to work on your "works of the flesh,"  and  Fruits of the Spirit,  found in Galatians 5: 22.  
       OK,  another type of investing is:   fatten up your stock of goodies, storage of food, canned goods, etc.,  including the good, pure,  Olive Oil !   That is what I 'cut and pasted' on my humble blog,  today.   Enjoy.

Warm Regards,
Tommy Schuckman
Email:   tschuckman@aol.com        ---- also on FaceBook.   Smile.


essential knowledge for end of days 


11 Uses for Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of those must-have staples for every homesteader. It truly stands alone in terms of its nutritional benefits and in terms of its many other uses around your home and property.

With its high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, which can help boost your “good” cholesterol (HDL) and lower your “bad” cholesterol (LDL), olive oil is also in rich in antioxidants that help fight inflammation in the body.

The cultivation of olives – and their precious oil – began around 5000 B.C. on Crete and its surrounding islands. Ancient Greeks considered the olive tree as a gift from the gods and, as a result, they incorporated its use into many religious rituals. The ancient writer Homer, author of the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey, referred to olive oil as “liquid gold.”
Others felt the same way – in the 6th and 7th centuries B.C., the Greek law punished the crime of cutting down olive trees with execution.
During the Roman Empire, olive oil became a trading commodity that spread throughout the known world.
Although ancient cultures used olive oil for cooking, they also discovered many other purposes for it, including everything from use for skin care and as a lamp oil. As you simplify your lifestyle and look for multiple purposes for the items in your possession, it is time to give olive oil another look.
Here are 11 uses for olive oil on the homestead that you may not have considered.
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