Monday, April 2, 2018

"AI --- Artificial Intelligence."

Tom's Journal.

Hi  Friends and Readers:
   I feel good today, at least mentally and emotionally because I finally paid off a huge bill/ debt, and it took me 3 years !   Now I can move on and do the same thing more effectively to other debts and bills,  I hope and trust.    One man said:   "Credit Cards are a legal way to rip off the working class people in America."    I agree.   I used to teach families how to get out of debt,  but even many doctors and lawyers go bankrupt and suffer.   All you need is an accident that wipes out your nest egg and savings to put you and your family in the hold.   Beware !

The subject below that I found very interesting was about China's development of AI ---  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, and Transhumanism.   And how the USA is also 'hard wired' to get the same crap in our country...  if they wanted.   Reading the books of Matthew and Revelation in the KJV Bible speaks about a time when there will be a "One World Government" under Satan's rule.   That is NOT the kind of place where I want to live.   But,  "God cannot lie."  --Titus 1:2.   And for all of those ignorant ones in the world who laugh and make fun of the Bible and Father God-- Yahweh,   they are totally diluted and will soon pay the price of not making the time to learn God's Word.  Some good Christian churches still teach the Biblical Truth,  but since it is written on a 5th grade reading level,  why not just get a copy and start reading it ??   It's much better than any great action adventure book or movie !   The trouble is:  MOST people on Earth are just too complacent, LAZY, and under the thumb of THEIR father,  Satan.   While "false religion" abounds now days and anything goes,  Christians are the most persecuted group in the World !   I guess it's like Investments.....  most young folks might think it's a good idea,  but they missed the boat by not investing early enough to "make their money/ investments work" for them.   I would know,  as I was once Securities Licensed, with PFS Investments.   And God's promises are as good as gold.

It's so good to know just what will happen in the future, and also what will not happen.   The world won't be completely consumed by a nuclear war --- because Father God is saving that part for Himself ---  the "War between Good and Evil."   See:  Revelation 16:16.  The more you know and understand [with the help of the Holy Spirit],  the better off you are.   Investing in a pure, honest study of the KJV Bible is the best thing you will ever do with your life,  dear friends.   It will also guard your hearts from being sucked into some False Religion...  see JW-Cult, Mormons, and many others, even 'main line religions' that have deviated from the Gospel truth.   Not to offend anyone, please.   Been there ---done that.   Yes,  I have been in false religion and what a waste of 22 years of my life !!   What a shame....
       Start out by reading the Gospel accounts and then read the book of Romans.   My email:  

My area is still getting clobbered with more snow.....ugh... grrrrrr. 
    I also request your prayers for my pain and arthritis,  please.   I am so blessed to have a good, caring, Christian, wife,  Loretta !   PTL.

Warm Regards,
Tommy Schuckman

"Iron sharpens Iron."  ---Proverbs 27: 17.


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