The following is not a scare tactic, but the sorry truth of the matter. I believe it, anyway, and it all makes perfectly common, logical sense to me. And when you see, read and hear about all the terrible daily baloney going down, murders and executions of LEO's so often, [Law Enforcement Officers] --- with the Bible in the other hand, you realize that nothing can stop God's original Will and Purpose. But perhaps we can seriously USE this time to bring in more souls into God's Family of 'Saved People/ Human Beings' who are smart enough and humble enough to acknowledge Jesus Christ as their ONLY HOPE for true Salvation ! ! "It's the only game in town."
I try to do the best I can on my humble posts, to incorporate better writers than I who know and love the TRUTH, and the only Solution to mankind's woes and tribulations. Yes, we put God first in our lives, but that doesn't mean that we just sit on our butts and do nothing while the enemies work overtime to drag down our beacon of light on the hill.... of God-loving, good, humble humans that only want what God and our U.S. Constitution says: Freedom and Liberty, to meet in humble worship, to win others over to true biblical Christianity, Freedom of Speech, plus the important 2nd Amendment, to keep and bear arms, to protect ourselves from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC ! Once a country loses these 2 critical, fundamental freedoms, they are lost for, perhaps, a few generations and then bondage grips the public like the jaws of a Tiger !
Thank you all for visiting, reading and sharing my blog posts with others.
Warm Regards,
Tommy Schuckman
email: tschuckman@aol.com
Only Trump Stands Between You and Utter Destruction
Both in my lifetime and especially the 10 years that I have been on radio and the 12 years I have been writing, I have never seen America in such a desperate condition.
When I choose to write an article, I have asked what the Lord would have me do. My responsibility has greatly increased because this month, the readership on my website is up 35-40%. We are experiencing a phenomenal growth among first-time visitors to The Common Sense Show. This means that hundreds of thousands of people are new to our movement. Thanks to Donald Trump and the continuing efforts of the fine people in the Independent Media, millions of previously brainwashed Americans, who only a year ago would have called people like me the neurolinguistic term, “Fear Monger”, are waking up. However, millions of Americans do not have the professional or contextual background to fully understand the dangers that they face because America is beginning to say, enough is enough! However, there is extreme danger ahead. In the worst case scenario, we will die the planned eugenics death planned for by the globalists as they have called for the destruction of 90% of humanity (i.e. Ted Turner 1997 interview).
Subsequently, with the new influx of readers and curiosity seekers, I feel that the Lord is calling me, at least for some of my articles, to go back and start at the beginning and explain the dangers of the fight, to our new comrades in arms, and clearly lay out what we are up against.
The Promise of a Trump Presidency
The Plundering of America
For over a century, our country has been plundered by a group of minions representing international banking. In modern times, these criminal thugs that we call the New World Order have stolen trillions of dollars from America and its previously ignorant middle class.
In modern times, the big culprit and threat to America are the free trade agreements. This has caused the flight of middle class jobs to third world countries which has led to the loss of millions of jobs and the destruction of Detroit and to a lesser degree Baltimore, Washington DC, St. Louis, Cleveland Chicago and dozens of other American communities. The free trade agreements are national suicide, but millions of America don’t see threat until it is too late and they lose their job.
The destruction of America is deliberate because there can be no New World Order unless America, her Constitution, her base of wealth and her civil liberties are destroyed. The resources must be gone as well because if America retained some of its wealth, it would find a way to rebuild.
The other major threat, among the many, has to do with illegal immigration. America is the product of immigrants. However, Americans at Ellis Island processed, in an orderly fashion, 13 million immigrants without the use of computers. Today, we have Jihadis coming into the country along side of people from Central America. Most of the Central Americans are looking for a better life. The Jihadi’ss are looking to end lives, American lives!
Every President and Congress since the days of JFK have put this country at risk by failing to properly deal with the immigration threat. Even the corrupt FBI director, Comey, has said that there are a 1000 active ISIS investigations in the United States and still our leaders want more Muslims from regions of terror to be admitted to the country while we continue to not screen them. These new immigrants are receiving benefits that they do not deserve, namely, welfare, social security and free medical. And according to the FBI formula, a minimum of 10% are radicalized and willing to commit acts of terrorism against America and her citizens.
Illegal immigration cuts away at the wage structure of the working class and is even reaching into the middle class. We spend billions of dollars each year to tale care of these people. Nobody took care of my father’s immigrant family. These illegal immigrants are given FREE health care while American citizens are laboring under the growing holocaust that is Obamacare.
Donald Trump is promising to stop these transgressions, national security threats and destruction of our American lives.
And finally, our culture is under attack. The guardians of our society, the police, are targets of globalist created organizations (i.e. George Soros) Black Lives Matter. Don’t let the title fool you, BLM is not about helping black people. In my former role as a college basketball coach, I helped more young black males advance their lives than Black Lives Matter. Unlike George Soros, that only wants to exploit this group for the gain and profit of the New World Order, I loved, cared about and helped the quality young black men that I had the pleasure of working with. It breaks my heart to see so many being taught that hate and violence is the answer. Five years ago, did you ever think you would live in an America in which many of the residents thought that assassinating police officers was a good idea? Twenty years ago, did you believe that the President of this nation would bail out Goldman Sachs while they let Detroit die? It is ironic that we now have a President who thinks that the random and statistically rare cases of police brutality outweighs the theft of an entire generation of young black males with regard to their futures? What has Obama done about black poverty in our inner cities? Under his leadership, the murder rate of young black men has become the number cause of death for the demographic of black males 18-30. Yes, black lives do matter, but we do nothing for these young people except to enact national policies that plunder any semblance of opportunity in our inner cities. And it is ironic that the greatest offender and obstacle to a life of opportunity for young black males, is black himself. Obama has not only committed treason against his country, he has betrayed the welfare of his own race.
The Hope of Donald Trump
Donald Trump offers hope to a nation that is slipping under the surface of the water for the third time. He wants to tax corporate profits 35% when they are shipped back into the country after the exodus from the country in the name of cheap labor. Under his plan, jobs will return to America. This will indeed help our economically deprived underclass of youth from minority cultures. Donald Trump a racist? Trump’s intention to get rid of free trade agreements, makes him the savior of every poor black and Latino child in America.
Trump has a plan to stem the tide of illegal immigration. He will make immigration orderly and begin to rid America of the national security threats posed by unchecked and unscreened Middle Eastern immigration that has led to a thousand open cases of ISIS investigations within this country.
The Globalists Will Not Bend to the Will of the People
You need to understand that the globalists are not going to give up their ill-gotten gains without a civil war (which is what we are seeing the beginning of now), or without out a major war. They will not hesitate to kill billions to get their way.
All across the planet, people are frightened. Many in the know understand that we living through humanity’s last chance to survive. Today, I am being interviewed for the second time in three days by foreign media. Today’s interview is originating out of Serbia. These journalists found me on my website. They are concerned. Europe’s future is America’s future and what we are witnessing with the Trump campaign is becoming a global phenomenon. If this were a baseball game, we would say that this is game 7 and the home team is losing.
In this age of pending economic collapse, and in the early stages of a race war, and with the unknown future false flag events planned, Americans are in a very precarious situation.Conclusion
I want to save lives. I want to save souls in the name of Jesus. I don’t know if God will use Trump to push back the coming of the anti-Christ. However, I know that without Trump, the tribulation cannot be far away. Therefore, I have to support Trump.If you are beginning to see how the lives of your family are at risk, you need to make it your mission to support the Trump campaign. You need to become a missionary of truth. You need to be willing to endure terrible insults. You will encounter these asleep and programmed sheep. You need to keep spreading. The next 11 weeks will determine for millions of you whether or not you will spend your last days in a FEMA camp. Many of you who are reading these words cannot comprehend what I just wrote. However, through the course of this week, I am going to spell out the dangers of inaction by showing you the documented proof of what the globalists who have hijacked our government have planned for you.
Until my next installment in this series, I would encourage all of you to remain in prayer and ask for the Lord’s discernment so you can determine your best course of action. I promise to pull no punches in my efforts to fully identify the threats that are already in our face.
For those who cannot accept the stress of waiting for this coming series to conclude, I would encourage you to read Steve Quayle’s book Xenogensis. It tells you in no uncertain terms where this is all headed and what our world will look like if we fail to collectively act.
A Coming Attraction From a Future Article In This Series
Next Up: How the globalists will use your children as leverage against you.
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