Wednesday, May 27, 2020

"Digital Tattoo," equals the Mark.

Tom's Journal.

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Dear Friends,
   I have always admitted many of my human frailties, mistakes, and being a sinner to all of my friends... and some of my actions are honestly self-evident.  That is why I feel the need to go one step further by using the moniker, "REAL Christian" or "Biblical Christian" to many of my blog posts and writings.  Fact is:  There is a huge difference between someone who has heard the word... and someone who has read and studied the Word of God, the KJV Bible to any extent.  Those kind of human beings KNOW and understand exactly why we are redeemed and exactly who will go to heaven and what he or she will do when we get up there.   I always felt that if I was going to preach and teach the Good Book -- that I should know the Word of God, very well.  And it is not all that hard to know except that someone invests some time on a regular basis to sit down and study the Bible, with the help of the Holy Spirit.  All of these things are almost free except that Jesus Christ died to redeem us all, yet too few actually claim this free gift of redemption.   But you might actually have to buy/ pay for a copy of the Bible. 

So when we hear about someone or some entity trying to administer some type of "Mark", dye, tattoo, sign, signature, to any of us, either seen with the human eye or secretly/ hidden, TRUE Christians perk up and are 'on guard!'  The book of Revelation warns all Christians to NEVER take the "Mark of the Beast," ever !!  It is the mark of Satan the Devil.  So no matter how you cut it, dice it, hide it... it's still not something a Christian would do or take.  Period.  And since Satan is the 'father of the lie,'  his children are also great liars, too, always trying to cover, deceive, blow smoke over, and lie about the true nature of the 'mark.'  Beware... and Share the knowledge.
     But what if the Government or Nation or the World demanded that we all 'take the mark' or suffer in many ways -- mostly economically?  Because that is just what Revelation tells us will happen in the not to distant future!  Yes, the China-virus could just be a 'dry run' for a future plague buy only much worse.... sorry to mess up your day.  But again, the Bible holds these truths to be self evident and clear as Rain-X on your wind shield, friends.  So what can you do?  Get as close to Father God and Jesus as you possibly can, now!  Pray for strength, and study.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman ( Details               

What sounds like science fiction, I assure you is very real. A new vaccine delivery method allows doctors to scan a person’s skin and instantly see if that person has been injected with that certain vaccine.

For years, Bill Gates has been writing checks to people who have been developing the ability to track which individuals have received a vaccine with a digital tattoo invisible to the naked eye but scannable by a modified smart phone.

This is not something Bill Gates is trying to hide. "We will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or, when we have a vaccine, who has received it," he said publicly.

Scientists are already exploring using this patch delivery system for the COVID-19 vaccine. It would be dye and vaccine that are delivered at the same time in a "bandage-like patch" of microneedles that could be quickly scanned to show who has or has not received the vaccination.

Let our political leaders know that free Americans will not stand to be tagged like rows of farm pigs awaiting slaughter. Now is the time to stop this. - Mat

Rice University professor Kevin McHugh Ph.D. is the inventor of this vaccine/tattoo technology. He describes the technology as "quantum dot tattoos" and calls it a "tag" in his article:
The tags are incorporated in only some of the array of sugar-based microneedles on a patch. When the needles dissolve in about two minutes, they deliver the vaccine and leave the pattern of tags just under the skin, where they become something like a bar-code tattoo.

Instead of ink, this highly specific medical record consists of copper-based quantum dots embedded in biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. Their near-infrared dye is invisible, but the pattern they set can be read and interpreted by a customized smartphone.
It should come as no surprise that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was pushing for this chilling technology. They were the ones that were paying for it. And now they are the ones talking about this technology as a response to COVID-19 that "everyone" needs to participate in.

It would take a tiny design change to give everyone a unique, invisible tag number and track each person without them even knowing it. Will you stand to be earmarked with one of Bill Gates' permanent markers? Or will you stand with me today to fight against this level of surveillance of unaware Americans?
But Bill Gates wants to go much further. Already, the UK government is in talks with Onfido, an ID verification company to connect biometrics with immunity (through recovery or vaccination). Bill Gates has put 50 million dollars toward this company and its efforts. And India is well on its way to bio-IDs for everyone in the nation.

"Eventually what we'll have to have are certificates of who's a recovered person, who's a vaccinated person," said Bill Gates. These are being called "immunity passports," and they will allow or block people from entry to areas based on whether they have had the virus that Gates is intensely working to develop.

Right now, the level of surveillance that people in America are prepping for is astonishing. Chicago has already picked the locations and bought the needles to vaccinate the "whole" city and is trying to push their plans across the Midwest right now.

Vaccines have already been developed and are currently in human trials. We have a short window to make our voices heard before this becomes our new reality. Send your fax now to legislators and governors that are going to be under massive pressure to launch this vaccine and discriminate against anyone who does not take it.
Organizing a fight against this level of control of every American is only possible because of the friends and supporters who partner with Liberty Counsel Action to help us bring this to light.

Thanks to your partnership, we can educate and empower patriots across America to stop these dictators from destroying everything our Founding Fathers established. Now is not the time to get discouraged; now is the time to rise up, get encouraged, and get involved today.
I encourage you to join me in prayer for President Trump, right now. There is intense pressure on him to sacrifice our freedom for an illusion of safety. What I shared with you today will create even greater pressure on him. Pray for America right now and if you haven't already, sign our petition to President Trump to protect our freedom in the hours, weeks, and months ahead.

Mat Staver

P.S. We cannot silently hope someone else will restore our freedoms. It is up to us to stand for our liberties and protect our rights. Send a fax demanding that legislators and governors stop these unconstitutional surveillance efforts.

Right now is a challenging time for many of our usual friends and supporters. Please know that we pray for you. If you can support Liberty Counsel Action with a donation of any size today, we would deeply appreciate your partnership with us. God bless you.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-

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