Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Prepping for the Virus.

Tom's Journal.

Hi Friends,
   It's no wonder that people are jumping thru their skin in fear the way 'fake media' push the facts of the virus,  but I am always trying to be ahead of the game by supplying my family with herbs and proper nutrients.   I don't want to take any chances in getting ANY sickness at my age, anyway. 

The now known beginning studies of the virus seem to show that we should already be prepared by keeping ourselves clean, eat the right foods and healthy because common sense show that sick people can get more sick and even die.  The same with keeping the muscles and lungs in good working order.  But it's harder in the Winter time to get to the Health Club to pump iron/ lift weights, for me, at least.  I keep going up and down in weight and it's hard to diet when money is not that big of a problem... and your are older. 

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

Scared of the Coronavirus? Don’t Be. Here’s Why….

Feb 12 · 6 min read
When news of the Coronavirus hit, panic struck. The media needed a good story. So the highly contagious and sometimes deadly virus became the top story.
The government evacuated Americans from Hunan Provence, which was the hardest hit by the virus. Americans were scared and stopped flying to China. And airlines canceled flights to China.
But is the hysteria really necessary? The answer is NO — here’s why.
The numbers seem scary. This new coronavirus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, has caused more than 40,000 illnesses and 900 deaths in China. And there are more than 200 cases and two deaths outside of mainland China. But we need to put those numbers in perspective.
Consider the flu. This year alone, the flu has already caused an estimated 19 million illnesses in the U.S. It’s hospitalized 180,000 of those people. And it’s led to the deaths of 10,000 this season. That’s according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
So at this point, the Coronavirus isn’t really very scary.
Now, the numbers could change. The virus is very contagious. So the number of cases could skyrocket quickly. However, that hasn’t happened yet. And with only a few cases in the U.S., we’re not likely to see a pandemic.
But what if we do?

We Don’t Know Much About This Coronavirus

We know a lot about the flu virus. We know that come March or April, the number of cases are going to drop quickly. But we don’t know very much about 2019-nCoV because it’s so new. It’s something of a wild card in terms of how far it will spread and how many deaths it will cause. We don’t know if it will go away in the spring like the flu. So some people are scared. But the vast majority of us have nothing to worry about.
The CDC says that about 0.05% of people who caught the flu this season have died from the virus in the U.S. We’re still not sure what the death rate for 2019-nCoV is, but it appears to be higher than that of the flu. So far, the death rate has been about 2%. That’s worrisome, but still not enough for most of us to panic.
The big question is: How can you lower your risk of catching the Coronavirus? And, if you do catch it, how can you make sure you survive it?

Major Clue on How to Avoid the Coronavirus

Well, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an interesting finding on the Coronavirus that gives us a good idea of how we deal with this relatively unknown virus. According to the report, “The median age of patients is between 49 and 56 years. Cases in children have been rare.”
So why aren’t more children getting sick? The report goes on to say, “Although most cases appear to be mild, all patients admitted to the hospital have pneumonia with infiltrates on chest x-ray and ground glass opacities on chest computed tomography. About a third of patients subsequently developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and required care in the intensive care unit. This is particularly true for patients with co-morbid conditions such as diabetes or hypertension.”
The last sentence gives us the answer: The stronger your immune system, the less likely you are to have trouble with the Coronavirus.
Dr. Raina MacIntyre, an epidemiologist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, told The New York Times that adults are more susceptible to these new viruses (viruses that haven’t mutated much) because they have illnesses that weaken their ability to fight infection. The Times article pointed out that “the body’s innate immunity, which is critical for fighting viruses, also deteriorates with age, and particularly after middle age.”
According to Dr. MacIntyre, “Something happens at age 50. It [the immune system] declines, and it declines exponentially, which is why for most infections we see the highest incidence in the elderly.”
That means the best way to avoid the virus is to strengthen your immune system.

The Coronavirus Protocols

When the news about the Coronavirus hit, one of the airports that still had flights going and coming from China was here in Atlanta. So my good friend and colleague Rhett Bergeron, MD and I started working on a protocol that would both prevent and treat the virus. We wanted to be prepared in case it spread to our area. (By the way, rubber gloves and a facemask won’t protect you on a plane. Instead, wash your hands a lot, use essential oil hand sanitizer frequently depending on contact with the public, and take the precautions listed below.)
What follows is the protocol we developed for a home treatment plan for prevention — and what to look for in a doctor administered treatment if you do develop the disease. It’s important to note that most of this is very similar to the treatment protocol for the flu or any other virus.
I told you a few weeks ago that any prevention and treatment program should include garlic, astragalus, vitamin D, and NAC. The same is true here. And, since Coronavirus hits the respiratory system especially hard, it’s good to use a nasal grapefruit seed extract (Xlear — available from Amazon) and Sambucol (elderberry), both of which protect and treat the entire respiratory tract. In addition to these, we added the following:

Preventing Coronavirus

In addition to your basic flu prevention, it’s good to protect against new viral outbreaks by taking the following:
• Vitamin C — 5,000 mg once daily
• Zinc — 50 mg once daily
• Vitamin A — 20,000 units once daily
If you know you’ve been exposed or the epidemic worsens, you can increase the dose to twice daily.
Additional considerations include one of the following:
• Echinacea — I recommend the liquid extract of Echinacea root or E. purpurea. Take four droppersful (slightly over 1/4 teaspoon each) twice daily.
• 1,3 BetaGlucan — Take one tablet twice daily
• MycoPhyto Complex — Take one tablet twice daily
Again, if you know you’ve been exposed or the epidemic worsens, you can increase the dose to twice daily.

Coronavirus Protocol for Treatment

If prevention fails and you do come down with the virus, begin taking the following immediately:
• Vitamin C — 2,500 mg six times daily for one week, then take twice daily. If this dosage causes digestive issues, use liposomal vitamin C (available online). According to vitamin C expert Thomas Levy, MD, JD, liposomal vitamin C is a highly effective way to deliver more vitamin C to the tissues. His research indicates that 90% of the liposomal vitamin C moves into the tissues. So if you take 6 grams of liposomal vitamin C, your body will absorb 5.4 grams of it.
• Zinc — 25–50 mg twice daily for one week, then take once daily.
• Vitamin A — 20,000 units twice daily for one week, then one time daily for another week. Women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy should not exceed 5,000 IU of vitamin A in a given day.
• Colloidal/Hydrosol Silver — 1 tablespoon every hour. Hold in your mouth for two minutes, then swallow.
• Nebulized DILUTE Peroxide — Use every hour as needed or directed. Your alternative-minded doctor can provide this for you for about $20.
• Custom Homeopathic viral — Take every hour as directed. An alternative-minded doctor can design this for you.
If you’re taking these treatments and your symptoms worsen, you should begin to take the following IV therapies:
• IV Vitamin C
• IV Dilute peroxide
• IV Silver
• IV Ultraviolet light therapy
• IV Ozone
It’s likely the IV vitamin C and the ozone will be plenty to take out any viral infection you may encounter. But the others can be added as needed.
Because the Coronavirus is similar to other upper respiratory infections, such as the H1N1 virus, the biggest problem comes when the infection turns into pneumonia. Most of us don’t have to worry about that. For us, many of these illnesses are harmless. They become dangerous when your immune system is compromised. So make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your immunity up.
In the next few months, the number of cases around the world is going to climb. It’s impossible to completely contain the virus, especially given the pace and complexity of international travel. But with this protocol in hand, there’s no reason to panic. More than likely the worst you ever experience is the mild symptoms of cold. Yes, this is a serious and novel pathogen. But it isn’t impossible to beat. In fact, given the right treatments, you really have nothing to worry about. Let the news display their hysteria — you’re protected.

Ready To Upgrade?

We’ve created a free checklist to help you discover the 10 signs you’re protein-deficient (even if you eat a lot of protein).

Written by

Steve Kroening, ND: natural health practitioner brings you breakthrough cures explained in an easy to read style to guide your own health choices.

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