Thursday, April 12, 2018

USS Thresher Submarine.

Tom's Journal.

Foreword in German:

Guten Tag, Freunde aus Deutschland und Österreich:
Für diejenigen von uns, die den Herrn Jesus Christus in unseren Köpfen und in unseren Herzen halten, auch der Heilige Geist, können wir wirklich fröhlich------- sogar in einem faulen, sündig, gewalttätigen Welt. Viele Heilige, und die Gläubigen haben sich auf die leistungsstarke Denken und Wirklichkeit durch die Jahre, als Tyrannen und Diktatoren in Deutschland und Russland wahre Christen verfolgt. Und jetzt, selbst in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, wahr, liebe Christen werden verfolgt und misshandelt, 2018! Die KJV Bibel sagt: "Wenn Du diese Dinge passieren, halten Sie Ihren Kopf hoch, denn ihr wißt, daß eure Erlösung ist nahe."
Niemand will, Verfolgung und Misshandlung, oder Tod für den Glauben zu leiden, aber das ist der Preis, den wir müssen bereit sein zu zahlen unsere zielgerichtete Beheben und die Liebe zu Jesus, dem Herrn zu zeigen.
Leider besser, Länder von Macht und Reichtum scheinen, weg zum Straffen der meisten, und Satan Geld verwendet und Schatz Menschen zu sperren, wie sie ihren Glauben an Gott verlieren. Ja, manchmal die Armen und missbrauchten Menschen sind die Stärksten. Jetzt ist die Zeit, in der KJV Bibel tiefer zu graben, auswendig zu lernen und so viel wie möglich, vor dem Sturm uns alle trifft.
Meine E-Mail Adresse:
Herzliche Grüße,
Thomas G. Schuckman

Hello  Friends,
    I decided to post a forwarded email from a close friend and Navy guy - retired,  Greg Lesniewski, who has a ton of real life experiences to share with his own friends.   Greg is my email buddy and lives in Illinois,  USA.   I HOPE I am not out of line when I share a few moments with him, and he is also a Bible student/ reader.

My "inner circle" of friends don't just burn up the InterNet lines with intense Bible talk/ speak, nor wade into a constant rehashing of our War Stories,  but we pride ourselves on being a diverse group of knowledgeable people and coming from diverse back grounds, Faith, Disciplines, etc.   We try to be open minded,  yet we know that human beings can only gain Heaven through the merits of our Lord and Savior,  Jesus Christ.   Even without the aid of the KJV Bible,  honest hearted, wise, people can see that our World cannot stay on the same dangerous road without the distinct possibility of a nuclear exchange ---  just as two big guys on a block could have a profound disagreement or ideology and end up in a serious rumble.  
        I continually quote a few favorite Bible Scriptures, like:   "God cannot lie."  ---Titus 1: 2.   And so, there IS a firm reality of trusting in Father God's promises for all mankind,  and I think that everyone has at least a CHANCE of making peace with the Father and the Son, also gaining the beauty and strength of the Holy Spirit.  { "See:   Hebrews 12: 23- 24.}  In fact,  if we do have the Holy Spirit in us,  we can pretty much be assured of the glory of heaven !   And if the Holy Spirit ever gets "dampened" or subdued in us-- we are in deep trouble.  And just like our fleshly fathers on Earth disciplined us out of love and concern --- so too does our Heavenly Father --Yahweh [Jehovah] [YHWH], and perhaps we will only totally understand the Trinity after we get to Heaven,  folks.   "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth."   --- Hebrews 12: 6.     Please let me add..... that there is required SOME Faith and Trust is the Bible, although most things and subjects are plainly understood so that even a mere child can understand.   The KJV Bible is a beautiful, poetic, Shakespearean, perfect Book, written on a 5th grade reading level.   But,  we NEED the Holy Spirit to make good sense  of it.   And you can get the Holy Spirit in you simply be ASKING FOR IT !  

U.P. where we live, in the Northern Central State of Michigan, it's snowing again right now, with a prognosticated 2-3 more days of snow.   But that's not uncommon U.P. here.  Our Summers are a real Paradise, and it also gets very warm,  but we shall take what the Lord gives us.   We are well watered as the flowers, crops, trees in the mighty forest bloom and grow like weeds, with large species wildlife, like herds of deer and bears often stroll into towns and look of more food, etc.   Personally, I was always a strict "meat Hunter" and never for a trophy!   I obey the law and expect others to follow the rules of engagement, too.   Don't ever mess with the DNR.   They have strong legal powers.

But now, with the ludicrous Liberals gone wild and totally goofy,  they now want to take away ALL OF OUR FIREARMS,  but also our knives !!   How are we supposed to cut our meat and potatoes --- with a stone axe ?  Duh.....  Ha!    But even the Lefty-Losers will soon feel the pinch of hunger when the USA falls into a state of bankruptcy and want.    Other countries like South America and Africa are already eating their dogs, cats and Flamingoes.   I remember watching the Vietnamese younger boys picking around in the garbage dumps and eating the bad, rotted, food.   And the young boys would "sell their older sisters and pimp them" into prostitution.   There is still a lot of slavery in the world,  but at least President Donald Trump is doing something about it now.   Whereas past Presidents have actually took part in the "Lolita Express," provided by their billionaire buddies.   I guess that 'absolute power corrupts -- absolutely.'   Oinks like Obama have even 'weaponized' the IRS and used the IRS to persecute Conservative entities.    And the majors News Media, protected them all the way, and still do !   Sorry to rehash all of that,  but it bares repeating. 

Have a great, safe,  blessed day,  friends.

Warm Regards,
Tom  Schuckman


Gregory Lesniewski                   

Today marks the 55th Anniversary of the tragic loss of the USS Thresher, a Navy submarine. On a "shakedown" cruise after the performance of some yard work, the Thresher had begun to go into a routine dive testing her equipment at 0915. About 0930 some strange sounds were heard in what was to be her last transmission, as all contact ceased. It was the last anyone ever heard from her again. A few days later I was aboard my ship (USS Boston CAG1) as we headed out to sea on deployment. We steamed near the area where the Thresher was lost, seeing rescue/salvage vessels in the distance. It was a very somber quiet moment; all that could be heard were a few gulls flying overhead, the hum of our own ship as she sailed ahead, and the lapping of the sea against our hull. It was later determined all hands (including a few civilian "yard-birds") were lost in the tragedy. The remains were later found & photographed. She had imploded- - - been crushed by the pressure of the depths. Evidently she had exceeded her disin pressure and, for some reason, never recovered from the dive. I will always remember those moments as we steamed past - - - -  never heard such silence. It was yet another reminder of the dancers of submarine service. 

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