Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Cherries -- equal Good Health !

Dear Friends,

The picture directly below is of my smart wife, Loretta Schuckman and I.   Lori is about 8 years younger than I am, so maybe she will still have some energy to care for me as I grow older..... [ Old Soldiers never die --- they just fade away ].    I feel that Lori has learned a lot from all my teachings, especially the bible studies.    

About a month ago some kind of 'BUG' invaded my health system--- my body, and I woke up aching and paining like an old dog dying on the living room floor in front of all the on-lookers, stiff, sore, and nasty !!   We surely don't believe it to be the Covid-19 butt-kicker.  Combined with me falling down out of the bathroom with a 'too narrow door', the EMP's had to be called to help get me up and set aright... and I just hated that!  When you have half-trained, too young punks, who cannot even lift their own WEIGHT, it doesn't help any one, and I end up very bruised, more injured than before.  If they take you to the hospital U.P. here in the far North -- you get to be a "Human Pin Cushion" as they 'drill for blood' all the time, but they mean well.   Most of the time they never solve the original problem, even though I did manage to lose weight !   But I lost MUSCLE !  We would rather lose FAT.   
     Still,  I can only stand for a short time, and can not walk.  Prayers still requested, please.   💪💪   Biceps  gone....  boo hoo...   ---Updated,  6-6-21.

First of all, I am in no way advertising to sell anything today!   My game is to INFORM, Advise, Teach, and Deliver Knowledge and Biblical Wisdom.  The words of the KJV BIBLE are the top tier of Father God's supreme Wisdom!

Just who today, in 2021, cannot afford to own a copy of the Bible ??   I have invested and given away MANY copies of the Bible in my long life and then taught many to read and understand it.... and that alone has given me:  Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, self control, etc !   I am still far from perfect, but I consider this a good start in my life.  
       The first thing that comes to mind about cherries was the story of George Washington, who cut down a cherry tree in the D.C. area, with the words,  "I cannot tell a lie."  But the 2nd thing is that cherries have great medicinal qualities in them.    Manganese  is a very important mineral that helps old folks like me in my damaged, VA-replaced Right knee !   So I used to drive up to Door County, Wisconsin, which is the "thumb" shaped Peninsula sticking out into Lake Michigan that makes the 'growing climate' so perfect for certain products that we love U.P. here... like CHERRIES !  BTW, Cherry wine also has some good nutrients to help the knees, too.  Moderate drinking, according to the Bible is NOT a sin --- but drunkenness' is condemned !   Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine!   Think:  Would all the 'Jesus haters say that Jesus changed water into GRAPE JUICE ??'   Ha!  There were liars and godless whimps / Democrats  back in Jesus' day--- just as there are now in 2021.  Many are about to experience COMMUNISM here, soon.  
       But there are many active, well studied Bible smart Christians on earth now who hope not to hang around long when Jesus comes back to 'claim His own...'  So, is it just a matter of "being a good man or woman, or child" the right ticket to flee the earthly scene."  No !  Only people who have the 'right stuff' of KNOWING THE LORD, and being SAVED, that will get us thru this unholy mess!  

For Vietnam Veterans, 2021 is a shameful, rotten, ungodly time with stupid young and old punks promoting Communism -- which my generation fought against !   The punks are 'too slow' to see thru Nancy Pelosi and Biden's lies as they inch their way closer to the pit of Satan.   

Right now my whole body still aches big time, especially my Right knee that got bruised and twisted in my last fall in the bath room a few days ago.   I do a lot of good, hard praying every day, and praise the Lord for the good, hard working wife that He gave me.
     Please share my LINK for this blog spot, with others.   Thanks.

Christian Hugs,
Thomas G Schuckman 

Hi Thomas​,

I thoroughly enjoyed the spring. Together with nature, I tried to revive myself. I took full advantage of this period, walking in nature, breathing the air full of flower scent and freshness, and enjoying the vitamins from seasonal plants.

Now, let summer come! Full of strength and enthusiasm, I am ready for a new adventure.

What do you associate the beginning of summer with? I associate it with cherries. I just love them. If you only knew how many benefits these small but full of life fruits have. I want to tell you about them in this email.

cherries image

Cherries, one of the favorite summer desserts, are packed with nutrients that have exceptional health benefits. Moreover, by including them in the diet, you don't have to worry about your figure, because there are only 90 calories in a cup of cherries. If we talk about nutrients, then cherries contain vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP and a sufficient amount of trace elements: fluorine, calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, copper.

But let's take a closer look at how these fruits contribute to the proper functioning of the body.

Improve memory. Cherries, especially dark ones, are a source of anthocyanin - a substance that enhances memory. They also contain polyphenols that slow down the aging of the brain.

Improve sleep. Did you know that insomnia can be solved by eating cherries? Due to the significant amount of melatonin in their composition, which regulates sleep cycles and helps treat insomnia, you will get rid of these problems. Eat some fruit an hour before bedtime and you will see the result.

Reduce the risk of heart disease. This is due to the content of anthocyanins, thanks to which the fruit has a red color. They activate genes that metabolize fat and glucose, which help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Moreover, sour cherries have a glycemic index of 22, lower than apricots (57), grapes (46), peaches (42), blueberries (40) or plums (39). This means that it is the number one choice for those suffering from diabetes.

Prevent colon cancer. The beneficial substances contained in cherries can reduce the formation of carcinogens as a result of eating fried or grilled meat. Thus, sweet cherries and sour cherries are especially recommended for lovers of red meat.

Improve the general condition of the body. Cherry stimulates digestion, relieves pain in the stomach and has an analgesic effect against arthritis, gout, rheumatism. It also relieves swelling and stimulates kidney function.

Rejuvenate the skin. The antioxidants in cherries help the body fight free radicals that accelerate aging. Sour cherry juice is recommended as an alternative treatment for a variety of skin conditions.

How to use cherries?

Cherries should not be consumed immediately after eating: at least 30 minutes after eating should pass. It must be remembered that cherries, eaten in large quantities at once, can cause diarrhea. Cherries should be eaten very carefully for those who have ulcer, gastritis or high acidity.

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Certainly, fresh cherries are most useful; eat them in small portions.

Besides all the above, cherries provide a good mood. Its taste and aroma have a beneficial effect on the production of joy hormones. Buy a kilo of cherries and enjoy your dose of health with pleasure. In addition to improving your mood and ability to work, you make a fairly feasible contribution to the "fund" of your own health.

It's so easy to make yourself feel good!

To a Healthier & Happier Life,
LifeTime Health

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