Monday, July 18, 2016

Christian Statement of Faith.

Tom's Journal.

Hello  Dear  Friends:
  Below is "The Statement of Faith" from a local church that I intend to visit and possibly join, soon,  if they have A/ C and it's friendly and actually teaches what the Bible says, from the Information that I have.   I really need to find a place of worship close by so I can make more, new, real Christian friends, for the Fellowship, alone, and then some.    It's been too long being away from good, real, Christians....  as "Iron sharpens Iron."  ---Proverbs 27: 17.   A friend of mine told me/ suggested this new place for me,  near me, in a small country town in the U.P., so I hope it all pans out.  But nothing ventured -- nothing gained.   I hope you all know and agree .... that WE,  YOU and I, all need to 'take that first step' to seek out other Christians, and according to the book of Hebrews... 'do not forsake the frequent gathering of yourselves...  to meet and incite love..'    Unfortunately,  too many Americans and others love to 'meet and incite HATRED and VIOLENCE'  these days, and conspire to kill/ murder innocent Police in our Nation !!   Those same people would really be up the creek without a paddle if the police decided to just stay home and NOT PROTECT the people in their respective communities !   They would be howling then, and guess who would suffer the most ???   Duh.... it would be poor black folks who couldn't afford to defend themselves, who couldn't grow enough brains and brawn to [no  insult or offense intended] organize, protect and patrol their neighborhoods !!   Wouldn't that be fun to watch and make a point ? ! ?    I bet they would change their tune in a heart beat.    I am not being racist when delivering this message --- only telling the truth from my vast experience and knowledge.   Most blacks are kind, gentle, hard working people, with many Christians in the mix.   And they would suffer the most, unfortunately.    In fact,  God is 'color blind' and doesn't care what we look like.   He only wants us all to bend knee to His Son, Jesus, to get into the club membership, as listed below.   I hope you read all of this post,  because then you will know and understand EVERYTHING that a real Christian should know and believe.... and follow.   Yes, these are the basics of our 'Core Belief System,'  friends !   And all the right Scriptures are also listed for proof, and I can only hope that you jot them down and then look them all up as your study requirement, please.    Please.   Please.     Or,  how else can you give a fine testimony to others and prove what you say and believe ???    And yes, it does matter !   Memorizing as many key scriptures as you can is very important and will not hurt you little head one tiny bit !      Remember,  the Muslims out there are really good at capturing the minds and hearts of our Black Americans, teaching and weaving their evil, demon hatred, to kill and main innocent cops and others !!  So get on the stick and LEARN to share the Gospel !  Now..  TODAY !
                              You can NEVER know too much --- something I learned in college, in Print Reading for Welders class, in 1989, when I was just age 38, and lost a good paying job at AMC/  Chrysler Motors, in Kenosha, WI., along with 6000 other people, in one day !!   I got back in school as fast as I could to learn more on how to earn a living for my wife and 3 kids, whom I loved,  but it was also my DUTY, as a husband and father.   And I worked hard to get straight "B's" at Gateway Tech College, in Kenosha, WI., at that time in my life,  to set a good, proper example for my family.   A few years later I went back to school again so I might get State Certified in various types/ methods of Welding, etc.   I did a lot of things to make ends meet and support my family.   I learned to Improvise, Adapt and Overcome,many pit falls, snares, depressive moods/ feelings, hardships and tall mountains in my life.   Ha!  I still don't feel completely sure of myself,  in my own deeds, powers, applications, human efforts ---  but I live by the Word of God, and ask Him to provide for me, save me, and support me, even now.   Yes,  it's so nice and comforting to have a FRIEND like Father God, so I am never completely alone.   I found out that a man can never, ever really, completely TRUST another human being, a woman.   Not that all women are untrustworthy and evil,  but they are human and frail, just like all the men.   Accidents happen, things change and your money runs out, or you fall upon hard times, and I have seen and experienced women who just  left  me, deserted me or kicked me out..... and damn the puny piece of paper, marriage contract, or any "vows" they took at the time of marriage....  Ha!  Sorry,  that is just the way it is in our lives, especially now days when Satan has inspired the "Women's Lib" movement, where so many women are so dang Independent and super intelligent, as they always know better.     OK,  I know this must sound like a bitter old man talking,  but it's really the truth, and statistics prove what I say about all the recent busted marriages, without scriptural grounds ! !   May they all find a huge gold mine and a super man to 'please them.'    Let's see how they manage without any more 'gifts' and 'blessings...$$$$.'
     Bottom line,  I know that if I keep my nose clean and try to stay as close to Jesus and follow His commands [see the last post I wrote today, please...], I will probably be OK.   And if I die or get Raptured up, tomorrow,  that's OK, too !    Smile !   In the mean time, I have lots of regular bills to pay and stay alive, and meet new, nicer, kinder, people, who actually have a conscience, and KEEP THEIR WORD!     Time to cover my 'anatomy' and be more vigilant, trust no one.... if you know what I mean.   I will reward those who are kind to me, and to those who respect me,  as I wade thru these 'troubled waters' in 2016.   Praise the Lord for the wonderful Air Conditioning that I enjoy so much !   I am a rich man compared to so many others who are actually starving for food and clean drinking water.  PTL --- Praise the Lord !

Warm Regards,
Tommy    Schuckman


Teaching my [passed wife --   Sharon L.  Schuckman,  from Ohio,   to cut  steel with an Oxy - Acetylene torch in the church garage 'welding shop' that I installed.  At "Victory Baptist Church," outside  Kenosha, WI., about 7 years ago.

My old Tomahawk tripod target in my old back yard in Wisconsin.

Our Statement of Faith

The Scriptures:  We believe that the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God and were without error in the words of the original manuscripts.  We believe that God’s inspiration extended to the words of the text and to all parts equally and fully.  We believe that the Bible is God’s complete message to us and the final authority for our faith (II Tim. 3:16, Acts 17:11, II Peter 1:20-21, Rom. 15:4, Heb. 2:1-4).
 The Godhead:  We believe in the One Triune God, eternally existing, in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, co-eternal in being, co-equal in power and glory and having the same attributes and perfections but distinct in person and role (Gen. 1:26; 3:22, Matt. 3:16; 22:43; 28:19, I Peter 1:2).
 God the Father:  We believe in God the Father (Matt. 6:9, Eph. 3:14), Creator (Gen. 1:1), an infinite personal Spirit (John 4:24, Rev. 4:8), perfect in holiness (Isa. 6:3), wisdom (Romans 11:33-36), justice (Deut. 32:4), power (Job 42:2, Isa. 44:24, Mark 14:36, Rev. 19:6), patience and love (I Chron. 16:34, Jonah 4:2, Eph. 2:4).  We believe that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men (Isa. 55:7, Micah 7:18, Eph. 2:4); that He hears and answers prayer (Heb. 4:16); and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ (Matt. 1:21-23, Eph. 2:4-8).
 God the Son: We believe that Jesus Christ has always eternally existed with the Father (John 1:1, 14) and was born into the world as a man (John 1:30; 8:40), being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary (Matt. 1:21-23).  We believe that Christ is perfectly sinless (Isa. 53:9, Heb. 4:14-15, II Cor. 5:21) being fully God and fully man (Phil. 2:5-11). We believe that He died a substitutionary death on the cross bearing the sin of all mankind by His shed blood (Heb.  9:22; 10:12).  We believe that Christ rose bodily from the dead (I Cor. 15:3-8) and ascended to the right hand of the Father where He continues to live eternally (Acts 1:9, Heb. 1:3, 13; 8:1; 12:2)
 God the Holy Spirit:  We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person (Rom. 15:30, Eph. 4:30, II Cor. 12:11) who convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:7-11); and that He is the Supernatural Agent in regeneration (John 3:5-6), baptizing all believers into the body of Christ (I Cor. 12:13, Eph. 4:5, Titus 3:5); indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption (Eph. 1:13-14).  We believe that He is the Divine Teacher who guides believers into all truth (Gal. 5:18, 25, Acts 16:6); and that it is the privilege and duty of all the saved to be filled with the Spirit by which we are able to walk in obedience (Eph. 5:18).  We believe that the final evidence for the baptizing and indwelling work of the Spirit is the promise of God’s Word and that no external or supernatural sign is necessary (Eph. 1:13-14).  We believe that sign and revelatory gifts of the Spirit such as tongues and prophecy were for the most part limited to the Apostolic age and are not to be considered a normative part of church life today (I Cor. 13:8-10, Heb. 2:1-4).  We believe that, at conversion, the Holy Spirit sovereignly gifts each believer for serving the Body of Christ (ICor. 12:11).
 Man:  We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26) and as such demands our respect for all human life.  We believe all human life to be sacred including, but not limited to the unborn, newborn, handicapped and elderly (Psalm 139:1-18, Gen 9:6).  We believe that in Adam’s sin the human race fell into sin through disobedience (Rom. 5:12), inherited a sinful nature (Rom. 5:12), and became alienated from God (Isa. 59:2).  We believe that man is totally depraved, spiritually dead (Eph. 2:1, Rom. 3:9-18) and as a natural result of his condition, destined for condemnation (Eph. 2:3).  We believe that he is utterly unable to remedy his lost condition (Eph. 2:4-9).
 Salvation: We believe that the saving work of Christ on the cross is appropriated only by faith (Eph. 1:13; 2:8, John 3:16), as one believes in the Lord and His substitutionary atonement.  We believe that such faith necessitates a comprehension of personal guilt and sin and a turning from any confidence in good works, sacraments, religious deeds, or any other human effort as ground for salvation (Rom. 3:28, Phil. 3:4-9, I Thess. 1:9).  We believe that all who possess such faith are born from above (John 3:3) and are at once rendered justified (Rom. 3:26, 28), redeemed (I Peter 1:18-19), reconciled (II Cor. 5:18), and adopted (Gal. 4:4-6) by God.  We believe that all who are born of the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ can have assurance of salvation and are eternally secure in Him (Eph. 1:13-14).
 The Church: We believe that the true Church is composed only of those persons who have experienced saving faith in Christ Jesus (Matt. 16:18, Col 1:18).  We believe that Christians are commanded to assemble together for the purpose of worship, prayer, fellowship, and instruction (Heb. 10:24-25, Acts 2:42).  We believe the Church is called to be ambassadors of Christ to a world of unbelievers through godly conduct and an active verbal witness (II Cor. 5:18-20).
 The Ordinances:  We believe that Christ commanded every believer to be baptized by immersion after conversion (Matt. 28:19) as a testimony of faith and discipleship.  We believe that Christ commanded His followers to regularly remember Him by observing the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:23-26).  Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Communion), however, are not to be regarded as a means of grace or salvation (Rom. 3:28, Eph. 2:8).
 The Second Coming:  We believe in the literal, physical return of our Lord Jesus (John 14:6) in which believers are raptured (caught up) to be with Him forever (I Thess. 4:17, Rev. 22:20).  We believe that His coming will begin a period of judgment for unbelievers (II Thess. 1:3-10, II Peter 3:10-13).
 The Millennial Kingdom:  We believe that Christ will personally reign over the earth with His glorified saints for 1000 years following His return to earth (Rev. 20:4-5).  We believe that during Christ’s reign Satan will be bound and the earth restored to a state of blessedness (Rev. 20:1-3, Isa. 65:17-25).  We believe that the kingdom will conclude with the crushing of one final Satanic rebellion (Rev. 20:7-10).
 The Final Judgment:  We believe that Satan and the fallen angels will be judged before God’s throne and eternally banished to the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10).  We believe that the unsaved of all times will be raised to be judged according to their works (Rev. 20:11-12).  We believe that all those so raised and judged will be confined and condemned to eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:13-15).  We believe that the saved of all times will escape this judgment and remain in the presence of God forever (Rom. 8:1, Rev. 22:1-5).

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