Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Pray for the hundreds of Underground Children just Rescued.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/ tschuckman@aol.com Dear Friends and avid Readers all over the World: I hope I can muster up the right words to describe the utter discust and repulsion I have after watching and listening the video that I included down below {LINK] about so many childrem caged up underneath our American cities, Canada, Mexico, etc. Just get comfortable in your chair and listen to the Video, and ponder why Father God must soon "set things right here on Earth. True Christians need not fear too much, even as we know exactly what must happen: See the Book of Revelation. We shall be happy even as our enemies slay us --- and then we shall be with the Father and the Son, seconds latter! President Trump engaged our brave Military to undergo this huge, large scale attack --- freeing the traumatized and dying kids held captive underground.. under our American cities, and the filthy Media knows all about it, but is too fearful to talk about it, as perhaps they are guilty too. Sincerely, Tom Schuckman https://youtu.be/m4MtUeGWla4

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