Friday, July 31, 2020

Getting God's Prospective. Rev. Chapter 13.

Hello Friends,
     When we kids were growing up on the farm in S.E. Wisconsin in the 1960's we would often go berry picking and then Mom would make delicious pies for us and even freeze some --- we had 2-- huge chest freezers and also had some of our own beef cattle butchered, wrapped and frozen, too.   So when we would run into/ discover a huge entanglement of berries and there were several verities, we would shout out, "Glory Hole !"  And then the other siblings would 'home in' on our super abundance of God's goodness and bounty.  I have so many of those treasured and revered moments to reflect upon, and we were so super active in our younger days and only watched TV after Dad came home from work in Milwaukee, as a crane operator, and later in supervision.   And with that came the burdens of stress and ulcers for Dad, etc.    And my High School days were the happiest days of my life --- although stressful at the time, but I used most of those years of hard study  to build upon and work my way up  and learn a lot more.   Indeed, we all  shared a hard work ethic, and laziness was considered a bad sin.

So, last night before bed time, I found a 'Glory Hole'  in reading something very timely and valuable....   It's that lately the evil News Media is pushing the narrative about all the woe, and end of the world B.S., and creating false narratives to draw the national attention to a 'smoke and mirrors' circus act to draw our attention away from the real facts of the matter that we shall shortly see and experience in the USA and the world !!

And,  as I was saying to another 'Email Friend' --- that she should search out Revelation 13: 16, which talks about all of mankind [except our Christian Saints and Faithful] taking the MARK OF THE DEVIL, in order to 'survive.'  Well, this all ties in with the recent development of a cure for the  China-virus all tied together with just a shot!   But please just take your time and read the entire chapter of 13 and  LEARN this well. 

I would imagine that this planned rebellion against Father God and Son, Jesus would happen fast with many beguiled and led like sheep to the slaughter.   So now we can all see just who is trying hard to alienate us from even going to church and meeting with other Christians.....  Divide and conquer.
     And if you read that same chapter you will most likely see it in a different light as it burns into your mind to set you FREE from your fears and deceptions.   Yes,  no matter how you count it, we are all lining up to pick and serve one of 2-- Masters.   If people want to kill me for my choice -- let them come!   I am just a Disabled Vietnam Veteran:  68-70,  Huey helicopter 'Door Gunner.'  One good thing came out good in my life --- finding the One, True God,  Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman



  Anchor Point

By Hal Lindsey

Confusion and contention seem to be everywhere. Across the media, chaos reigns. In April and May, optimism was high that the pandemic would fade during summer. But it did not. The whole world seems to be holding its breath, waiting for the next shoe to drop. The world economy is on the brink of chaos.

In the United States, the fear is almost palpable. What will happen to American prosperity? What will happen to American freedoms? What will happen to the environment? What will happen to our young? The streets of the United States look more and more like the Arab Spring a decade ago. Knowledgeable Americans are praying that the catastrophic results of that upheaval do not happen here.

To say the least, these are uneasy times. But we knew they were coming. I've been talking about them for more than fifty years. We shouldn't be in despair when we see things happening that God told us would happen. Amid the chaos, born again followers of Jesus should not be afraid. Instead, we should remember that God loves us, and His plan for us is working out.

1 Peter 1:3-4 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you."

According to His great mercy, we have been born again. In Him, we have an inheritance that cannot perish or be defiled. Nothing that happens here can in any way diminish that inheritance. We live in this world, and we have a mission here. But we do not depend on this world for our hope or joy.

The knowledge that Jesus rose from the dead and lives today should give us powerful assurance no matter what circumstance we encounter. 1 Peter 1:5 says that those who have been born again, "are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

Our heavenly inheritance is protected by God and so are we. The salvation we now have in Christ will one day be fully revealed in Him. Our response to such wondrous thoughts should be obvious. Verse 6 says, "In this you greatly rejoice even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials."

Our trials are real, but they do not diminish the glorious reality of our place in Christ! Verse 10 tells us that the prophets of old looked into, studied, and tried to understand the beauty of the salvation we get to experience in Christ. Verse 12 says that the details of the Gospel are "things the angels desire to look into."

But too often, we focus on the wrong things. We tremble and fret over worldly events, while considering our eternal position in Christ with little more than a yawn.

Verses 13-16 say, "Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'"

Those words give us a checklist for how we should live, especially in the latter days of this age. "Prepare your minds for action" and "keep sober in the spirit." Do not be conformed to your former lusts but live in His holiness.

"Fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." Don't attach your hope to the things of this world - things that are rapidly perishing - but anchor your life in God's perfect grace.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

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