Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Of Politics and Love.

Tom's Journal.

Hello Friends and Readers,
     I am feeling so much better today after visiting a different doctor at the VAMC yesterday with my wife, and starting a new medication.  As I have said so many times before... 'It's easy to be nice, be kind and friendly to everyone when you have plenty of money to pay the bills, food on the table, in the pantry and fine clothes on your back.'  But it's dang hard to smile every day when things are not going your way and you have to carry a ton of heavy concerns on your shoulders with empty pockets and bill collectors hounding you!  I have been rich and poor.... having enough money is much better, but being poor certainly builds your character, and being in mortal combat plants serious thoughts in your heart that will last forever!  I can only imagine being super poor when a person in too old to earn a living and too sick to just live anywhere without some assistance.   I just happen to be blessed right now --- to have a good wife who cares for me and helps me out physically. 
    As far as emotionally, I still have to "feed myself" and that's where the KJV Bible comes into play.  After reading the text of Hal Lindsey's post just now, I know that I must re-read the book of 1st John, again, and also carve a few key scriptures into wood with my router as soon as good weather permits, outside.  I really miss working with wood with my power tools, etc., on the front porch which is on our 2nd story of 'this old house' that we live in.  I also like to build wood boxes, stools, chair, thrones, etc. and staining them pretty colors, and painting just soothes my nerves and relaxes me... amid the fresh country Spring air!  That makes our harsh, cold Winter's worth living thru, and the smell of Lilac and other natural forest smells are so good for me, along with Mr. Sun that heals my dry skin!  The sun makes me look good and feel good.

Yes,  I know that the Coronavirus that started in China is scaring the world of mankind, also messing up the world economy, but today we have the wise words of the Bible to reassure us to be BRAVE and trust in God's promises, also Salvation from God -- thru His Son, Jesus Christ.  Even DEATH is a way out and not to be feared, dear friends.  Suicide is wrong.  But death is merely a gateway to another world where we are all going someday.  When we pass thru that gate/ doorway, we want to be in good standing with the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Oh... I don't want to appear morbid or glorifying death, because I am just starting to get along well with my wife, Loretta, who is so nice to me and we love each other... but it takes time to get to know someone well, IMHO.  After a while we really get to know what the other person is all about and what is really on their mind. 
     I have always thought that it was my mission to teach others all I know, including the promises of the KJV Bible and Salvation thru Christ.  If I have done well --- I should not fear death so much, in my humble opinion. 
   I hope that I have not been a coward in life --- so why would I want to be a coward in death?  Pray, dear Lord, that I can set/ show a proper example for all who survive me.  In my humble mind, age 71 is a very ripe old age in the Schuckman family.  Most of us, in my opinion are over achievers and early achievers, in that we work hard to get some where in life and work extra hard, so that we can marry, have children and retire in dignity, and perhaps leave a good mark on people that we touch, helping as many as we can on the road of life.    That's the way I see things, anyway.
    And so it's really a pity when we see prime, youth cut down uselessly so early in life... by reckless driving, drunk or drugged up driving, drugs, drive-by shootings by gangs and MS-13, and illegal aliens who care nothing for our laws and customs/ way of life in a free society.  No matter what you all think about our current President Trump, he seems like a man who wants to clean up society, raise up the standard of living among all races and types of working people.  And BTW, we didn't look to elect a preacher, pastor or Saint, but a Business man who knew how to make the deal and get the job done -- someone who knew how to keep his word as promised!  Say what you want about him, but he is a man of his word and few others can hold a candle to him.  God will judge him, so I will not.   However, I have no doubt that God IS using him to take care of business, and at least he respects the life of the unborn and life in the womb!  He is a friend and defender of Christians, too.  So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

February 26th, 2020

Of Politics and Love

By Hal Lindsey

We stand in the midst of a great political war. Passions run high on all sides. Everything feels urgent. Political campaigns have become campaigns of fear. "If you vote wrong," they say, "you will lose your freedoms, your savings, your healthcare, and your prosperity along with any hopes you may have for your loved ones."

For those who are not in Christ, these are fearful times. If you've placed your trust in human government to save you or to keep you safe, it makes sense to be afraid - no matter who wins this year's election. You should be afraid because government is not dependable or predictable. We should all work to make human government the best it can be, but we must put our hope and trust in God.

We are told that everything depends on the coming election. It's as if every campaign has a man with a sandwich sign. On one side, the sign says, "The End is Near!" And on the other side, it says, "...unless you vote for [insert name of candidate here]."

A lot of people used to watch presidential elections the way they watched sporting events. They enjoyed evaluating the talents of the campaigners and the intricacies of their ever-evolving strategies. You would be hard-pressed to find such people now. It's fun to watch a basketball game. But in basketball, your country doesn't fall apart if your team loses.

Even with the new coronavirus sweeping the world, American TV news channels are focusing almost all their time on the presidential election. Other news is only given a cursory look. You expect news channels to talk about politics, but today, angry politics infuses everything, including sports, advertising, music, drama, books, and video games. Casual political conversations hardly exist anymore. Now political conversations feel like life and death struggles.

So, where is God in all of this? How should Christian believers respond in such an environment?

As always, we start with faith in God. Hebrews 11:6 teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God. So, trust God and don't be afraid. An unprecedented amount of money will be spent sending political messages over the next few months. Underlying most of those messages will be one of fear. Don't give in to it. If you are in Christ, then you belong to God. One way or another, He will take care of you.

So, don't be afraid, and don't panic. Walk in confidence - not in yourself or your candidate, but in the God whose promises never fail. Have faith!

Next, walk in love. Galatians 5:6 speaks of "faith working through love." 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear."

The passion in politics has turned water coolers into battlefields and kitchen tables into warzones. When emotions run this high, families, churches, businesses, schools, and other institutions all suffer. It's a good time to remember Proverbs 15:1. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger."

In tennis, they call it "taking the pace off of the ball." A message may be coming in hot, but you don't have to respond in kind. Give a gentle answer - even when you would prefer to hit them with a zinger. Go ahead and state your case, but do so with kindness. Remember that a calm demeanor signals confidence, whereas angry blustering comes from fear and doubt.

State your case, and then be gracious. Love and kindness will more readily win others to your side than even the best set of talking points.

In John 15:12, Jesus said, "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says, "Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

PROGRAMMING NOTE: I hope you can join me every Sunday evening at 11PM EST on Daystar, or online anytime at or for my line by line examination of Revelation. If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

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