Friday, March 20, 2020

Revelation and the Antichrist and False Prophet

Tom's Journal.

Hello Dear Friends,
    I hope that I can type well enough because I have a lot of band-aids on my fingers as they are mostly split open from dry skin partially from washing them too much lately and just plain Winter dry air in the house.  I should not complain right now as so many people in the world are dying from the new Corona Virus... and just look at what is going on in the USA and how the leaders are moving things around to get ready for a huge herd of people who will be sick and dying.  OK, we all know that the yearly cases of Flu kill many more that this 'new virus' that came to us from China,  but this new strain is many times more contagious.  Sorry,  but I just hate it when slovenly, careless, low class people sneeze and cough without covering their mouths and faces!  Were they just brought up to be slobs or pigs?   It's bad enough when they are healthy but now it can be death dealing!  Grow some manners and save a life!

Sorry about my acute lack of patience and long-suffering, friends.  I get cranky in my old age, but I was raised at least to have some manners and proper etiquette.  

And now for the main topic of conversation in this blog post:  The Antichrist, Rapture and End Times!   I have been a serious student of Revelation for the past 30 -- some years.  Today's post and subject matter gives me more hope and trust in the Bible and Father God, for sure.  But for those who just will not take/ make the time to read about the Antichrist will be so sorry after the Rapture!   And I just heard something about the possibility of injecting some kind of cure to the Corona virus that also contains a DNA "chip" --- and that scares me a bit.   I was discussing this with my wife today and told her that I don't want to die either but I would NEVER take or accept any cure that included any kind of "chip" in it... and we all should know why.  What if that so-called cure contained the numerals  666 in it?  That is called the 'Mark of the Beast.'  No real Christian would ever take that mark, no matter what. 

The whole world is changing so quickly right now... out of need because of the virus, but the countries might not stop here but go farther with this power to manipulate the masses of humanity to do something more profound and startling in the future.  I would just stay very awake and watch what happens and comes down the pike to be on the safe side.  Actually,  I have never seen anything like this in my life of 71 years.  Who really knows if things will go well fighting this sickness.   We know that President Trump has collected some of the smartest doctors and scientists in the world to figure out how best to handle and fight this China virus, and I want to give him all of my support.  And still the Lefty Democrats are cutting him down and belittling Donald J Trump for all of his efforts!  Shame.  We all need to pull together and cooperate.  Things might not go/ run perfectly and I think that shortages will happen. 
     I seriously doubt that we shall have any looters U.P. here where we live because all the folks here are deer hunters and marksmen... Ha! 

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman


March 20th, 2020

Our study of the Antichrist continues this week on Hal Lindsey Presents. Revelation 13 deals with the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the world of that era. This week, we go deeper into that amazing study.

Revelation 13:5 says, "And there was given to him a mouth." Mouths are routine human features, but there will be nothing routine about his mouth. He will have oratory and negotiating skills like none other. Beasts and horns require some study to understand, but the symbol of "a mouth" is clear to all. This guy's words will be smoother than warm butter.

He will stir audiences even more than Hitler. And, like Hitler, he will bring out the worst in people. He won't just speak well. He will be brilliantly deceptive - appealing to "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life."

He will have a Satanically inspired understanding of what people want to hear and how to manipulate them into believing and acting in ways that will advance his agenda. And for a while, it will seem to work.

Ever wonder what officials will tell the public after the Church has been raptured away? This chapter gives us a powerful clue. Verse 6 says, "And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven."

Who will dwell in heaven at that time? Us! Members of the Body of Christ who died through the centuries and those who will have been raptured. When there are problems, who are the easiest people to blame? Those who aren't there. He will blame the world's problems on those who have gone to be with God.

Our study this week answers many of the questions people often ask about these profound events. We will look at the second beast - the False Prophet, one of the most darkly intriguing characters in scripture. We will also investigate the mark of the beast - how it will work and the power of the knowledge it will contain.

I hope you can join me for this week's Hal Lindsey Presents. I think it will be more than worth your time in helping you understand what's going on right now as the world rearranges itself into something Antichrist can manipulate and use.

You can see Hal Lindsey Presents on Daystar, Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time. Or, you can watch it online anytime at or If you missed any episodes, you can catch up by visiting

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

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