Thursday, April 9, 2020

Signed the Documents.

Tom's Journal.

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Hello Friends and Readers,
    Well,  today was a huge day for me and I was nervous at 0900 when my wife and I signed the papers/ documents to purchase the old house we are living in.  So this is house number 5 for me that I have bought and at least my good wife, Lori, will have more security if/ when I die, and that makes me feel good inside.  But being an herbalist for the past 40 some years makes me think that they just MIGHT be a chance that I will survive --- but I am always prepared to meet my MAKER, Father God, Yahweh, at any time.  In fact, not to be morbid but our lives should be spent in preparation for the 'next life.'  And the fact that Christ has Risen from the dead is a sacred promise that we will all be resurrected into the next world, where ever that might be for us as individuals.  The KJV Bible is very clear on that fact.. not fable. 
      Yet, so many people just waste their lives in constant drunkenness and drugs without a stable life of self worth and dignity.  And we don't have to be rich to be happy and content, but our Father wants us to be HAPPY!  "Happiness is a bi-product of serving the Father [and following His Son] in Heaven and obeying His rules and commandments."    And so many people on earth never even heard this!  Actually, it's every Christian's J.O.B. to verbally defend the Faith and at least know the basic scriptures to proof that the Gospel is true to other folks who don't know.  It's not just for poor slobs like me...  LOL.  But, I am not a poor slob;  I am a man made in God's own image, and also have God's Grace [His 'undeserved Kindness'].   In fact pastor Kevin Sullivan just called me on my phone while I was writing this post and we discussed Hebrews 2: 14, and 1st Peter 4: 8-10, that had to do with Grace, etc.  It's so nice to have smart friends, and I also hunted deer with him one year in the U.P.  

But there is one negative note from today, and that is, the place where we signed the house sale papers this morning... that not one of those people working there practiced any kind of Coronavirus SAFETY or even wore Masks!  Nor did the 'seller or his wife' even after I advised him to do just that ahead of time!  Yes, you could say that the people U.P. here are 'too laid back' to the point that they are dangerous to each other!  Shame.   And his uncle just died of the Virus, too!
     Sorry to say, it's kind of like a guy drinking heavy and then wandering into a 'red light district in the city where know hookers hang out and help spread the Aids disease along with other kinds of VD...'  duh.   So... what wrong with that picture?  And just because doctors and scientists may have found some treatments for Aids and VD doesn't mean that it's OK to go catting late at night, and come home with something their wives should not get.  So then, was it the whiskey that was evil, or just plain selfishness and stupidity?  Over in Vietnam they had some forms of VD named:  "Brand X" where there was no known cure and too many American soldiers died in clinics somewhere in Japan, etc., and the Company commander had to write letters home to the survivors/ family about the soldiers' demise.  I was not so pure as the driven snow either, but I know that all my past sins are forgiven.   Yes, that may be true but we can still die from our stupidity, friends.  
    So, my wife wore a N-95 mask and I wore a rid bandana across my face today.

Below are some helpful hints of how to prevent and deal with the Coronavirus.


Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman   

And the immune system supporting ingredients inside Trinity Oil could help you do that... and so much more. 

Go here to get your supply while it’s still in stock.

The 3 Step COVID-19 Action Plan 

Step #1: Rest, Regenerate, And Lower Your Stress 

Our bodies have the power to heal themselves. It’s incredible what we can recover from when we just give our bodies the time to do so... 

But we need to give our bodies “permission” to do so. 

How? By getting quality sleep. 

According to a major study from the University of Tubingen (Department of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology)... 

“sleep and the circadian system are strong regulators of immunological processes...” 4 

And Dr. Eric Olson, an MD from the Mayo Clinic says that a “lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don't get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus…” 5 

The latest research suggests that because sleep influences immunity so much, it might be your first line defense against superbugs. 

That’s why we recommend you make sure that you’re sleeping at least 8 hours each night. And when you feel like you’re getting sick, up it to 10 or 12 hours. 

If you feel fatigued during the day, take a 90 minute nap—90 minutes is enough time for one full sleep cycle, giving your body time to heal itself. 

Step #2: Fortify Your Immune System With Nutrients 

The human immune system can be further fortified by a variety of nutrients, but one particular nutrient might be the most important - Vitamin D. 

In a major study published in the British Medical Journal, researchers analyzed 25 clinical trials that examined the effects of vitamin D in 11,321 people...

The data came from 14 countries, including the U.S., England, Australia, Canada, Italy and Japan. 

The study uncovered that taking vitamin D supplements might be able cut in half the risk of getting a respiratory infection caused by viruses. 

And it concluded: “Vitamin D supplementation was safe and it protected against acute respiratory tract infection…” 6 

Another powerful immune supporting ally is vitamin C...

In a 2017 study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers concluded that “vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system.” 7 

And last, but not least, we have the nutrient Zinc...

Zinc works by helping ensure your immune system is running at the “right level”... so that in case of getting an infection, inflammation doesn’t harm the body...

Ohio State University researchers recently discovered that “zinc helps control infections by gently tapping the brakes on the immune response in a way that prevents out-of-control inflammation that can be damaging and even deadly.” 8 

Here’s the bottom line: during this outbreak, you and your loved ones should be taking vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc on a regular basis. 

Step #3: Get The Type Of Air That Viruses Hate... 

Researchers have long-known that certain viruses do better when the air is dry.9 

That means dry air could increase your risk of getting sick… 

But this might also mean that viruses won’t do as well in moist air. 

So how do you have a moist air environment? 

Use a humidifier in your house to keep the air humid. 

Moist air might help lower the chances of you getting sick in the first place. Plus, it helps to soothe a sore throat—which can help you feel better and sleep more soundly. 

The Bottom Line: Do Whatever It Takes To Support Your Immune System 

There’s a lot of panic in the world right now. And I don’t want to add to it...

But I do want our readers to be prepared. That’s why I encourage you and your loved ones to take the necessary steps to help strengthen your immune systems. 

That doesn’t mean going into “panic mode” and trying a bunch of different things. However, it does mean taking one step today in the right direction of being proactive... 

One small step today could protect you and your loved one’s from our generation’s Trojan Horse.

Praying For Your Health, 

Jessica Stevens 
Health Research Director 
"He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation."- Psalms 24:4
Did you know that most people wash their hands wrong? 

There is in fact a "right way" to wash your hands:
  • Wet your hand with warm water.
  • Apply and lather soap.
  • Scrub your hands for 20 seconds or more. 
  • Either set a timer or sing “Happy Birthday” to ensure that you wash for long enough. 
  • Get into the nooks and crannies—wash each finger, in between the fingers, and your fingernails. 
  • Thoroughly rinse your hands with warm water.
Important Message From Our Trusted Partner
Is Tinnitus Making It Harder For You To Hear God’s Voice? 

Ancient “Jungle Fruit” discovery is helping seniors silence the ringing. And it's making Ear Doctors very nervous. 

Hear everything you need to know before it gets censored by mainstream medicine. 

Did You Find This Week's Issue Useful? Let Us Know... 

Here at Divine Origins our mission is to help you live a healthier life in harmony with your faith. With that said, did you find this week's issue useful? 

Or is there a specific health topic you'd like us to explore? 

Let us know by writing to us at: 

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