Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Resurrection Day!

Tom's Journal.

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Dear Friends,
     I don't know how much truth there is in this following post/ article, but it sure makes us wonder about a lot of things, IMHO [in my humble opinion].  I personally believe that, 'it's better to be prepared... and safe than sorry.'  And how much experience did the USA have on this subject, and what about the primary thoughts about 'chemical and germ warfare' in the first place?  
      I have always kept a good attorney in my employ for many years now, and still do,  just in case something pops up, and I like to be informed so I never rub against the Law the wrong way, plus I read a lot.  As I have said many times before, 'men [in general] don't like SURPRISES --- but women do.'  Surprises like getting laid off from a good paying job... getting a pink slip.  I believe in a good education, in a business sense, or a reliable trade or skill, anything that is clean, legal, moral and productive.  I also firmly believe in a God of Justice, namely Yahweh, and we are so blessed to submit to His only Son, Jesus!  [ One definition of the term, Christian, is:  'A follower or imitator of Christ].   In fact, reading and following the KJV Bible is a dandy way of staying safe, secure and prosperous.  Too much wine and too much song can make a person impoverished and bankrupt. 

I miss rubbing elbows with my fellow Believers in a house of worship,  U.P. in Iron Mountain, MI., too, and the good fellowship and kindness.  But for the short amount of time, 'social distancing'  seemed like the right/ smart thing to do.  And I just read today how the revelers at Mardi Gras in New Orleans are now paying a heavy, solemn price for all that ungodly celebration and their goofy 'traditions.'   Many people know that attending that event lends to gross sin and debauchery.  Friends, having been a Soldier, I know that too much beer and whiskey make a fellow too goofy and loose, and is it worth it when drunk driving kills innocent people on the road and illicit sex outside the marriage brings on nasty VD problems?   Perish the thought, brothers!  I think that we should all be aware of all the problems such immaturity brings... and time  has been sufficient to have learned all these lessons.  And BTW, the Bible doesn't condemn drinking in moderation --- but drunkenness is a sin, along with illicit drug use.   We don't NEED to 'get high' but certain medications help to relieve the extreme pain that some folks have every day, and from terrible accidents and some serious sickness  in life.   Like the time I was 'creamed' by a truck running a stop sign in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while I had the right of way driving my motorcycle on a crisp Autumn day many years ago... and that fractured at least 6 ribs in multiple places and bruised my Right lung so that it was flooding my lung with blood.  I believe that Father God saved me for a special purpose, as I live to tell that true tale, today.  Talk about extreme, lasting PAIN!  Ha!  And that's just one of many extreme encounters in my long life.

So, the show isn't over yet, and yes, we shot some major holes into our once thriving economy.
    The only possible good point is that many have come 'back to Jesus' seeking redemption and forgiveness before the real SHTF scenario... and yes, the Bible tells of worse days ahead, sorry.  In the meantime, we should ponder on the realities of life and stick to the understanding of what God truly wants us to do, and now.  That's the way I feel, at any rate. 
      A dear, old friend of mine [Pastor Kevin Sullivan] has helped me better understand the relationship of God's Grace [undeserved kindness that is free, which can never be merited or bought, except thru Jesus' blood, ransom sacrifice on the cross].  Propitiatory, means:  "All encompassing."  And allowing God's Grace to help us thru life's uncertainties and hard, tough roads in life, etc.
     And while we will never find the "perfect mate," I am so blessed to have a nice, good, loving wife, in Loretta, and kind of wish that I would have met her many years ago, when I was young and handsome.  At least she never steals from me, and shows me respect and kindness, as some other women have  totally ripped me off in the past-- robbing me blind and casting me adrift without warning. 
     But today is not a time to be negative or sorry.  It is a day to celebrate and be happy. 
      I always get up early and let my wife sleep longer... and she needs her deep rest.   I also feel that we can all rest and write/ email/ text our loved ones where ever they may be, to love and exhort, build them up and strengthen on this special day of true Christians.  HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY!    And go figure, friends... just what does the so-called, "Easter rabbit" have to do with Christ's death on the cross??  Early church leaders after the 3rd Century sought to accept Paganism into the church allowing those heathen traditions to be mixed into sacred celebration on the day set aside for Christ's holy [holy means:  set aside for a special purpose.] blood sacrifice to set all mankind free and thus to be forgiven and not go to hell after death, but a chance to go to heaven forever!  Just food for thought today.   I learned all these things many years ago, and isn't it high time that we all understood them?  Or you all can do the research for yourselves.  That's all for today, friends.  I welcome any comments and visits.

Have a great day.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

---- Now here is a real fine dog!  What a dear friend of mine and every good trait you'd want in a fine, loyal animal, the Rottweiler male.  I wish I had a replacement for him.  He used to lift me up from my depression and entertained me.

Study: Two-Thirds of Italians Already Immune to “It”

 563  44  10  144  773


Now that we’re starting to get some actual data on the thing from China that’s been spreading around the globe, we’re in the very early stages of learning some stuff. And that stuff is much better than the wild witch doctor prophecies we’ve been listening to ever since the medical bureaucrats decided to get their tyranny on with the US economy.
That’s the thing about actual data and numbers: When you have those, you can do some real “science.” Everything else is just doomsday prophecies and global warming predictions.
As of this writing, the total number of new confirmed Chinese virus cases in New York has plummeted to 358. That’s a 75% drop in just four days. On the West Coast, the story is much the same, even though San Francisco’s numbers have held steady on new cases.
The states of California, Oregon, Washington are sending hundreds of ventilators back to the national stockpile, after it turn out that their witch doctor predictions wildly overestimated just how bad the outbreak was going to be. California returned 500 ventilators, Washington returned 400 and Oregon returned about 140. We don’t know the total number that New York returned, but it will be in the hundreds as well, if not over 1,000.
The deaths that all of those Democrat governors and their totalitarian state epidemiologists were praying for just haven’t materialized for some reason.
And those two big 1,000-bed Navy hospital ships parked in the harbors in New York and Los Angeles? Neither one has reached a total of 50 patients yet.

In Italy, the numbers are finally beginning to drop as well, and researchers are now trying to figure out exactly what happened. The University of Milan has been testing people to see how many actually had the virus and never showed symptoms. Their latest statistical estimate, which is better than any crazy estimate we’ve seen from the World Health Organization or the CDC here in the US, predicts that as many as 20 million Italians had asymptomatic cases. They never even developed the sniffles.
That would put the coronavirus death toll in Italy at about 0.25%. That’s still more than twice as deadly as seasonal flu, but nowhere near the 3.8 to 4.5% death toll that all the experts told us would happen.
A separate study in northern Italy tested 60 people in Castaglione D’Adda. The catch was that in order to be tested for coronavirus antibodies, you had to be a healthy person with no indication that you had even caught a seasonal cold or flu this year. 40 of the 60 patients who had never showed symptoms of the virus had the antibodies, meaning they had coronavirus at some point, never knew it, and are now immune.
Further translation: We may have just destroyed the most prosperous economy in the history of the world over a virus that two-thirds of us are already immune to.
And if that many of us are immune to it because we’ve had it already, it means that the bug is way more contagious than we previously thought (unlikely), OR, it’s been around since at least last fall.
Australia may have provided another answer to a question that a lot of us have had all along. The Communist Chinese own tons of industries in Australia (especially heavy metals and mining). Australia and China had a lot of daily direct flights before the travel restrictions were put in place. And yet Australia has only had 41 deaths at this point. What could account for the disparity in cases and deaths between the US and Europe on the one hand, and Australia on the other?
Summer, obviously. Australia has been enjoying hot summer temperatures as northern countries dragged through a bad winter. New York City’s daily temperature average through March was 45 degrees. In the first week of April, it’s been averaging 55 degrees as spring approaches.
As the numbers continue to plummet, the totalitarians are going to be quick to pat themselves on the back and give each other awards for wrecking the American economy. “See! Our social distancing and lockdowns saved you! It totally worked and we saved millions of lives by bossing everyone around!”
This, of course, is ridiculous. The same witch doctor models that predicted 11 million dead Americans assumed that we would achieve FULL social distancing, with every American staying at least 6 feet away from all other humans. Did that ever happen at any point during the past three weeks at your local grocery store? I’ve been in close contact with more people in the last three weeks at the grocery store, thanks to the shutdowns, than I’ve been in contact with over the previous decades.
The virus appears to be going away despite the best efforts and best wishes of the Trump-hating media and their witch doctors.

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