Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Modern Rise of Witches in the U.S.

Tom's Journal.

Here is a picture of me when I was a little boy when my family lived in Kansas for a short time.  At any rate, I can tell the pic was taken in Kansas by the stone 'out building' in the back ground. 

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Dear Friends and Readers,
   There are certain things that I will never mess with in my life, and one of them is the Occult and Witches.  Sorry, folks, and many may laugh at me but I know what the KJV Bible says about such things... and the Awesome God that I worship has not changed in all these thousands of years since the Law was given never to have anything to do with the Occult, Satan, and Witches.  I also have a healthy respect for poisonous snakes, unsound motor vehicles and aircraft that are not correctly repaired.  In fact, we just had the brakes done in our Ram truck and I think that they over charged me on the bill, but I know that they did a great job and brakes are very important to me and tires, too. 
     But seriously,  I found out long ago that a person can learn all they NEED TO LEARN from the good, old, KJV Bible, because we don't want to get 'too interested' in the Occult and the Dark Side of Satan and his demons.  We don't want to show an 'undue interest' to get their attention, but if we ever fall under demonic attack, the name of Jesus is a very powerful name that I believe will act as a shield and a strong defense against any and all demons!  The 'prince of this world, Satan,' knows that he has only a short time left on planet earth to tempt and mislead humans to follow him.  All Saved Christians are "Prime Targets" and just like a chess game, we have a high value that the devil would just love to knock down and hurt!  Beware.  Take heed.  Personally, I think that we can hurt the devil when we seriously read, study and teach the Bible, also pray, sing spiritual, holy Christian songs and praises.  THIS is what we should be teaching our children well, day and night.  We want to be balanced, but just think how much TV and entertainment we 'consume' on a daily basis, friends.

Well, today is a day that is/ was bittersweet to me, my 71st birthday.   And the water pipes froze again and it took my wife a long time to thaw them out with her hard work!!   How I wish I were still age 50 and without my knee and back problems... Ha!  I just wonder how many of us have the same kind of wishes as I do. 
    I was blessed with some great, super smart, well intentioned teachers in my life who advised me to work hard when I was young and build special friendships and learn as much as I could back then.  One can NEVER learn 'too much.'  But one of my regrets in growing old is that I so miss my old friends who have passed on in death--- except if they were in great pain, that they would go on to heaven and glory with Jesus Christ, where there is no more pain or sorrow.   Other good friends were left behind when I move U.P. to the far Northern Michigan.
    Indeed, I had the horrible experience of having to stay at a Rehab and Old Age home where they had to eat poor, nasty food, with no one to talk to, mostly suffering from dementia and Alsziemers disease.  For the short time I was there healing up from a near death blood poisoning, I was so lost and wanting for any kind of intelligent conversation or friendship!  I guess I still fear a place like that in my future.  But I understand one thing for sure.... that God put me in such places so I could witness and help win SOULS over to Jesus, and help them get Saved!!  That has always been a high point in my life-- that the Father has used me as a 'tool.'  Thank You, dear Lord, for that high privilege!  I can't even think of a high station in life for myself.... as lonely as I was, for the most part.   I sat down with many RN's, nurse's aids, health workers, etc., to teach them what they had to do to get Saved, hand in hand.  Well, that meant that I had to set a good example, too. 

……..  but I won't get negative today.  I am with a good, lady now, my wife, Loretta, and happy that she does so much to take care of me.   Her birthday is on Feb. 23rd!  Happy Birthday, Lori!

I don't know what the Lord has planned for us, but if the Rapture would come TONIGHT... it would not be so bad at all!  
     But the shared News of all the interest in the Occult and Witches in the USA only goes to show that we ARE in the Last Days of this wicked system of things, the 'End times.'  How foolish that so many people would want to 'stick pins' in dolls with orange hair.... Ha!  Personally, compared to B.H. Obama, President Trump is a choir boy, IMHO.  At least he has not shipped billions of our tax dollars to our mortal enemies in the Eastern countries... and enemies of Israel, our good friend.  BTW, Pray for Israel and Jerusalem.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

February 19th, 2020

The Modern Rise of an Ancient Evil

By Hal Lindsey

The March 2020 issue of The Atlantic carries a sad, but fascinating story headlined, "Why Witchcraft Is on the Rise." In the print edition, it's called "The Witching Hour." The magazine takes a sometimes bemused, mostly respectful approach to the topic of witchcraft. The sub headline reads, "Americans' interest in spell-casting tends to wax as instability rises and trust in establishment ideas plummets."

According to the article, "A 2014 Pew Research Center report suggested that the United States' adult population of pagans and Wiccans was about 730,000 - on par with the number of Unitarians. But Wicca represents just one among many approaches to witchery, and not all witches consider themselves pagan or Wiccan. These days, Diaz told me, 'everyone calls themselves witches.'"

The "Diaz" mentioned is one Juliet Diaz. The article says she "describes herself as a seer capable of reading auras and connecting with 'the other side'... one in a long line of healers in her family, which traces its roots to Cuba and the indigenous Taíno people, who settled in parts of the Caribbean. She is also a professional witch: Diaz sells anointing oils and 'intention infused' body products in her online store, instructs more than 8,900 witches enrolled in her online school, and leads witchy workshops that promise to leave attendees 'feeling magical af!' In 2018, Diaz, the author of the best-selling book Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within, earned more than half a million dollars from her magic work and was named Best Witch - yes, there are rankings - by Spirit Guides Magazine."

Diaz said that when she was growing up, "her family's spellwork felt taboo. But over the past few years, witchcraft, long viewed with suspicion and even hostility, has transmuted into a mainstream phenomenon. The coven is the new squad."

When I released Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth back in 1973, satanism, witchcraft, and other forms of the occult were exploding onto the American scene. But they were still viewed with shock and suspicion. Today, they permeate society, and no one is shocked.

Last year, Wired Magazine ran a story with the headline, "Trump's Presidency Has Spawned a New Generation of Witches." Whatever you think of President Trump, it ought to be surprising that thousands of people have turned to witchcraft and the occult in order to oppose him. This is supposedly an era of science and enlightenment, and these people are sticking pins in orange-haired dolls.

People feel powerless and afraid. The world seems out of control. Many have a sense that something awful looms on the horizon and they feel desperate to shield and empower themselves. They're trying to prepare for what they think may be coming by turning to an ancient evil - Satan.

2 Corinthians 4:4 calls him "the god of this world." Ephesians 2:2 refers to him as "the prince of the power of the air." Those things are attractive to a fallen human nature. Galatians 5:19 says, "The deeds of the flesh are evident." Verse 20 lists two of the deeds as "idolatry" and "sorcery."

But Satan gives only an illusion of empowerment and independence. In reality, he crushes and kills. He empowers humans in order to enslave them. His name means "adversary." In John 8:44, Jesus called him the father of lies.

The Spirit of God works in opposite ways. Instead of death and destruction, God brings life and joy. After Galatians 5 tells us about the "deeds of the flesh," it speaks of the Holy Spirit's fruit in our lives. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23).

Want power? That's power!

PROGRAMMING NOTE: I hope you can join me every Sunday evening at 11PM EST on Daystar, or online anytime at or for my line by line examination of Revelation. If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

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