Friday, August 7, 2020

This Present Life and Time are Fleeting!

Tom's Journal. August 7th, 2020 Judgment Day! This week on Hal Lindsey Presents, we continue our examination of the "great white throne" judgment taught in Revelation 20:11-15. This is the judgment of those who were not part of the first resurrection - an event we examined earlier in this chapter. Revelation 20:6 says, "Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power." At the great white throne, Jesus will judge all those who did not take part in the first resurrection. These people lived their lives refusing God's offer of redemption in Him. They did not accept God's way. But He will allow them their day in court. They will have their say and give their excuses. But be warned. God does not grade on the curve. We must think of God's law as a single thing. Break any of it, and you have broken all of it. You have broken the law. James 2:10 tells us, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all." On this week's program, we will look at the differences between the great books, some of which will be opened on that judgment day. This part of the program will clear up the confusion many Christians feel on this topic. The most important thing is to have your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. (See Revelation 21:27.) Your own works of righteousness will not put your name there, but His will. If you want to get in, you have to be with Jesus. In Matthew 7:22-23, Jesus gives us a preview of the kinds of things pious, unsaved people will say as they stand before Him. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.'" What are these people doing? They are telling Jesus about the great works they did during life. But the Bible makes it clear over and over that our works will not be enough. What we do for Jesus will not save us. We will be saved by what He has done for us! Please join me for this crucial study on Hal Lindsey Presents this week. Look for it on Daystar, Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time. Or, you can watch it online anytime at or If you missed any episodes, you can catch up by visiting God Bless, Hal Lindsey mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147 email: web: Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147 Dear Friends and Gentle Readers, Now that I am retired, ever since the year 2002, I see things from a whole different prospective. As some of us look back upon our many years of hard work, toil, ups and downs, my past life was so aboundant in constant fast tracked adventure, with a few deadly accidents and serious injuries to cope with. The truth is that I had many jobs, yet completed a 30.5 year good work record at Chrysler Motors in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and according to Readers Digest, a few mentioned towns in Wisconsin were dubbed, "a great place to raise a family!" Good, pure water, clean air, and meaningful employment.   After talking to  so many other Veterans like me, it seems that we all carry some regrets, and sorry for the great loss of life in combat/ wars, etc., but we are also proud to have survived all this time, and have watched our offspring grow up, even burying some of them before their time -- like my dear son, Andrew T. Schuckman, and there is still a deep hole in my heart because of his early demise and absence.  Knowing the Bible and putting all of my hope, trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the KJV Bible helps me to deal with these things, but I still get depressed. 

But right now America and indeed the whole world is suffering from Satan the Devil [STD-- nick name] and tons of his wicked follower ---MANY IN HIGH PLACES, as we are just beginning to see !  'And you ain't seen nothin' yet !  Thanks to our fearless President Trump and a few others, the dirty blanket has been lifted to show so many high born, and powerful people and organizations deep in the toilet infected the whole world of mankind.  Hey,  this is nothing new under the sun!   Just start reading the first book of the Bible and see what Father God had to put up with-- and dumb, evil people today mirror the same rebellious behavior in places like:  NYC, Chicago, Seattle, MN, and other Democratically held and "managed" cities and states.  Grrrrrrr !

Some people lament and claim that the Heavenly Father sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, who had a pre-human existence [or course] in Heaven, down into an Insane Institution on earth, and He could read all their hateful, wicked THOUGHTS!  Jesus DIED for all of our sins -- so that we won't have to go to hell when we die.  But nothing is totally free.  We have to acknowledge Jesus as our one and only true Lord and Savior.  We cannot be cowards, or we will fail.  There is already talk about the "Mark of the Beast," and many have already taken that Mark.  My advice is to NEVER, EVER even THINK about taking that MARK, because then we will become irredeemable and spend eternity in a horrible place for the eternally wicked.  And not to worry, hell has lots of room for more folks. 

   We should be focusing on the intense LOVE of the Father and the Son, more than any fear.   Remember [again] that the Lord will return, "like a thief in the night."  There is no valid excuse for not knowing the words of Christ and rest of the Bible!

Please continue to pray for me as I just got some more medication from the local VAMC to help cure my latest challenge, and bless our children so that they walk straight.  And let  us pray for the President of the USA, a sinful human like us all, but trying hard to uncover horrible evils like the enslavement of children who are sold into slavery and porn, used in experiments and lewd satanic rituals/ sacrifices, etc.  We shall see and  hear of  horrific exposures of rich and powerful people who do such great evil to those young, helpless children who are trapped, stolen, and who have been kidnapped for evil purposes.  God will repay...

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman 


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