Thursday, August 22, 2019

How to Help Someone having a Heart Attack.

Tom's Journal.

Important... Continued from prior posts about the book of Revelation:

August 16th, 2019

This week on Hal Lindsey Presents, we go deeper into one of the most amazing chapters in all the Bible - Revelation 4. In that chapter, John is called up into heaven, just as we will be at the Rapture. What will that be like? What will we see?

John saw Jesus in His glory! So will we.

John also saw things that have left people scratching their heads for most of two thousand years. This week, we'll dig deep into those mysteries. I think you will come away with an even greater appreciation for God's word and its perfection.

For instance, what does it mean when Revelation 4 speaks of "the seven Spirits of God"? The answer tells us a great deal about the Holy Spirit and about God's triune nature.

The Trinity is another topic we will look into this week. How can the Lord our God be One, but exist in three Persons? Is this really taught in the Bible? You bet it is - from cover to cover. I'll show you!

And then there are the four living creatures. One is like a lion, the second is like an ox, the third has a face like a man, and the fourth is like a flying eagle. They have wings and they are full of eyes. There at the throne, day and night, they never cease to say, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come."

What does that mean? Who are they? What does this represent? The answer will knock your socks off!

Join me for this week's Hal Lindsey Presents as we go deeper into heaven!

Look for it on Daystar on Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time. Or watch the program online anytime at or If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hello Friends:
    I hope that all of my gentle readers are in good health and good spirits today as you read this post.  I am not trying to bum you out when I post things that are death or pain related,  but that death is a part of living, and all people and animals do certainly DIE. 
     Frankly,  most of my life I felt sort of invincible and indestructible, until I suffered a few bad, critical traffic accidents, etc.  And when a young man gets home from war and combat, that is another form of 'feel good mind set' --IMHO.  And we just have a hard time understanding how and why our old uncles and grandfathers 'walk so slow' or what "arthritis" and other infirmities are all about... until we also reach a mature age. 
    It is my humble opinion, that certain folks live totally different lives and super hard, demanding physical work schedules take a higher toll than what rich folks live and experience.  And if certain disease and disabling genes befell your mom and dad,  you might get the same in latter life.   Fact in point:  I was just watching some stuff about the past actor Patrick Swayze suffering multiple leg and knee joint operations because hard dancing takes so much out of our bones, etc., and comes at a steep price in life. 
      And being a part of kick butt organizations and Military groups forced a man to 'push the envelope' big time, and even that isn't good enough to survive all the time!  Just like,  I am proud of my many achievements in life -- but I also paid a pretty high price for those fond memories.  However, wise folks have told me that most of us end up in an old age home with substandard fare and care... sorry to say.  And so in that why, does it really matter what or who you were in past life?  As for me, I would much rather have lived an adventurous, super exciting life --- but with Christian values and good education, too.   OK, some would say that 'the ignorant live in bless and relative happiness.'  But I think that when it comes to everlasting life in one place or another --- I WANT and NEED to be educated in the Bible and fight the fine fight! 
   In the meantime, be all that you can be.

Christian Hugs, and Kindness,
Thomas Schuckman

What Is To Be Done…

According to the CDC…

…every year about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack.

Of this, 525,000 are a first heart attack and 210,000 happen in people who have already had a heart attack.

People without first aid training can still save a life…

Apply this immediately after someone's heart stops beating…

…and it can double or even triple the chances of them surviving.

PS: Tomorrow we will show you what to do when you run out of gas.


Survival Secret That We Lost To History

In case you've missed our last article...

What’s the Best Close Quarters Weapon

At a close quarter’s range, which is conversational range, say about 10 to 15 feet, the main thing will be if the weapons are deployed or not. Whichever one is deployed first gives the user the advantage.

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