Saturday, April 18, 2020

'New Information to Help U.S.'

Tom's Journal.

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Dear Friends,
   Many of us have learned in life that sometimes we have what is called:  Old Information, New Info, Wrong Info, False/ fake Info, etc.  I know and understand the term, "IF"  --- 'If the dog would not have stopped to take a dump --- he would have caught the rabbit.'   And so on.... IF.  And then some folks fall down and figure, 'why should I even bother to get up, and maybe someone else will support me and my family, or what ever.   Unless we were born the son of a king, or a prince, we just don't get too many second chances in life-- so if we are blessed to have some smart parents to coach us and teach us the right way, we might believe that being negative is the way to live.
     But those who are taught to read and study the KJV Bible on a steady basis seem to have a positive, good, healthy life style and attitude!  And after all, who wants to hang around someone who is so negative and sour all the time.  Sure we all have bad days and times of hurt, but a "Christian" has HOPE and TRUST in something/ SOMEONE much greater than himself, a kind, Just, Holy, and wonderful God -- Yahweh, and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who had a pre-human existence.  And one of my favorite scriptures is:  "Iron sharpens Iron."  -- Proverbs 27: 17.  That means... when one many gets down and depressed, his good buddy should pick him UP!  Ha!  But those kind of friends, these days, are hard to find.  I know a good number of friends but they mostly live very far from where I live... so we visit by means of the InterNet, telephone, Texting, and Snail Mail [the U.S. Postal System].   If some of you want my friendship, just email me:   -- I am also on FaceBook, but not too often. 

But to the message and posting of today in my humble blog,  our good President honestly did the best that he could humanly do... WITH THE COLLECTED WISDOM AND INFO that he had to work with at the time.  Now with new information, he wants to get America back to work.  But the Democrats don't want the USA to progress and get back up the scale and prosper so as to make our President look bad at voting time!   Yes!  "People" like Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Shumer want America to flounder and fail so they can sneak back into the White House and into Socialism.   I believe that President Trump can bring us back into prosperity and health.  And China knew what they were doing when they allowed the virus to infect our country and kill our older citizens before their time... shame!  But more specifically, the CCP --- Chinese Communist Party, in control of the land.  The Chinese people only want the same things that all other humans want,  freedom, their own land, happiness and a chance to raise their families in safety and peace.    The CCP must be accountable and pay reparations to all nations and people that they hurt and killed no matter if these tragic events were planned, or unplanned.   That's the way the Law of Accountability works in this world.   W.H.O. [the World Health Organization] must be punished, too, for taking China's side in the over up. 
     Well, that's my opinion and I've had my say.  I wish you all good health and enough money to pay the rent/ mortgage and put good food on the table, weather it be Chop Suey or T-bone steaks on the Weber grill in the back yard.  Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

Israeli Professor Shows Virus Follows Fixed Pattern
Source: AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, who also serves on the research and development advisory board for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way. In the exact, same, way. His graphs show that all countries experienced seemingly identical coronavirus infection patterns, with the number of infected peaking in the sixth week and rapidly subsiding by the eighth week.

The Wuhan Virus follows its own pattern, he told Mako, an Israeli news agency. It is a fixed pattern that is not dependent on freedom or quarantine. “There is a decline in the number of infections even [in countries] without closures, and it is similar to the countries with closures,” he wrote in his paper.
“Is the coronavirus expansion exponential? The answer by the numbers is simple: no. Expansion begins exponentially but fades quickly after about eight weeks,” Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel concluded. The reason why coronavirus follows a fixed pattern is yet unknown. "I have no explanation,” he told Mako, “There are is kinds of speculation: maybe it's climate-related, maybe the virus has its own life cycle.”
But what about Italy and their staggering 12% mortality rate? “The health system in Italy has its own problems. It has nothing to do with coronavirus. In 2017 it also collapsed because of the flu,” Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel told the news agency. Indeed, Italy’s exceptionally high coronavirus mortality rate is eerily reminiscent of their unusually high flu mortality rates. Supportive of this theory, Germany, has low flu infection and mortality rates and similarly low coronavirus rates.
Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel concludes in his analysis summary paper that the data from the past 50 days indicates that the closure policies of the quarantine countries can be replaced by more moderate social distancing policies. The numbers simply do not support quarantine or economic closure.
On the reasonableness of Israel’s unprecedented quarantine and closure, he commented to the news agency, “I think it's mass hysteria. I have no other way to describe it. 4,500 people die each year from the flu in Israel because of complications, so close the country because of that? No. I don't see a reason to do it because of a lower-risk epidemic.”
While the American policies remain less restrictive than those of Israel, it is important to understand the origins of our own “mass hysteria” response. President Trump urged a strong coronavirus response after consulting with Dr. Fauci and his team, who relied on a British model predicting 2.2 million deaths in the United States and 500,000 deaths in the U.K. But that model was developed by Professor Neil Ferguson, who had a history of wildly overestimating death rates through his prediction models. Professor Ferguson was not known for his reliability, and his 2001 disease model was criticized as “not fit for purpose” after it predicted that up to 150,000 people could die in the U.K. from mad cow disease (177 deaths to date). Ferguson’s U.K. coronavirus deaths prediction is now down to 20,000 people, 4% of the original prediction.
Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel has mathematically shown us that coronavirus closures were a mistake. It's a tough reality. Americans lost their jobs and businesses went under because the United States, along with most first world nations, acted on the chilling predictions of a severely flawed model, a reading of Professor Ferguson’s tarot cards. Hindsight is 20/20, so we have to be realistic with our criticism. President Trump did not want 2.2 million Americans to die and did what he thought was necessary to save our lives, relying on a model his advisors told him was trustworthy. It's done. It happened. But it doesn't mean that he should continue the course.
It’s been one month since our country declared a national coronavirus emergency and life as we knew it had ceased. Americans have been growing agitated, unwilling to continue in this way, knowing something is wrong. Trump has sensed that his constituency is displeased with the authoritarian power grab by our Governors and has repeatedly stated that he wishes to reopen the country, but that he needs more information to make the right decision. Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel’s data analysis provides Trump with the assurance that he needs to reopen America.
Mr. President, please review Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel’s research and take bold steps to mitigate the damage to our economy. Now that we see the actual data, continuing the closure course is a greater error, a knowing error, one that can no longer be justified by good intentions.
Editor's Note: Want to support Townhall so we can keep telling the truth about China and the virus they unleashed on the world? Join Townhall VIP  and use the promo code WUHAN to get 25% off VIP membership!

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