Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Pray for our American Leader.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/


     Hello Friends,
        I had another doctor appointment today at the local Iron Mountain VAMC [Hospital] where I started to learn "Focused Breathing."  I took my wife so she could also benefit from my "free" program.  Trick:  if we first push out all the air in the lungs--- it will be easier to take a FULL DEEP breath, and from there it gets more involved, and I will mention a great book on that subject later, or just email me.  BTW, the benefits that we Veterans get from the Gov't and VA are NOT FREE!  We earned them, plus the fact that many deserving combat Veterans never got to collect them before they died, with many in poverty.  I try to share what I get, if possible, but not money... LOL.  
     My theory is that:  there may not be a sure fired 'silver bullet' for every disease and malady that we poor humans must deal with.  But we can and should learn a MULTITUDE of side measures that at least allay some of the pain and sorrow....  certainly including all the vast wealth and riches of the KJV BIBLE.  Just as Hal Lindsey points out today as I posted him about our dear, good president who is not perfect, but he has accomplished so much already !   Many time President Trump 'shoots from the hip' and causes trouble with his many "Tweets."  But we must take the bad with the good, and pray harder for him and us.   The Bible says that, 'There is wisdom in a multitude of councilors.'  
    And a good friend of mine who is also my counselor,  Ph.D Greig Patterson, is leaving for a warm S.W. State, and moving there with his family for good, and that will be a loss in my eyes.  He has helped me a lot and I even came to his church a few times with my wife.   He promised to hook me up with a few new combat Veterans who will be serving as Interns for one year, so at least he didn't throw me to the wolves.   
    The air temps here are now in the low 70's and up here, Winter is not too far away.   
    As a man reaches his 'old age' he looks back to see what he has accomplished in life and perhaps looks at his kids and grandchildren.  Has his life had hard times with poverty and lack of dignity?  I think that the more important point is weather he is finally stable NOW in his retirement years.   People have said:  "The best revenge is massive success."  I am not looking for any kind of revenge but just to continue making good friends and getting along with those I already know.  We know that things will not stay nice and peaceful forever because God's own BOOK says that Jesus [in the book of Matthew] has come to divide and raise serious questions in life because of His sacrifice and message.  We are not forced to learn and study His Word, but we are all free to choose Him or other gods.   The Bible says that:  "GOD IS LOVE."  
I want to be more like my great Teacher and Master.

Warm Regards,
Tom  Schuckman  


August 27th, 2019

Trump and 'the Multitude of Words'

By Hal Lindsey

Recently, President Donald Trump made statements many Christians found troubling. They were upset when they saw headlines like; "Trump Proclaims Himself 'The Chosen One.'" That headline seems to be describing someone with a messiah complex.

But if you went on to read the story beneath the headline, you saw that he was talking about US trade with China. That doesn't sound messianic at all. It sounds like a guy who wishes his predecessors had fixed a problem. But they didn't, and now he has been "chosen" to clean up their mess. Saying you're chosen to fix the trade problem with China is hardly the same as claiming to be the messiah.

I'm more concerned by something that came over the President's Twitter account on August 21. He retweeted a message originally sent out by radio host, Wayne Allen Root. He tweeted, "Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world... and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he's the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God."

Root did not say Trump is "the second coming of God." He said that the Jewish people in Israel love him in that way. But it's a weird choice of words. The phrase "second coming of God" would seem to have little meaning for any Jew who has not accepted Christ. He might ask, "When did God leave?"

But Christians know that God the Son, Jesus, came to earth as a man. He then left, promising to return. When He returns, it will be His "second coming." Because He is God, someone could call His return "the second coming of God." The phrase "King of Israel" also carries a powerful meaning for Christians. That title belongs to Jesus. Root professes to be a Christian, so why would he use such loaded words?

And why would Donald Trump forward them to his own Twitter followers?

Some of the criticism has been unfair. Turkish-American broadcaster, Cenk Uygur, said, "Can you imagine if Barack Obama called himself the second coming of God?" Do you see the lie? Trump did not call himself "the second coming of God." He retweeted someone else saying that the Jewish people of Israel love him as if he were "the second coming of God."

But the President set himself up for such derision when he retweeted Root's ridiculous and loaded statement. President Trump uses Twitter to direct the media conversation in America, and it's very useful to him. But sometimes he shoots from the hip. In this case, he clearly did not think through the implications of Root's tweet. I think he saw the beginning of the tweet about him being a great president for the Jews, and immediately decided to retweet it.

Words are powerful, and they can be dangerous. James 3 compares the tongue to the small rudder steering a massive ship. That power can be used for good, or ill. In verse 6, James warned, "The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity."

Proverbs 10:19 says, "In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise." 1 Timothy 2:2 admonishes us to pray for those in authority. No matter how you feel about the president, pray for him - pray especially that he will have wisdom in how he speaks.

Let's also pray for ourselves in this area. According to a study at the University of Arizona, Americans speak an average of 16,000 words per day. That's a "multitude of words." A suggested prayer would be along the lines of Colossians 4:6, that our "speech always be with grace."

PROGRAMMING NOTE: I hope you can join me every Sunday evening at 11PM EST on Daystar, or online anytime at www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com for my line by line examination of Revelation. If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting www.hallindsey.com/videos/.

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
email: comments@hallindsey.com

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

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