Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Blood Sugar and the Coronavirus.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/


Dear Friends and Readers,
     I happen to be  'at risk' concerning the Coronavirus, and so are some of my relatives that I really care about.  I think/ hope that you will  make the time to give my humble post some of your attention today.  And I am always on the watch for new ways to combat this nasty disease/ virus including adding the substance/ herb Berberine to help me lose weight and cutting out sweets and other things in my life.   I pray many times a day for help and strength, thanking the Father for each and every day of life. 

But let me take a chance today by relating some unpopular subjects that might turn some of my readers away from me... sorry to say.  And that 'news' is about the Truth of the Bible' and the time we are now living in. 
      When every effort has been exhausted to rid an old house of poisonous spiders, cockroaches, and snakes, etc., sometimes you just might have to move or have professionals do a 'controlled burn' to your old, unsafe house and buy or build a new house.   In a sense, that is where we are now in God's time table with what Jesus Christ called the "Last Days of this wicked system," mentioned in Matthew, Chapter 24, and in Revelation.  I am not trying to sound preachy or sanctimonious, honest!  But as most of you know --- this is near and dear to my heart. 
       A very unfortunate thing happened to me on the last day that I was in Vietnam, 1970....   I had an emergency and I MISSED the bus  in Long Binh, taking my group to the air field in Bien Hoa,  to take a jet home for good and also out of the Army.  I was filled with shame, discust, and humiliation, but one week later I did catch a jet home to start a new life, back in my State of Wisconsin... Thank God!  Some jack ass sergeant back in 'Nam made fun of me, and it was all I could do not to knock him down...Ha!  But I kept my composure and just took his insults. 

So here is the dilemma,  most of us are fighting tooth and nail to keep this old, wicked, messed up world going by getting involved in passing registration to right past wrongs and make things better.  But nobody in the Universe can out do the Will of the Father in Heaven, and mankind's wickedness threatens the very existence of the human race!  God will NOT be mocked!  Too many people live in fear of a nuclear war --- and now we have to contend with 'Germ Warfare' and the China virus, too!  Even if President Trump is strong, smart, and pulling in the right direction -- so many bad actors are pulling in the opposite direction!  And we can probably bet our last money that who ever wins the national election in the USA-- more riots will happen. 
      I will vote in November, but I realize that anything could happen these days with so much dishonesty, and cheating in our country... but then the Dems have been doing just that for many years!  Sorry.   And it just may happen that a run-away Gov't may demand that everyone take a certain vaccine that also contains a microscopic "Mark" that tells our IDENTITY, Medical history, SSN, and many other super personal things... and don't think that my imagination is running away with me, please.  We are prone to grow sleepy and perhaps 'jaded' these days with a wish to escape all the daily, negative News on TV, etc., but we need to stay focused and alert so that the Gov't doesn't steal our Freedoms!  And many other countries in the world have the same problems.  Thanks for reading my blog.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

Blood Sugar (george@diabetesfreedom.org)To:you Details               
A break-through medical study (from Diabetes.Org) has found the scientific link, why more diabetics are dying from the deadly coronavirus…
According to the report: Everyone with diabetes, including those with type 1, type 2, gestational and other types, is vulnerable to developing a severe illness if they do get coronavirus, but the way it affects you can vary from person to person.
deadly virus
Being ill can make your blood sugar go all over the place. Your body tries to fight the illness by releasing stored glucose (sugar) into your blood stream to give you energy. But your body can’t produce enough or any insulin to cope with this, so your blood sugars rise.
To get your blood sugar levels under control and reverse your diabetes, I share an important video…
This may be the key to getting your diabetes under control and strengthening your immune system.
Check it out, here.
George Reilly, Creator of Diabetes Freedom

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