Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Very Disturbing.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/


Tue, Mar 27, 2018 10:33 am

This very important letter/ email was passed on by a close buddy of mine, a Navy man,  Greg L., from IL, USA.   Thanks, Brother Greg !

Dear Friends,
     "Ours is not to ponder why --- Ours is but to do or Die !"  
       None of us Conservative voters in the good old, USA could have imagined that something like THIS could have ever been signed by President D.J. Trump, IMHO [In my humble opinion] !  I will be that Donald Trump is beating himself with a whip for even caving in, today, and wondering what happened, as he slowly reads the document.   If anyone has read my humble blog posts at all for the past 7 or so, years,  they already know my mind and heart, and must also understand what the KJV Bible has to say about America even existing after the start of the "Great Tribulation."   
     Friends,   there are 2-- fine books written on the subject at hand that I am reading/ studying right now with my fine, hard working wife,  Lori:   "The MacArthur New Testament Commentary --Revelation,  1--11,  and Rev. 12- 22."   --Moody Publishes/  Chicago....  plus many more great Bible study books.

I have a lot of do and accomplish today,  so I will make this post shorter than usual.   Have a good, safe, day.

Warm Regards,
Tom  Schuckman
Email:   tschuckman@aol.com           
This is very disturbing. If this is allowed, what will be next? Elimination of  freedom of speech? Total elimination of the Constitution and all our freedoms? It is time the American started fighting back.....every and any way they can!
Subject: Art of The Surrender

Dear Gregory,

Republican leadership in Congress and President Trump betrayed law-abiding gun owners.

Yet if it was not for the strong, consistent opposition of National Association for Gun Rights supporters like you, the outcome would have been far, far worse.

Your petitions, emails, and phone calls ground the stampede for gun control to a halt -- as politicians scurried for cover hoping to avoid a clear vote for gun control.

Capitulating to Michael Bloomberg, media hysteria, and some well-coached teenagers, Republican leadership worked with Democrats to bury the Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and John Cornyn (R-TX) so-called Fix-NICS gun control scheme inside the $1.3 trillion spending package rammed through Congress late last week.

President Trump signed it the very next day.

While the anti-gunners are already howling for the need for even more gun control, Fix-NICS is bad news for gun owners and will EXPAND the Brady-NICS gun control scheme to:
*** FORCE federal agencies and states to expand their record keeping -- steadily building the largest gun control database in U.S. history.
*** PUNISH states for not handing over tens of thousands of private records of hundreds of thousands of gun owners to Big Brother in Washington, D.C.
*** REWARD states with tens of millions of dollars for turning over their residents’ records to gun control elites occupying federal agencies, and eagerly building the Brady-NICS Super Database.
*** UN-REPEAL the Obama-era Social Security Gun Ban and expand the “Veterans Gun Ban” in to other departments and agencies.
This is terrible news for Second Amendment supporters.

Unfortunately, President Trump and his Justice Department went even further Friday night.

Late in the day, they issued a so-called “Bump Stock Ban” via executive fiat -- for the first time, claiming the authority to ban an accessory without legislation.

Friday was a cold slap in the face to every Second Amendment supporter who voted for Donald Trump.

There’s no easy way to say it, but his administration has passed more gun control in one year than Obama could in eight years.

And already there is talk of more gun control and new ways to seize guns without real due process.

That’s why I am committed to being just as vigilant in the months ahead...and I hope you are too.

It’s because of YOUR activism that we stopped Congress from passing a full on “assault weapons” ban.

Your petitions and phone calls STOPPED arbitrary age limit bans on purchasing commonly owned rifles.

And YOUR voices ringing in the ears of D.C. lawmakers pushed them to abandon Universal Brady Checks.

We must continue to fight like hell to protect our Second Amendment rights against further infringements.

Now that President Trump has signed into law gun control measures that would make Obama envious, the gun grabbers in Congress are going to go all out.

They are taking to the streets demanding outright gun bans, and if we don’t DOUBLE DOWN, they may succeed as the zeal for capitulation by senior Republicans seems to know no bounds.

Your National Association for Gun Rights is currently planning our next steps to stop any further anti-gun advances.

As you can imagine, the nearly six month battle to stop ALL gun control led by your National Association for Gun Rights drained resources we intended to use to hold anti-gun politicians accountable in the 2018 elections.

So if you have not recently made a contribution, please do so today.

I don’t know what you can afford.

Some folks have been extremely generous and given $1,000 or more.

I know a donation like that is only possibly by a select few.

But perhaps $100 or $50 is possible?

Even chipping in a contribution of $10 will be a boost.

So whatever you can give, please consider it.

We are fighting an uphill battle, but I am proud to stand side-by-side with every NAGR member and supporter.

And the only way to secure firearms freedom for our children and grandchildren is to continue to hold our lawmakers accountable.

I am prepared to make 2018 a painful year for each and every gun control supporter in Congress.

Will you join me in the fight?

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. President Trump just signed gun control into law and made an Obama-style power grab unilaterally banning “bump stocks” and other firearm accessories.

Stuffed deep inside the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill was the infamous Feinstein-backed Fix-NICS gun control bill.

This is a big disappointment to Second Amendment supporters, but the fight isn’t over.

Your phone calls and petitions stopped Congress from passing Universal Brady Checks, age limit ban, and so-called “assault weapons” bans.

Thank you for standing up for the Second Amendment, Gregory.

Without your grassroots activism, things would have been far, far worse. So while the gun-grabbers are crowing, and Republican leadership cringing, you and I may stand tall and fight for our rights and liberty.

So please consider making a generous contribution to help fight back in the weeks to come.

The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80537. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is www.NationalGunRights.org
Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

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