Friday, July 31, 2020

Getting God's Prospective. Rev. Chapter 13.

Hello Friends,
     When we kids were growing up on the farm in S.E. Wisconsin in the 1960's we would often go berry picking and then Mom would make delicious pies for us and even freeze some --- we had 2-- huge chest freezers and also had some of our own beef cattle butchered, wrapped and frozen, too.   So when we would run into/ discover a huge entanglement of berries and there were several verities, we would shout out, "Glory Hole !"  And then the other siblings would 'home in' on our super abundance of God's goodness and bounty.  I have so many of those treasured and revered moments to reflect upon, and we were so super active in our younger days and only watched TV after Dad came home from work in Milwaukee, as a crane operator, and later in supervision.   And with that came the burdens of stress and ulcers for Dad, etc.    And my High School days were the happiest days of my life --- although stressful at the time, but I used most of those years of hard study  to build upon and work my way up  and learn a lot more.   Indeed, we all  shared a hard work ethic, and laziness was considered a bad sin.

So, last night before bed time, I found a 'Glory Hole'  in reading something very timely and valuable....   It's that lately the evil News Media is pushing the narrative about all the woe, and end of the world B.S., and creating false narratives to draw the national attention to a 'smoke and mirrors' circus act to draw our attention away from the real facts of the matter that we shall shortly see and experience in the USA and the world !!

And,  as I was saying to another 'Email Friend' --- that she should search out Revelation 13: 16, which talks about all of mankind [except our Christian Saints and Faithful] taking the MARK OF THE DEVIL, in order to 'survive.'  Well, this all ties in with the recent development of a cure for the  China-virus all tied together with just a shot!   But please just take your time and read the entire chapter of 13 and  LEARN this well. 

I would imagine that this planned rebellion against Father God and Son, Jesus would happen fast with many beguiled and led like sheep to the slaughter.   So now we can all see just who is trying hard to alienate us from even going to church and meeting with other Christians.....  Divide and conquer.
     And if you read that same chapter you will most likely see it in a different light as it burns into your mind to set you FREE from your fears and deceptions.   Yes,  no matter how you count it, we are all lining up to pick and serve one of 2-- Masters.   If people want to kill me for my choice -- let them come!   I am just a Disabled Vietnam Veteran:  68-70,  Huey helicopter 'Door Gunner.'  One good thing came out good in my life --- finding the One, True God,  Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman



  Anchor Point

By Hal Lindsey

Confusion and contention seem to be everywhere. Across the media, chaos reigns. In April and May, optimism was high that the pandemic would fade during summer. But it did not. The whole world seems to be holding its breath, waiting for the next shoe to drop. The world economy is on the brink of chaos.

In the United States, the fear is almost palpable. What will happen to American prosperity? What will happen to American freedoms? What will happen to the environment? What will happen to our young? The streets of the United States look more and more like the Arab Spring a decade ago. Knowledgeable Americans are praying that the catastrophic results of that upheaval do not happen here.

To say the least, these are uneasy times. But we knew they were coming. I've been talking about them for more than fifty years. We shouldn't be in despair when we see things happening that God told us would happen. Amid the chaos, born again followers of Jesus should not be afraid. Instead, we should remember that God loves us, and His plan for us is working out.

1 Peter 1:3-4 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you."

According to His great mercy, we have been born again. In Him, we have an inheritance that cannot perish or be defiled. Nothing that happens here can in any way diminish that inheritance. We live in this world, and we have a mission here. But we do not depend on this world for our hope or joy.

The knowledge that Jesus rose from the dead and lives today should give us powerful assurance no matter what circumstance we encounter. 1 Peter 1:5 says that those who have been born again, "are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

Our heavenly inheritance is protected by God and so are we. The salvation we now have in Christ will one day be fully revealed in Him. Our response to such wondrous thoughts should be obvious. Verse 6 says, "In this you greatly rejoice even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials."

Our trials are real, but they do not diminish the glorious reality of our place in Christ! Verse 10 tells us that the prophets of old looked into, studied, and tried to understand the beauty of the salvation we get to experience in Christ. Verse 12 says that the details of the Gospel are "things the angels desire to look into."

But too often, we focus on the wrong things. We tremble and fret over worldly events, while considering our eternal position in Christ with little more than a yawn.

Verses 13-16 say, "Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'"

Those words give us a checklist for how we should live, especially in the latter days of this age. "Prepare your minds for action" and "keep sober in the spirit." Do not be conformed to your former lusts but live in His holiness.

"Fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." Don't attach your hope to the things of this world - things that are rapidly perishing - but anchor your life in God's perfect grace.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Let us do the Research.

Tom's Journal.

Good Day,  Friends and Readers:
     The following text that I cut and pasted here today was forwarded to me by a new friend named, Kat.  But I have not had time to check it out personally, so I really don't know if it is true or false.  Few people in the modern world like to do research, and few younger generation kids know how to perform cursive type writing or speak proper English in America.   But that's what happens when Socialists take over our education institutions/ system. 
      The only thing I know for sure is the love of Father God and His Son, Jesus, and the KJV Bible.  But again,  few people want to read that great Book, either.   On the other hand Satan and his fallen angels use all kinds of literature, movies, TV, and false religion to promote his point of view --- that is:  That mankind doesn't need Yahweh [or Jehovah]-- Father God to govern themselves and walk the right path of harmony, love and peace!  That was the very point of contention between God and the devil in the first place back in the Garden of Eden about 6000 years ago, and we even know the approximant place where that area was.... somewhere in modern day Iraq between two major rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers,  even though many people would scoff at this without even doing the research themselves or where to start searching!   If you want more Info --- ask me more.   Email: 
       The contention was NEVER about power or might, because God could have just winked His eye and Satan would vanish forever, or stay in hell.  The point was:   Does Almighty God, Yahweh, have the RIGHT to Rule mankind.  So for 6000 God allowed mankind to 'rule himself' with every kind of Government imaginable and all of those fell flat on their faces.  Even our Democracy has many shortcomings and fallen man has had plenty of  time to work all sorts of evil, injustices, and corruption.   Just think about that for a minute.   We have had in the history of humankind, kings, queens, dictators, plutocracies, monarchies, etc.   LOOK WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW!  But I would rather live in the USA, yet I don't want to see a civil war, either.   I have been in a few 3rd world nations and even war and combat, and so I would much rather live in America than any place else. 
       Yet, I know for a fact that our Lord Jesus Christ will SOON come back to set things straight, right after He takes all of His followers, real Christians and Saints up to a safe place called,  HEAVEN.  Because you surely don't want to be anywhere on earth when the stink hits the fan, dear friends.  And the term, Armageddon, is mentioned just one place in the Bible,  Revelation 16: 16,  but also read the surrounding text... and the entire book to get the real picture of things to come... and all with a happy ending for true Believers and Followers of Jesus.  Remember that the KJV Bible is written on a 5th grade reading level, friends, but you really need the Holy Spirit, to fully grasp the meaning of the Scriptures.  It's FREE --- just ask/ pray for it, and if you have an honest, humble heart that Gift will be given to you. 
      And, I will never be perfect while I live on earth no matter how much I try or study --- but I have a profound love for the Lord who bought my freedom from hell and suffering by dying on the cross for me and all mankind, IF we truly want to follow Him and try to obey His commandments which were set down for the safety and betterment of all mankind.  And just think:   Does an earthly father spank his kids because he hates them??  Or does he discipline them out of love, for safety, for good manners and honesty, so the child will have a well rounded education to get along in this world.   But many people know that this life on earth is just a dry run for a big time important and fulfilling life in heaven, forever, where the streets are paved with gold [not that we will even need gold...], and with the promise of eternal happiness!  Remember that,  "God cannot lie."  --Titus 1: 2.

No matter what happens in my life, I will NEVER take the "Mark of the Beast."   Let the authorities starve me, imprison me, or put me to death, if they want.   I will obey God rather than men.
     With all that being said, we should really pray for all of our Christian brothers and sister.  Refrain from unlawful rioting, mayhem, murder, vandalism, hate and other forms of violence.   Bless all Christians and continue to pray for our loved ones' Salvation before the terrible, evil days come visit us.

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

Kat sent me this message:

I shared this and people I know shared this: got some flack for it. I was going to take it down, but as I went to search the connections, I found that while they weren’t roommates, there is a huge Gates Cornell connection.
Next Zyklon B. It is currently being used today in the abortion pill.
George Soros maybe wasn’t a Nazi. Do you know what Open Society is?
While these details aren’t fully accurate, when you look it up, there is information out there for you to receive. All you have to do is look
Wakie Wakie,many of you heard Moderna is in stage 3 of their vaccine testing. If all goes well it'll become federal law to get the vaccine. Here's something many of you don't know, guess who the first CEO of Moderna was? A Cornell graduate by the name of Anthony Fauci, who was a roommate with none other than Bill Gates. Are you paying attention? It was at Cornell that Bill Gates designed the RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and patened it under US2006257852. Are you awake yet? Now let's really go down the rabbit hole. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. Soros rebranded the company as Moderna. And who was the primary stockholder of Moderna until his death? Jeffrey Epstein. His role in Moderna is where he made his fortune and established his connections. Let that sink in.
Wake up

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Here is the Full Story.

Tom's Journal.

Dear Friends:
Well,   Here is the long but true explanation of how and why America will get boxed out of our  American Dream --- the way it was intended to be from the 'get-go.'
We all thought this day would never come --- but now it's here on our door step, and poof, here it is.   I have been reading this and no where's near the end!!  Good luck!

---Tom Schuckman

Tiger Woods Busted?
Could this new company be the next to ride this unique wave?
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Pulse Daily News

PULSE Taking the PULSE of Politics. Uniqueness, life, Survival and Exercise

New Cash Law Will Be Disaster for Savers
New law has expert warning seniors and retirees to beware. There’s a darker truth behind this political event...
Read The Full Story Here

Monday, July 20, 2020

Prevent Veteran Suicide-- Amendment.

Tom's Journal.

Hello Friends,
     All the Veterans, Servicemen and women, and Voters NEED TO KNOW HOW THE  goofy, bitter, lawless, fake Democrats are treating an important Vote to help the combat Veterans after they come home and need extra care for emotional assistance for PTSD and Suicide prevention. 

According to VA records, 11 out of the 17 Veterans that take their lives EVERY DAY in the US,  are still outside the system of  care from the VA ! !   Is this how Americans bite the hand of those brave souls who protect us night and day?  Even animals take better care of themselves.   What a stinking SHAME! 

I was blessed to have fought my way inside the doors of the Milwaukee, WI., VAMC doors back in 1970, and the staff couldn't have cared less and treat ALL OF US COMBAT VETERANS like 'used toilet tissue' back then.   Perhaps I am part elephant because I vividly remember all that stuff, and even wrote it down after the fact.   Hey, that's right --- I was into "Journaling" way back in high school as I graduated in 1967.   They are a little bit better right now, except that they enforce distancing and wearing masks, even as I went there this very morning for a 'blood draw/ blood work' but that's understandable with the China-Virus all over the place. 
      I feel quite confident that we shall beat the nasty virus U.P. where we live because these hearty North Central Americans are teachable, humble, law abiding, and docile.   But I would not advise pushing us too far... lol, because we know our Rights and the Constitution, well. 

Not to be pushy --- but this News and Baloney is far too important to hide under a bushel basket.  So then we ALL ought to pass it on, especially to all Veterans and prior service members and their families, please.   Thank you.

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

July 20, 2020
Amelia Burns 202-225-4735

Bergman, Roe Amendment to Prevent Veteran Suicide Not Included in FY21 NDAA 
Washington - Today, Rep. Jack Bergman (R-Mich.), the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, and Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statements after the amendment they offered to add the Improve Well-Being for Veterans Act to H.R. 6395, the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, was ruled out of order by the Rules Committee.     

“Dr. Roe, myself, and more than 250 U.S. Representatives agree: Congress should pass the Veteran Suicide prevention grants outlined in the Improve Act,” said Rep. Bergman.  “Nevertheless, our legislation to reach out into the community and connect at-risk veterans to lifesaving services has faced multiple partisan roadblocks – including today when House Democrats, who cosponsored this policy, blocked its advance as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill. One of the most important roles of Congress is to provide for our national defense; and with that comes the responsibility to ensure the men and women we ask to protect us can access the supportive resources they need when they return from the fight. According to VA, 11 of the 17 veterans who take their own lives each day are not within the VA system of care. These grim statistics haven’t budged in years – which makes new solutions like the Improve Act more urgently needed than ever.”                                                            “I am deeply disappointed that General Bergman’s and my amendment to support veterans at-risk of suicide was ruled out of order by the Rules Committee today,” said Ranking Member Roe. “I have served on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee for more than a decade and, in that time, have watched the veteran suicide rate remain tragically stable despite skyrocketing mental health funding and staff increases. In order to find the lost and save their lives, we must pay more than lip service to those in crisis. Despite repeated claims that suicide prevention is the Committee’s highest priority, almost an entire Congress has passed us by without meaningful legislation to address the epidemic of veteran suicide brought to the House Floor for a vote. The Improve Act is a bipartisan bill that will make a real difference in communities across America where struggling veterans and their families who need our help now more than ever reside. It is past time to put politics aside and veterans first and it is shameful that House Democrats failed to do that today.”

To read the amendment the Members offered, click here.
To learn more about the Improve Act, as introduced, click here.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

New Findings on Covid-19-- Johns Hopkins.

Tom's Journal.

Hi Friends,
     I will always remember my BCT --at Fort Campbell, KY.,  U.S. Army training, in 21 Aug. of 1967, E-6-2 [Company] and Senior Drill Sargent Dunbar who sounded like  the thunder from Heaven.  At that time the war in Vietnam was raging and he was preparing us for battle and combat.  He said that he saw a lot of mayhem when he served in Korea and what saved him thru all of that blood and guts.  He said one day.... 'that if he was ordered to go to RVN, he would only get killed in a freak accident --- because he was going to do everything by the book!'   He said that was the key to survival in a combat zone, and therefore we would all do well to follow his example and doctrine.  I will never forget that time, and I tried hard to keep that INFO in the front of my mind, even if I did some crazy things in my 2 years over there.   But I think that Father God had a lot to do with my survival, too. 
       Being in combat always "Trumps a man's discussions and gives him a glow of authority," IMHO.   Companies and men of authority usually liked to hire someone who had been in the Service/ Combat because they were never afraid of hard work nor taking orders and completing their missions/ job.  Well,  I figure that if there is an opportunity standing in front of me --- jump on it !   My Dad instilled a 'hard work ethic' in all of his kids.'   I went a step further --- to get some kind of skill set or more education, too, to "make a person worth more, in the business sense."   I am a great believer in Self-Education, plus what ever structured classroom experience we could benefit from.   I was age 38 before I finally grabbed the chance to attend College, and I loved it !   I got straight B's, but in retrospect, I wish I would have studied much harder... and read my Welding text book, etc., that we had to pay so much money $$$$  for.   God gives us Grace [undeserved Kindness] but we need to take and use IT !   Most of us own a Bible, but how many 'MAKE THE TIME TO READ AND STUDY IT ?

Below are some great, logical points that should help us understand more about the Covid-19 China virus.   Please make/ seize  the time now to read and share if you think they have merit.   They look pretty straight forward to me, so I put them into my mind.   Sent to me by an old friend from far away, Ruth H.  THANK YOU,  RUTH !

Warm Regards and Blessings,
Thomas G Schuckman

From John's Hopkins Hospital regarding the Covid-19 virus
      * This virus is not a living organism. It is a protein molecule (RNA or DNA) covered by a
protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular (eyes),
nasal (nose) or buccal mucosa (mouth), changes their genetic code (mutates) and converts
into aggressor and multiplier cells.
  * Since the virus is not a living organism, but is a protein molecule, it cannot be killed. 
It has to decay on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature,
humidity and type of material where it lies.
   * The virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat,
and that is the reason why soap or detergent is the best weapon. The foam
CUTS THE FAT (that is why you have to scrub for 20 seconds or more, to create lots
of foam).  By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down.
  *   HEAT melts fat; this is why it is necessary to use water above 77 degrees for hand washing,
laundry and cleaning surfaces. In addition, hot water makes more foam, making it more effective.
  *   Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol over 65% DISSOLVES ALL FAT, especially the external lipid layer of the virus.
 *  Any solution with 1 part bleach and 5 parts water directly dissolves the protein, breaking it down from the inside.
 *    Oxygenated water increases the effectiveness of soap, alcohol and chlorine, because peroxide dissolves the virus protein. However, because you have to use it in its pure form, it can damage your skin.
 *    NO BACTERICIDE OR ANTIBIOTIC WILL WORK because the virus is not a living organism like bacteria; antibodies cannot kill what is not alive.
 *    The virus molecules remain very stable at colder temperatures, including air conditioning in houses and cars. They also need moisture and darkness to stay stable. Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade the virus faster.
 *    UV LIGHT on any object that may contain the virus breaks down the protein. Be careful, it also breaks down collagen (which is protein) in the skin.
 *    The virus CANNOT go through healthy skin.
 *    Vinegar is NOT useful because it does not break down the protective layer of fat.
 *    NO SPIRITS, NOR VODKA, serve. The strongest vodka is only 40% alcohol, and you need a minimum of 65%.
 *    LISTERINE is 65% alcohol.
 *    The more confined the space, the higher the concentration of the virus there can be. The more open or naturally ventilated, the less.
 *    You have to wash your hands before and after touching any commonly used surfaces such as: mucosa (mouth area), food, locks, knobs, switches, remotes, cell phones, watches, computers, desks etc… and don’t forget when you use the bathroom.
 *    You have to MOISTURIZE YOUR HANDS due to frequent washing. Dry hands have cracks and the molecules can hide in the micro cracks. The thicker the moisturizer, the better.
 *    Also keep your NAILS SHORT so that the virus does not hide there.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Using the Holy Spirit to Understand.

Tom's Journal.

Good Day, Friends,
     When you look at things these trying days thru different lenses or use a "decoding chart" like in the Military, things make better sense. 

And I have explained so many times that using, "God's Holy Spirit" is the only real way that we can truly understand the Scriptures.

Pray first and then ask for the Holy Spirit so as to totally understand.
    My cleaning lady is here now to help Lori clean the house--- as Lori has a very sore back today but is getting treatments now.

Tom Schuckman

July 15th, 2020


By Hal Lindsey

2020 will be remembered as the year a deadly invasion struck planet earth. The viral invader was too small to be seen with a normal microscope. But in a matter of months it changed the world in profound and fundamental ways.

We are only beginning to understand the ways in which it has damaged the world economy. Governments across the planet will be years trying to put the pieces back together. It put millions out of work. That had a ripple effect across economies. The invasion dramatically shrunk the tax base while forcing governments to spend trillions to fight its effects.

We have little with which to compare this. The last time government debt rose this fast was in World War II. But there was a big difference back then. Four years after the peak in government war spending, the United States had cut its spending by 75%. That won't happen this time.

Even before Covid-19, Americans and Europeans were experiencing a mental health crisis. Back in 2018, the National Alliance on Mental Illness released a report saying that one in five American adults had been diagnosed with some form of mental illness.

Life expectancy in the United States has mostly risen over the decades. But even before the pandemic, that was starting to change. The Centers for Disease Control say there are three reasons people on average stopped living as long - a rise in drug overdoses, an epidemic of suicides, and increased liver disease. The increase in liver disease has been caused by a dangerous increase in alcohol consumption. In other words, all three are symptoms of mental health issues. People have been self-medicating, and it's killing them.

That was already happening before the plague. During the pandemic, people have been forced to stay home for months. For much of that time, they kept hearing that the worst would soon be over. But fifteen days turns into four weeks, and those weeks turned into months. Some health officials are now warning that this thing could be with us for years. Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." In scripture, the heart is spoken of metaphorically as the seat of emotions. Hopes for a fast recovery, for a return to normalcy, and for being able to enjoy the things that you used to take for granted have been deferred repeatedly. It makes people emotionally sick.

Even before Covid, children were committing suicide in record numbers. The disease and our methods for fighting the disease have, for the most part, made things worse. Young people have been cut off from their friends, from beloved family members, and from normal activities. For many of them, school represented the one area of consistent structure and discipline in their lives. That was taken away in the Spring of 2020. For some kids, it will be back in the fall. But not for all. And if the Covid numbers go south, schools will close again.

Some school districts, including Los Angeles and San Diego, will only offer online school this fall. But it's not the same. An extremely high number of students simply don't participate online. Over time, that number does not go up, but down. The most at-risk kids fall between the cracks.

Effects from the invasion of planet earth have rippled across every part of society. Almost nothing has stayed the same. And in some areas, such as its psychological impact on the young, the effects have no known expiration date.

For followers of Jesus, the plague has been a confirmation of His word. Bible prophecy tells us about pestilences coming on the world as the time of the Lord's return comes near. It also talks about severe economic downturns and describes increasing levels of mental illness and suicide.

In such times, real Christians should walk in faith and confidence, but not arrogance. We should be on our knees before God, praying like never before. We should live every moment in expectation of the rapture. But we shouldn't just passively wait for that event. We should be using every means possible to spread the Gospel to everyone we can. Our witness should be honest and bold, but also kind and loving. No matter how frustrated we become with the behavior of those around us, we should use these days to bless them.

With the finish line so close, let us rise to new levels in God. These opportunities will not come again.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: I hope you can join me every Sunday evening at 11PM EST on Daystar, or online anytime at or for my line by line examination of Revelation. If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Sunday, July 12, 2020

OK to Wear a Cross --- or Not?

Tom's Journal.

Dear Friends,
     I have been getting out in the sun every day, working, doing some light carpentry repair and painting, except when it was raining.  I love to work in the sun and get the 'rays' so that I am nice and tan now, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment and self worth.  And with an older house, there is much to fix and clean up after years of neglect.   And I cannot very well work when it's below Zero with snow up to my 'glutious maximus.'    And if things go well -- maybe I will also set up and fabricate a tomahawk and knife target for practice in my back yard.   Yes,  You can practice every day of the week, but if you don't learn the correct way to throw the steel-- you might never HIT THE TARGET !   Learn from an expert !   Buy Buck knives, and Cold Steel products !

I can understand why so many people seem more worried about their future and for those who can still "figure" and reason, is there any wonder why there are so many suicides in the past 6 months, amid such despair and fear of the unknown.  And if you are a democrat I can understand why --- with their candidate faltering over his words most of the time and forgetting where he is at the moment, etc.... Ha!  Being President of the USA is hard enough even for a special, hard working, SMART man or woman!!   And then what kind of 'track record' does a candidate bring to the fight and just "who owns him ?"   Now days, just one wrong move can hurtle a country into a war where no body can survive, not even plants and animals! 

If you are a student of the KJV Bible and also love Jesus Christ and His Father in Heaven, being on the correct side will be very important, and as Jesus said in the books of Matthew and Revelation, such critical times are about to happen very soon.  For those of us who are weary of hearing stuff like this more often than we would like to  ---  just that the Lord that it has not come yet!  And remember that the Father in Heaven wants to SAVE as many worthy humans as possible.   Who wouldn't be sympathetic to saving other humans from Hell, and there is no turning back once you have crossed that line, dear friends.
     So I thought that this day's post would fit in nicely today --- especially with the China Virus floating around the world and taking so many lives so far.   Frankly, I AM AT RISK in many ways and might not survive such an encounter.

I hope YOUR day is good and your night, too. 

Christian Love, and Army Hugs,
Thomas G Schuckman

Tom and Loretta  Schuckman   ----->>>    

Is it OK for Christians to Wear a Cross?

Should Christians really wear religious jewelry?

We see the cross in churches and steeples, hanging in homes and, worn around the necks of many Christians; however, many don’t know what the cross means. There is also much debate as to whether or not it is appropriate – or even sinful – to wear religious jewelry like crosses and crucifixes. In order to understand whether or not it is ok for Christians to wear the cross, we have to understand the history of the cross and what the cross really means, particularly in our own lives.
Christians did not begin wearing the cross around their necks until after the crucifixion was no longer the primary source of capital punishment; therefore, it is not equivalent to a modern-day person wearing a miniature death symbol as some have suggested. Many look at the cross as simply the instrument of death used to slay our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. Because it was God’s Will, Jesus willingly went to the cross, taking upon Himself the sins of the world, cleansing those who believe in Him of their own sins.
The cross shows the depth of our sins. We don’t realize what sin is in the sight of God, how deeply it offends Him and how it separates us from Him. Before Jesus went to the cross, He prayed in Gethsemane. At this time, Jesus was agonizing and sorrowful. He prayed to God, “If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me nevertheless, not as I will but as You will” (Matthew 26:39). He looked into the cup and saw the sins of the whole world. The cross is pardon; it’s a reprieve of death for people who don’t deserve it.
None of us deserves to be saved. None of us deserves to go to Heaven. But God is love (1 John 4:8) and God is grace and mercy. Grace means something that you don’t deserve, but God gives you. God offers you pardon and forgiveness. He offers you assurance of heaven if you die. The Bible tells us, “God commanded His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). We are called as believers of the cross to spread that message of the Gospel to those around us; however, many have lost touch with the meaning of the cross.
The only reason Scripture would forbid wearing religious jewelry, like a cross or crucifix, would be if the object became an idol used for worship or if the wearer were consumed with how the jewelry made them look. The Bible tells us, “Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry” (1 Corinthians 10:14). The Bible also tells us, “Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear…” (1 Peter 3:3). Many people wear religious jewelry as a fashion piece without concern for its symbolism or a desire to represent Christ. But that doesn’t mean that Christians can’t or shouldn’t wear them. Many Christians wear crosses as a proud expression of their love, respect and service to Christ, along with a remembrance of what He did for us.
Another concern is when people allow objects such as crosses, crucifixes, figurines, rosaries, bumper stickers, etc., to take the place of true change that should take place in our hearts. While wearing the cross can be viewed as a form of love, dedication and discipleship, the things we wear, carry, or put on our cars are not what make us Christians.

God is not concerned with what we wear as long as we do not dress in a way that could cause us to stumble in our walk with God and we are not absorbed with our looks or our possessions.
God is searching out our hearts to find who is faithful and whether we encourage and show love to others. It is not for any of us to judge whether wearing religious jewelry is proper or not; every Christian has to seek God’s approval in all He does.
The crucifix, for Catholics in particular, is a powerful symbol that represents that Jesus died on the cross to redeem humanity. The image of Christ’s body on the cross is used to represent His sacrifice. Many Christian denominations use a bare cross to emphasize Jesus’ resurrection. God didn’t save us to be passive spectators. He saved us to send us out into the world to tell other people about Jesus. Each of us is called to play a part in God’s mission to save sinners – the same sinners we meet on a daily basis. Whether we choose to wear religious jewelry or not, the cross is a reminder of Jesus’ love for us. Wake up and join in Jesus’ work of redeeming the world by joining His revolution and reminding others of the cross daily, not only in what you say but how you live.