Sunday, February 16, 2020

Abortion Vote, and Winter Lonliness.

Tom's Journal.

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Hello Friends and Readers,
    I don't how all of my readers feel about abortion and the unborn human beings in the world, but I will bet that most of my readers must be biblical Christians, Patriots, combat Veterans and other godly, intelligent people.  I think about my life a lot, especially lately as I turn age 71 in a week and feel kind of lonely separated from some of my best friends who live farther than I would like to drive this freezing Winter... Ha!  I hope I am not feeling too sorry for myself... because I live in a comfortable, warm house with a nice wife, with enough food, clothes and money to pay the bills. 
      But my father passed away close to the age I am now, and sorry if I think too much about loved ones that passed away last year younger than me.  I guess I have an over active Memorial Day mentality and morn for the friends who are gone.  I should be happy for most of them who are now in God's glory of heaven, with peace, joy and love abounding.  Forgive me if I seem or sound 'selfish.'  It might also sound strange --- but I think that it would be fine if God took me up tonight or the RAPTURE came sooner than most other folks want.  I am truly trying my best to make sure that my dear wife is taken care of, financially and health-wise.  She is very resourceful and might even do better with out me... LOL. 
    I called a friend today to run some of my feelings by him to get his opinion and advice.  He is a smart Christian, too. 

Methinks that a Christian must depend upon God for Grace and Salvation thru Christ's ransom blood sacrifice, but we don't just sit still all the time and leave everything up to chance or which way the wind blows.  While we are much better off than most folks in the world, still it would be nice to be surrounded by more family and close friends who could 'look in on us and visit us' from time to time.  I am not that hard to get along with and have actually 'mellowed out' these past 20 years or so, IMHO [in my humble opinion]. 
     I also think that I have a nasty case of seasonal depression and the "Cabin Fever" and Winter Blues...   A friend of mine said that I ought to just drive South to get a sun tan and some 'good vibrations.'  [An old Beach Boys song].  I still have not found a "home church" in this area, and so it's just hard to make and find new friends like I had in the 'good old days.'  I am sure that other, older folks have the same concerns and problems. 
    I am always looking for email friends. 

Well,  I am a great believer in prayer, and so I will pray harder and more often, but also reach out to meet more people in my area.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

Next week, the Senate will vote on both the Born-Alive Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. After months of work on these pro-life efforts, this is exciting progress.

But this signifies that the battle is intensifying. We have about one week to change the minds of four Democrats and one Republican to overcome last year’s filibuster against this Senate bill.

One of the challenges is that these Senators are headed back to their home districts this weekend. So, we are now directing our faxing service to their home districts. This means that your fax message is one of the first they will receive when they arrive back home over the weekend.

I'll tell you why this is exciting in a moment. But first, I hope you will stand in the gap today by making your voice heard with a flood of faxes right now! We have refreshed our fax language to better appeal to these targeted legislators. And we narrowed our target list of who needs to be reached to close these loopholes.

Now is the moment to end protections for the murderers of precious newborn babies!  - Mat


Today provides you an exciting opportunity regarding the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 311) because these home districts are not used to receiving the number of faxes that their D.C. offices are used to handling. This means that we have done the extra work so that your fax has an even greater impact right now.

According to the Center for Disease Control, 143 newborns survived an abortion attempt who later died. "To date, there have been no cases involving prosecutions under the Born-Alive Infants' Protection Act for these 143 infants. Why? Because there's currently no federal criminal statute specifically prohibiting taking the lives of born-alive infants or requiring them to have care," testified Ms. Patrina Mosley with the Family Research Council.

The blood of every one of these precious children is crying out. We must stand up and demand justice for every newborn baby born alive, right now, while we still have the opportunity to do so!

During this week's hearing on the Born-Alive Act, Sen. John Cornyn repeatedly questioned the only person testifying to keep these loopholes. He asked if neglecting or killing a newborn abortion survivor would be considered child abuse. This simple question brought "ums" and "uhs" as the lawyer absolutely refused to give a direct answer to his question.

Yes, this is child abuse and murder ... AND THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH IT because of the loopholes present in the current law.

This is the moment to reach out to these stubborn legislators so that your urgent fax can greet them the moment they walk into their home districts. It's time to let them know that a child still has worth, even if they are not wanted by one person.

Sen. Kamala Harris exposed the fraud of radicals' talking points in this week's hearing. After many Senators have claimed that this needs to be a conversation between a woman and a doctor, Sen. Harris refused to ask the doctor sitting in front of her, and instead she asked the pro-abortion, pro-infanticide lawyer who has zero known medical training.

Sen. Harris asked if this bill would help mothers or their families. The lawyer replied with a bald-faced lie, saying "No."

To say this, Ms. Fatima Graves either has to believe that the aborted child is not a "family member" of their own mother or she has to attempt mental gymnastics to claim that providing nutrition, comfort and medical care is of no "help" to the child who would die without it!

Either way, it is a lie. They have to lie because they know that they cannot tell the truth and fight against this bill.

But these radicals' incantation of lies does not cause these newborn babies to feel less pain when they are neglected, abused, or killed. And this current loophole does not provide justice for these newborns and their murderers.

Below is today's suggested prayer topic regarding abortion. If you haven't printed out your own free daily copy, get it today.

Day 14: Pray today for babies that have been diagnosed with an illness or handicap. Pray for their parents as they are reeling from this news that they will find strength and help to protect their child. Pray against wrong diagnoses that falsely label these children and place them in harm's way.

Thank you for making an impact in our nation's future. It is through your support that we are able to provide the tools to defend these sacred, innocent lives.

Mat Staver

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